
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 00:48:24

一、 居民收入
居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重下降.改革开放以来,政府、企业、居民三者分配关系的演变大体可分为向居民倾斜(1978~1995)和向政府、企业倾斜(1996年至今)两个阶段.2000~2007年,居民可支配收入占国民可支配 总收入的比重从65.5%下降到57.5%,下降8个百分点,政府和企业占比则分别提高5.2个和2.8个百分点,劳动者报酬在国民收入初次分析 比重从51.4%下降到39.7%.
就业人员的收入差距也在扩大口000~2008年,在城镇职工中,国有单位、集体单位、其他单位职工实际工资分别增长1.75倍、1.48倍和1.18倍;行业门类间的工资差距由2000年的2.60倍,扩大 到2007年的4.46倍;2008年证券和纺织两大行业的职工平均工资之比达到创记录的10.6倍.低收入群体收入增幅放缓,2000~2008年,城乡低收入家庭人均收入分别增长90%和64%,明显低于城乡居民人均收入151%t和111%的增幅.
二、 城乡差距
三、 两极分化
收入两极分化日趋明显,特别是腐败和灰色收入在一定程序上加剧收入分配差距,社会影响.中国经济改革研究会的一项研究表明,加上隐性收入后,2005年城镇最高与最低收入10%家庭间的人均收入差距从统计显示的9倍扩大到31倍.主要是企业家、个体经营者、专业技术人员、医生、老师、文艺工作者以及部分公职人员存在大量隐性收入.而且近10年来收入差距的扩大 还伴随着私人财富(以及财产性收入)差距的急剧增长.经济学家们根据家庭收入和财富的独立取样调查,私人财富分配与灰色收入紧密相关.
四、 基尼系数

Present situation
Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made breakthrough progress. The GDP problem for more than the UK, Japan, economic strength ranks second in the world, the comprehensive national strength has been enhanced. But in this a series of achievements in the process, the imbalance in the distribution of the issues are also increasingly prominent. Our country has been prevalent in income distribution by an egalitarian country into a higher degree of unequal countries.
One, the income of residents
The proportion of income in the national income decline. Since the reform and opening up, the evolution of the residents of three distribution relation between government, enterprise, can be roughly divided into residents tilt (1978 ~ 1995) and inclined to the government, enterprises (1996 present) two stages. 2000~2007 years, the disposable income of residents accounted for the national total disposable income has fallen from 65.5% to 57.5%, down 8 percentage points, the government and enterprises accounted for an increase of 5.2 percentage points and 2.8 percentage points respectively, labor income in national income has fallen from 51.4% to 39.7% analysis.
Expansion of the income gap between residents. Both the internal between urban and rural areas, between urban and rural areas, between the industry, or, the income gap of residents increased, low income groups income difficult.
Employment income gap also is expanding port from 000 to 2008, the urban workers, state-owned units, collective units, other units of the actual wage growth respectively 1.75 times, 1.48 times and 1.18 times; the wage gap among industries by 2.60 times in 2000, expanded to 4.46 times in 2007; in 2008 the securities and textile two industry average wage ratio reached a record 10.6 times. Low income groups income growth slowdown, 2000 ~ 2008, urban and rural low income families with per capita income growth of 90% and 64% respectively, significantly lower than the urban and rural residents per capita income 151%t and an increase of 111%.
The proportion of income in the national income has decreased year by year:
The labor share in the actual distribution of residents declined year by year:
Two, the gap between urban and rural areas
The two structure in urban and rural areas is mainly to expand our income gap. The national development and Reform Commission society one study showed that, in 2007 the total income gap between urban and rural residents tax contribution rate of 64.5%. The eastern coastal area has the advantages of location and resources, talents, industry to receive the guilt, the fast economic development, income level improve quickly, the western region development lag, income growth is relatively slow. The Gini coefficient in 2007 China's urban residents property income of rural residents was 0.54, the coefficient is 0.51, far more than the Gini coefficient of total income of urban and rural residents, and shows increasing trend.
Multiple comparison of income gap between urban and rural residents:
Three, the polarization
Income polarization is becoming more and more obvious, especially the corruption and grey income in certain procedures intensifies the gap of income distribution, social influence. A study on Chinese economic reform will show, plus hidden income, per capita income gap between the highest and lowest income in cities and towns in 2005 10% families from 9 times to 31 times the statistics. Mainly, the self-employed entrepreneurs, professional and technical personnel, doctors, teachers, writers and artists and some officials there are a lot of hidden income. And in the last 10 years of income gap enlargement accompanied by private wealth (and property income rapid growth gap). Economists according to independent sampling survey of household income and wealth, the private wealth distribution is closely related with the gray income.
Four, the Gene coefficient
According to official statistics, most economists on China's Gini coefficient is estimated at between 0.45 and 0.5, far higher than 0.4 of the world's alert level. Actually in 2000 the Gene coefficient of income of our country dweller exceeds the international warning line of 0.4, showed increasing trend, which in 2008 reached 0.47., the Gene coefficient of urban residents disposable income per capita net income of farmers by expanding and from 2.79:1 in 2000 to 3.31:1 in 2008, most of the gap is more than 12000 yuan.
Urban and rural Gini coefficient trends respectively:
There is a place for the wrong the first point, should be employment income gap also is expanding, 2000 ~ 2008,

英语翻译现状改革开放以来,我国经济取得了突破性的进展.GDP问题接连超过英国、日本,经济实力跃居世界第二,综合国力不断增强.但在这一系列成就的进程中,分配失衡的问题也日益凸显.我国 改革开放以来,我国经济和社会发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,依靠是 改革开放以来,我国经济发展取得了很大成就.2013年我国国内生产总值排名世界第几? 改革开放以来,我国经济发展取得了很大成就,2010年我国国内生产总值(GDP)排名世界第几位? 我国有几个直辖市?改革开放以来,我国经济发展取得了很大成就.2010年我国国内生产总值排名世界第几位? 改革开放以来中国取得了哪些成就 改革开放以来中国取得了哪些成就? 英语翻译改革开放以来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就,伴随着经济的飞速发展,我国银行业也迅速发展壮大起来,在有力的支持了我国经济发展的同时并在世界金融体系中扮演着日益重要的角 改革开放以来,我国经济取得了巨大成就.2010年,我国人均国内生产总值近多少万元?A.10000 B.20000 C.30000 D.40000 列举改革开放以来我国经济建设取得了重大成就 列举改革开放以来中国取得了哪些成就 改革开放以来,我国各个领域取得了那些成就? 举例说说改革开放以来我国社会主义建设取得了那些成就? 初四政治价值判断 改革开放以来,我国经济和社会发展取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就,靠的是党的基本路线的指引.因此,我们必须坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线. 改革开放30年以来,中国经济取得了世界上其它任何国家都不曾有过的最高持续增长水平.实行对外开放是( )A 我国经济社会发展的基本战略B 社会主义现代化建设的政治保证C 我国长期坚持 请好心人译段文字-急用中文摘要今年是我国改革开放30周年,无疑改革开放取得了巨大的历史成就,但是改革开放以来我国经济社会发展也出现了诸多问题,这已日益引起全社会的关注和反思.这 “改革开放以来,我国基础教育取得了辉煌成就,基础教育课程建设也取得了显著成绩”这句话是否有语病? 改革开放以来我国在政治,经济,文化,外交,科技,取得了哪些成绩