说明理由1.Alice ________(post) the parcel just now.2.I don't know when we shall leave for Moon Bay.(保持句意不变)I don't know when ________ ________ for Moon Bay.3.The boy asked that his parents should not gamble any longer.(用不定式该

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 13:38:22

说明理由1.Alice ________(post) the parcel just now.2.I don't know when we shall leave for Moon Bay.(保持句意不变)I don't know when ________ ________ for Moon Bay.3.The boy asked that his parents should not gamble any longer.(用不定式该
1.Alice ________(post) the parcel just now.
2.I don't know when we shall leave for Moon Bay.(保持句意不变)
I don't know when ________ ________ for Moon Bay.
3.The boy asked that his parents should not gamble any longer.(用不定式该写句子)
The boy asked his parents ________ ________ gamble any longer.
4.Mary didn't go shopping last week.She went sightseeing.(保持句意不变)
Mary _______ sightseeing _______ of shopping last week.
5.He didn't play video games.He played with his little cat.(将两句合并为一句)
He played with his little cat _______ _______ playing video games.

说明理由1.Alice ________(post) the parcel just now.2.I don't know when we shall leave for Moon Bay.(保持句意不变)I don't know when ________ ________ for Moon Bay.3.The boy asked that his parents should not gamble any longer.(用不定式该
1 posted(刚才表示动作已发生,故用一般过去时)
2 to leave(疑问词与动词不定式连用)
3 not to (固定用法ASK SB NOT TO DO STH)
4 went ,instead (固定搭配INSTEAD OF 代替)
5 instead of 代替

说明理由1.Alice ________(post) the parcel just now.2.I don't know when we shall leave for Moon Bay.(保持句意不变)I don't know when ________ ________ for Moon Bay.3.The boy asked that his parents should not gamble any longer.(用不定式该 cos2x+sin2x=________(请说明理由!) Alice is studying Chinese .Eric is also studying it.(合并为一句) ______ ______ Alice ______ ______ Eric ______ studying Chinese.请说明理由. 英语单项选择:1.Where was Alice’s sister?I don’t know where ________.A.was Alice’s sister B.Alice’s sister wasC.is Alice’s sister D.Alice’s sister is2.What did he say?I don’t know what _________.A.did he say B.he says C.he has sa 能说说理由就更好了Can you make sure _________ the gold ring?A.Where Alice had putB.Where had Alice putC.Where Alive has putD.Where has Alice putWord came ________ his poem won the first prize.A.thatB.whetherC.asD.becauseI remember ______ thi 【英语】Mother was worried because litter Alice was ill……Mother was worried because litter Alice was ill,eapecially _______ Father was away in France.A.asB.thatC.duringD.if说明理由. 一道数学题目 说明理由 谢谢1. 若不等式2X>a,X∈(2,3)有解,则实数a的取值范围为________. Alice alice 17 ,19 ,________,29 ,31 ,37A、21 B、23C、25 D、27说明理由 Come on,children!Help ________ to some meatA.yourself B.yourselves请说明理由 mouse的复数是________ (A) mice (B) mouses 并说明理由 ________(watch) too much TV is bad for your eyes .解释并说明理由 I live in China.________ is a big country.(A) It(B) She并说明理由 What ________ you _________(do)in your free time.说明理由 ________(look) at zhe picture,please!该填什么?请说明理由. The woman is very grateful _____him ________ his help.解释句意并说明理由. 填介词,说明理由,He embarked ________ a new career as a teacher.