英语翻译但若因恶劣天气关系,如台风或暴雨,一方有权要求课程推迟或取消,恶劣天气的安排如下:• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 02:21:18

英语翻译但若因恶劣天气关系,如台风或暴雨,一方有权要求课程推迟或取消,恶劣天气的安排如下:• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早
• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早上之课程将会取消.
• 如於课程当曰早上十一时或之前卸下8号台风讯号,或取消黑色暴雨警告,该日下午之课程将会恢复.否则,该日下午之课程将会继续取消.

英语翻译但若因恶劣天气关系,如台风或暴雨,一方有权要求课程推迟或取消,恶劣天气的安排如下:• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早
But in the exception of horrible weather (i.g.typhoon or hurricane),one has the right to request for postponing or canceling the lessons,plans for bad weather as below:
-If a hurricane warning arises after or at 6:30 am on the day of the lesson,the morning lesson will be canceled.
• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早上之课程将会取消.
-If the hurricane passes before or at 11:00 am,the afternoon lesson will continue.Otherwise,the lesson for the afternoon will continue to be canceled.

But in the exception of horrible weather (i.g. typhoon or hurricane), one has the right to request for postponing or canceling the lessons, plans for bad weather as below:
-If a hurricane warning...


But in the exception of horrible weather (i.g. typhoon or hurricane), one has the right to request for postponing or canceling the lessons, plans for bad weather as below:
-If a hurricane warning arises after or at 6:30 am on the day of the lesson, the morning lesson will be canceled.
-If the hurricane passes before or at 11:00 am, the afternoon lesson will continue. Otherwise, the lesson for the afternoon will continue to be canceled.
楼顶的,你难弄什么?完全是把我的答案copy and paste...


But if due to bad weather, such as typhoon rainstorm or delay, the party is entitled to request the course of severe weather, or cancel the arrangement is as follows:
Such courses as Japan, 6 in t...


But if due to bad weather, such as typhoon rainstorm or delay, the party is entitled to request the course of severe weather, or cancel the arrangement is as follows:
Such courses as Japan, 6 in the morning after half or hanging above the typhoon signal no 8 or, or a rainstorm black warning is issued, the course that morning will be cancelled.
Such courses as Japan, in the morning on or before 11:8 and unload typhoon signal or black rainstorm warning is cancelled this afternoon, that of course will be restored. Otherwise, the course that afternoon will continue to cancel.


But if on condition that odious weather, such as typhoons or rainstorms, one side of the party have the right to postpone or cancel courses, the arrangements under odious weather as follows:


But if on condition that odious weather, such as typhoons or rainstorms, one side of the party have the right to postpone or cancel courses, the arrangements under odious weather as follows:
• When 6:30 in the morning or later,hoist the No. 8 typhoon signal or even upper or send out black rainstorm warning, the curriculum will be canceled in the morning of that day.
• When 11 o'clock or before in the morning unloading No. 8 typhoon signal or cancel black rainstorm warning ,the curriculm in the afternoon will resumed . Otherwise, the curriculm in the afternoon will cancelled.


英语翻译但若因恶劣天气关系,如台风或暴雨,一方有权要求课程推迟或取消,恶劣天气的安排如下:• 如於课程当曰早上六时半或之后悬挂8号或以上台风讯号,或发出黑色暴雨警告,该日早 台风带来的恶劣天气是什么天气 台风是产生于热带洋面上的一种强烈热带气旋.台风经过时常伴随着大风和暴雨或特大暴雨等强对流天气.风向在北半球地区呈逆时针方向旋转.中心气压、气温均达到最低值,天气条件极为恶劣 雷电( )( ) 海浪( )( ) 暴雨( )( ) 风雪( )( )反应天气恶劣的词语哦 台风是暖风影响下的恶劣天气? 运用大量比喻夸张修辞手法,关于天气恶劣的,如狂风,暴雨之类的,现在就用!补充一二百字小短文 台风天气会影响网络速度吗?如题求教,台风暴雨天气 会不会影响网速?感觉一下暴雨 我家宽带就变慢,玩网游会卡.夏天晚上会很卡 看电影缓冲时间比以前都慢,莫名其妙了- - 在洪水/暴雨/台风等恶劣环境下,前山河两岸的房子有无影响? 东莞夏季常见的灾害性天气东莞市气候条件优越,但也有不利的方面,夏季常见的灾害性天气是 A.台风和暴雨 B.沙尘暴和旱灾 C.暴雨和龙卷风 D.寒潮 表示天气恶劣的词雷电()()、暴雨()() 把词语补充完整,要求能反应天气的恶劣海浪( )风雪( )暴雨( ) 狂风怒吼 海浪( ) 风雪( ) 暴雨( )要求能反映天气的恶劣! 广州如何预防台风、暴雨、寒潮、雷电、雾霾等灾害性天气 广州如何预防台风、暴雨、寒潮、雷% 台风是一种灾害性天气 一下关于台风的说法正确的有1 风速大于或等于12级2 台风眼里风平浪静3 伴有大暴雨4 会引发地震 红色暴雨预警跟台风有关系吗 明天东莞是否有红色台风或暴雨 茂名明天的会下暴雨或打台风吗? 请问海南岛有台风吗?或者类似海啸之内的恶劣天气.3Q我想到海南定居,但不知那里的天气状况,目标城市是海口,不知会不会受台风、海啸之内的恶劣天气破击,另外,我想知道那里一年的最高温