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This flat fills with wide the earth of strong contrast, once is rich fish Yin dense ferry false place, have now filled with sightseeing guest. The north side Indian Spain of mountain area that installs cave and have a hundred years in oasis village more church, and old west mine site town — — holy tower Luo Sha advantage is inferior, is worth for one to swim , crossing desert to go to pull Ba Si to appreciate dim light of night , or raising sail to run to elder brother get this sea and Luo this card open waters, may enjoy wantonly to fish music. In Pacific Ocean Pan get this sea with elder brother hand over , it is also the advanced place of peninsula, the tide with turbulent great waves, the carving masterpiece of be magical presents when your is present: Ai Er A may , arch and sea supernatural finger , and pull all tower Na with the famous monsters such as window stone.
California peninsula goes to south just like a arm of North American continent, from north, more than 1200 kilometer is continuous , department Er the ten thousands of this special sea inclines blue waves, take tightly in the bosom of Mexico. Because of Mexican implement is the 200 marine rights of nautical mile, therefore, department Er specially this sea has become the continental sea between continent of peninsula and Mexico. Luo this card Wo this is located in California peninsula the most south end, the furthest end of distant the earth may say that" is the cape of the ends of the world".
California peninsula is the biggest peninsula on world. This is the sport of the earth's crust before millions of years causes. Colonial times former, peninsula north is the department odd metre of American Indian Er tribe, south wears in ancient Er is ancient with melon her to pull tribe. After conquering Mexico, Spaniard colonial has attempted to conquer peninsula , but do not succeed in 1532 years. Therefore, they think California peninsula is California goddess " add to pull Fei pull " resident Pure land, and always consider for peninsula heart suspect. Up to 1697 years, also conquer Mexico of more than 170 years rear, it just has Jesus style priest arrival peninsula. The spread Gospel via 80 years, also have afterwards Fu this light west department style and each style of many clear nuns priest goes to peninsula to be engage in Gospel spread continuously, up to 1834 years, Spaniard colonial has controled peninsula at last completely, have gotten weapon have no get conquer. This is Spaniard colonial in America final expansionism action.
In 1847 after beautiful ink war, America has attempted to take over California peninsula together together with entire California. But Mexican government does not agree. 1848 years, the melon of America and Mexico signed reaches Lu wear - her to reach Er dagger-axe treaty stipulation, America possesses California forever, the America of now adds state. Mexico in California peninsula central section , with 28 north degree laying outs, divide into north to add state( capital ink west card advantage) and add state( capital pulls Ba Si) under south.
Pull Ba Si , is peaceful seashore city, and with her charming dawn and sunset clouds , it is famous. Pull Ba Si to go south , go along the highway No. 1 to the furthest end of the earth, is Luo this card Wo this. Actually, Luo this card Wo this is holy Lu Ka Si of California peninsula south end , sage is what to squeeze in the total name of angle.
Winter( December goes to the March of next year), Luo this card Wo this nearby sea area is Alaska grey whale avoid cold famous scenic spot. Year is answered for a year, in groups grey whale visit ten thousands kilometers, from Alaska, arrive south to add the mating in sea with warm state or produce young whale. The pregnancy issue of and grey whale is as long as 13 months. After beginning of spring, some weights reach 40 tons of huge whale, the young whale who takes the new student of a group returns Alaska vastly. Therefore, the quilt " grey whale Temple of God( protection zone)" of here the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the United Nations announces " is human natural wealth".
Department Er the furthest end of this special sea and California peninsula, there is a tall and big stone mountain, " a foot " step , is exactly like the trunk in Guilin Li River mountain in ocean. But momentum will be magnificent and many. Mexican person makes " the stone arch of Pacific Ocean ". From time to time, it is come to that the great waves of Pacific Ocean roll; From time to time, department Er the tide of this special sea again hard extrusion goes , remit in Pacific Ocean. " stone arch " former stand a rock, since then toward south in ten thousands of, on foreign surface, also have no a stone and one-inch land again. It is the angle of margin and sea of day really. The ten thousands of Pacific Ocean inclines blue waves, have held department here Er special this pant body.
In the vision of general Mecxican, peninsula is additionally a and Mexican; It is original and desolate. The oasis on peninsula is very few. In 1973, the 1645 kilometers of federal highway No. 1 of total length has run through entire California peninsula from north border up to south end. In 1974, under south, California state formally sets up. Is Mexico most night the federal state that sets up. Territory area 73,948 square kilometers, the 3.6% that takes Mexican nation-wide area however has only 423,516 persons up to the whole state population of 2000 years, average population density is 6 each square kilometer persons. To promote the development of local economy, local government has thought of a lot of methods , develops travel field and export processing field according to local conditions. Attract countries visitor with " adequate sunlight and seawater ". Here average sunshine 360 days, one goes to winter, the visitor of America and Canada as grey whale one after another south takes off. In 80 decade, end and here are just returned when begining to develop travel field and are not famous very much. The most fashionable travel project moves at last to fish. The history that has had tens of years. Under south, it is still to rely on fishery mainly to add the economic income of state. Now, when Luo this card Wo this have possessed 26 5 star guesthouses , 6 golf sites, 6474 hotel guest room. , along seaside, have built a beautiful oasis between azure sea and desolate Gobi Desert, is as long as more than 30 kilometer " travel corridor ". Have shown creativity and the imagination of Mecxican. In 1999, have attracted the tourist of five hundreds and twenty thousands , is foreign visitor in which 85%. The consumer 1450 dollars and travel total income of average per capita reach 8.2800000000 dollars, it is the first to take south to add state gross domestic product , become major economic pillar. Fishery has decreased the position of 3th. Their experience shows , it is insufficient to possess travel resource only, need to still let people know it , and create condition and the opportunity of developing these resources , satisfy the travel option of different kind and different level.
On day, the opportunity of the world is also to add state especially under appreciation south always. " the day of July 11,1991 total eclipse " the most splendid day that is called as 20 century total eclipse. Arrive since pulling Ba Si Luo this card Wo this is best to observe place. 10 a.m., 23 divides into 15 seconds, than estimating time, 2 seconds of bad 1 and beginning are lost. Forty-seven minutes of eleven o'clock 35 seconds, 2 is cut , is eaten. Total eclipse has begun day. The eastern side of the sun arises a group suddenly, is dazzling and shiny , transmission the radiance with general diamond. That is sunshine ball the mountain that rises and fall through moon surface between, to the earth, the final point thrown is shiny, just like a dazzling diamond.
Miracle has appeared: The ring of light like a ship diamond appearance when air. The earth is dim. Crowd mountain the horizon that rises and fall , send the yellow of orange is shiny. Like dusk, again resemble dawn. Temperature has droped suddenly. Cheng Che sky, Venus gives out light first , is followed tightly, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Sirius, miracle like land get into backdrop, Yi Yi raw light. When dark solar surface around the radiance that has a level of weak yellow appearance, fit to do " day Mian " , seem moon to the solar diamond royal crown put on. Move about since that annual straight value is solar for the summit year of the period of 11 years, therefore, day Mian submit summit annual peculiar circular form. Day Mian side go up, even Xie have made curious brilliance, radiate outward , arise especially big light beam, astronomer name is " Mian flow ".
This day the continued 6 of total eclipse divides into 37 seconds of 5. Than estimating 10 seconds of time length, it is many.
Holy Lu Ka Si angle is Pacific Ocean and California gulf join place, the most south end of inferior peninsula locates in to add the nun nun of good fortune , quiet gulf and warm seawater have offered for whale good breed place, annual 1 2 month goes to next year 2 month, in groups grey whale leave the seawater of ice-cold north Pacific Ocean, swim to 9 the California gulf besides 1000 kilometers gives birth to descendants. Mexican government has established whale protection zone here , watches whale every year before attracting plenty of visitors, give local bring must the travel income of U.S. dollar. In October 2002, 26 to 27 day and 10th APEC leader informal meeting will be held here.

California, state in the western United States, bordering the Pacific Ocean. The third largest state in the Union, California covers an area of great physical diversity in which uplands domi...


California, state in the western United States, bordering the Pacific Ocean. The third largest state in the Union, California covers an area of great physical diversity in which uplands dominate the landscape. The mountains, hills, ridges, and peaks of California flank the coastline, rise to nearly 4,600 m (15,000 ft) in the towering Sierra Nevada, encircle the great fertile basin of the Central Valley, and separate the desert into innumerable basins. However, despite the physical dominance and economic value of the uplands, California’s urban areas and economic production are concentrated in the valleys and lowlands, such as in the huge metropolitan region centered on Los Angeles, the state’s largest and the nation’s second largest city. Manufacturing, agriculture, and related activities are the principal sources of income. They are based in large part on the state’s wealth of natural resources, its productive farmlands, its large and highly skilled labor force, and its ability to market its output both at home and abroad.

California’s size, complexity, and economic productivity make it preeminently a state of superlatives. It has the lowest point in the country, in Death Valley, and the highest U.S. peak outside of Alaska, Mount Whitney. Among the 50 states it has the greatest number of national parks and national forests, and the only stand of giant sequoias. Its annual farm output is greater in value than that of any other state, and it leads the rest of the nation in the production of many crops. It is the leading state in volume of annual construction and manufacturing. California has more people than any other state and more automobiles, more civil aircraft, and more students enrolled in universities and colleges.
Between the late 1940s and late 1980s the rate of growth and actual growth of California’s population and economy were phenomenal compared with other states. However, this growth also gave rise to, or aggravated, several major problems that now face Californians. Much of the growth occurred in the dry south where water shortages must be offset by vast, expensive public projects delivering water from the wetter north. Urban centers extended outward into good farmland, forever removing it from food production. In addition, as population continues to increase, California is faced with the problem of providing its inhabitants with more schools, hospitals, water, highways, recreational facilities, and other services.
The name California was first used to designate the region by the Spanish expedition led by Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, as it sailed northward along the coast from Mexico in 1542. The name itself was probably derived from a popular Spanish novel published in 1510 in which a fictional island paradise named California was described. The state’s official nickname is the Golden State, referring to the gold rush, which played a central role in California’s entry into the Union on September 9, 1850, as the 31st state. The nickname also suggests the state’s golden fields and sunshine.
Outdoor recreation has long played an important part in Californian life, and the state’s numerous recreational facilities are heavily used by both visitors and residents. Many of these facilities are found in the national parks, national forests, state parks, municipal parks, and other areas set aside for public use by the federal, state, and local governments. Lumbering, hunting, and fishing are regulated in these areas, many of which serve as preserves for the state’s forests, wildlife, and other natural resources.
A National Parks
Merced River, Yosemite National Park The Merced River winds past spectacular granite rock formations such as Half Dome in California’s Yosemite National Park.David Orbock/Village Gallery

Among California’s eight national parks are some of the most frequently visited parks in the country. Yosemite National Park covers 3,100 sq km (1,200 sq mi) of scenic wild lands, including alpine wilderness, three groves of giant sequoias, and the glacially carved Yosemite Valley, with its impressive waterfalls, cliffs, and unusual rock formations. Sequoia National Park, located in central California, is home to the 84-m (275-ft) General Sherman giant sequoia, considered the most massive tree in the world. Its circumference measured directly above the ground flare is 25 m (83 ft). Some of the world’s tallest trees grow in the Redwood National Park in the northwestern portion of the state. Joshua Tree National Park has a representative stand of Joshua trees and other desert vegetation. More of California’s dramatically beautiful landscapes can be found in Kings Canyon National Park, located in the Sierra Nevada and containing two enormous canyons of the Kings River. In stark contrast is Death Valley National Park, which encompasses the lowest land surface in the Western Hemisphere and the place where the country’s record high temperature was recorded.
Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park Millions of years ago, the Merced River carved the narrow Yosemite Valley, in central California. The glaciers that followed smoothed out the interior and left behind them impressive waterfalls, cliffs, and rock formations.Pat O'Hara Photography

Before the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens in Washington, Lassen Peak, located in Lassen Volcanic National Park, was the most recently active volcano in the contiguous 48 states, erupting periodically from 1914 to 1921. Other signs of volcanic activity, including cinder cones, lava flows, lava tube caves, pit craters, and steam vents, can be found in Lava Beds National Monument, near the Oregon border, and in the Mammoth Mountain area of the eastern Sierra Nevada. Devils Postpile National Monument, also near Mammoth Mountain, contains lava columns up to 18 m (60 ft) high, and Pinnacles National Monument, in the Diablo Range, has rock spires, caves, and a variety of volcanic features.
John Muir Wilderness, California The Sierra National Forest is south of Yosemite in California. Pioneer Basin, pictured here, is in the John Muir Wilderness section of the park. Scottish-born John Muir (1838-1914) was an American explorer and naturalist who lobbied for the creation of national parks. He founded the Sierra Club and has several parks named in his memory.Pat O'Hara/ALLSTOCK, INC.

Five of the eight islands in the Santa Barbara channel comprise the Channel Islands National Park. A portion of the park is under water and provides habitat for marine life ranging from microscopic plankton to the world’s largest creature, the blue whale. Also preserving a section of California’s coastal environment is Point Reyes National Seashore about 60 km (about 40 mi) north of San Francisco.
Other national sites commemorate the rich history of California. Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego’s Point Loma district marks the spot where in 1542 Europeans first set foot upon what is now California. Fort Point National Historic Site, which is part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, contains the fort built in the mid-1800s to prevent any hostile fleets from entering San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park contains a square-rigged sailing ship, steam schooner, three-masted schooner, steam tug, and a paddle wheel tug.
Manzanar National Historic Site, located in the southern Owens Valley of eastern California, commem