
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 15:00:45


A division of the United Kingdom,the southern part of the island of Great Britain.Originally settled by Celtic peoples,it was subsequently conquered by Romans,Angles,Saxons,Jutes,Danes,and Normans.Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536,with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain,and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom.London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom.Population,46,220,955.
A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides,Shetland Islands,and Orkney Islands.Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times,the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth century a.d..In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom,but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted,leading to a series of bloody wars.When Mary Queen of Scots's son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603,the two kingdoms were united.Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707.Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city.Population,5,149,500.
苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛.史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领.在 公元5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国.到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争.当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了.通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分.爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市.人口5,149,500
A principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain.Incorporated with England since the Act of Union (1536),Wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment.Cardiff is the capital and the largest city.Population,2,790,462.
A country occupying most of the island of Ireland.Established as the Irish Free State in 1922,Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937.The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18),1949.Dublin is the capital and the largest city.Population,3,443,405.

A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons,...


A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population, 46,220,955.
A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth century a.d.. In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars. When Mary Queen of Scots's son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united. Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707. Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city. Population, 5,149,500.
苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领。在 公元5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国。到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争。当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分。爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市。人口5,149,500
A principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain. Incorporated with England since the Act of Union (1536), Wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment. Cardiff is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,790,462.
威尔士英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区。自联盟令(1536年)后与英格兰合并,它同时保持了自己的独特文化风格和强烈的民族主义情感。卡迪夫为其首府及最大城市。人口2, 790,462
A country occupying most of the island of Ireland. Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937. The Republic of Ireland was proclaimed on Easter Monday (April 18), 1949. Dublin is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,443,405.


The four constituent nations that form the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
London is the capital city of England as well as the United Kingdom. It is a city f...


The four constituent nations that form the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
London is the capital city of England as well as the United Kingdom. It is a city full of history, heritage and culture. There are many points of interest in London, such as the Tower Bridge, London Tower, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul Cathedral, Houses of Parliament and the London Eye. There are also three hundred museuums and art galleries, numerous of live Broadway shows in London.
Here are some other places worth to visit in England, such as Wimbledon, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Windor, just to name a few. One well known football team in England is Manchester United and it is in the nothern part of England.
Scotland forms the northern part of the island of Great Britain. The offical language is English but Gaelic is also spoken in the North and West of Scotland. Scotland is divided into three main regions: the Highlands, the Midland Valley, and the Souther Uplands. There are also over seven hundred islands in Scotland. The major cities are Edinburgh(the captal city of Scotland), Glasgow and Dundee.
Ther are numerous lakes and castles that make Scotland an interesting place to visit. Last but not the least, Loch Ness is one of the most popular lake because of its dinosaur like monster.
Ireland reminds us green and St. Patrick's Day. Green is the color of Ireland and St. Patrick's Day in March is the day most Irish celebbrate all over the world. The most populated cities are Belfast and Dublin (the capital city). Ireland is breathtaking for its landscapes, waterways, castles that come with historical significance.
Wales is located in the south-west of Great Britain. Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. The climate is good since it never gets too hot or too cold. There are about four hundred castles and over one hundred stone monuments in Wales.


英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、爱尔兰的英文介绍快,急用!一定要是英文啊!今天晚上8点一定回过来!我必好好报答! 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、爱尔兰在历史上是如何统一的,英文描述、、、英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、爱尔兰在历史上是如何统一的,从而创建了今天的英国?英文叙述,越长越好,1500单词,重谢、 英格兰 威尔士 苏格兰 爱尔兰 北爱尔兰 英国 之间的关系.乱死了~rt 大不列颠?英格兰?英国?爱尔兰?1.大不列颠中什么国家?是不是有4个 英格兰 苏格兰 威尔士 和 爱尔兰?2.那北爱尔兰属于什么?是什么国家的?3.我的平时说的 “英国”是不是指 英格兰 苏格兰 威 1.威廉华莱士怎么失败的?2.那时苏格兰在反抗英格兰,爱尔兰和威尔士在反抗吗?3.哪个国王承认罗伯特·布鲁斯是苏格兰国王? 英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰 用英文表示速求 威尔士、爱尔兰、苏格兰和英格兰,还有英国和这几个地方是关系?RT 爱尔兰,北爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士,英格兰他们有什么关系?历史上是为什么分开的?他们都属于英国管的吗?请具体解答. 请问,爱尔兰、苏格兰、英格兰、大不列颠,是属于英国的吗? 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、爱尔兰 之间到底是什么关系阿?好像是一个国家,又好像是几个国家 英国英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士,北爱尔兰地图 英国的米字旗是由原来的英格兰,苏格兰与爱尔兰地区的旗子合并而成的为什么没有威尔士地区的旗子呢?而且当时为什么不是北爱尔兰而是整个爱尔兰? 爱尔兰 英格兰 威尔士 格陵兰 还有英国 他们是什么关系,并且简单介绍下 英国的政治制度是什么?英国的四个地区爱尔兰 苏格兰 威尔士 英格兰他们的政治制度是像中国中央政府管辖下的省,还是像香港澳门是自治区? “英国是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国”用英语怎么说? 英国?英格兰.苏格兰.威尔士和北爱尔兰啥关系? 汉译英:英国由英格兰,苏格兰,北爱尔兰和威尔士组成 苏格兰,英格兰,爱尔兰的联系和区别?最好,讲以下它们各自的历史和风俗习惯.