
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 17:51:45


when talking about the enviromental problem, I want to write some words about the things happens in the countryside.
nowadays, every farmer knows to use pesticide to control the pest and disease occured in their crops, and people used to pour the obslete pestcides or wash their container in the river. this habit is very harmful to the eco-system of the countryside, so to change this situation must to change the idea of the farmer, to educate them the detail method to protect the enviroment.
another aspect is mainly about the pollute-generate industry, these industry must be assessed and government should establish a revenue to help them to establish the facility to reduce the the pollution. and this revenue must mainly offered by the government and not push the highest pressure to the plant, because they are in a very difficult situtation already, without no support they noly have one way-----bankruptcy, and more and more people will lose their job, and a new problem will emersion.
so deal with the pollution is a system working, it is not a problem that can resolve in one year, government should take a group of measures to fight against the pollution.
As chinese economy grows so quickly, it is not avoidable that our environment will become more and more serious. If our government doesn't realize that there is no time for us to improve our environment, after two or three decades there will not be a place for our generations. At that time, we begin to do something to improve our environment, perhaps that is too late. And it will cost us money money and time to curb this disease.
In my opinion, there are three ways to change the situation that we face recently.
Firstly, we should control the factory that makes too much pollution. Our governmnet can issue more serious policy to demand the so many bosses to pay more attention to environment protection. If they do against our regulation and law, our officails should make serious punishment on them and make them know that if they don't pay attention to environment protection, then they will get more losses.
Secondly, we need more experts and professionals to make our public know that it is very important for us to protect our society and our only earth. We need education. Every one needs education. Let our citizens know that if we distreat our natrue, one day the natrue will revenge us. The result will be very serious and our people will not tolerate that result.
Thirdly, Our governmnet especially the central government should pay attention to the corruption. As we know, corruption is very serious recently in China. Some officails get some illegal money and allow some companies produce some pollution. It is a good deal between the officails and companies. But it will make great bad influence on our citizens. We lose the fresh air and water. It will threat to our health greatly. Some bodies are sick because of the polluted air and water.
In conclusion, I want to say that all of these thins can be solved under the control of our central government. We should keep confident and believe our government. We should believe that our central governmnet will bring us to a better life and more comfortable environment. Just as many people said that the dream of harmonious society can come true one day, even now that our society faces a lot of problems.

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