
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 17:03:49


Martin Luther king junior was born in 1929,and he went to the university of B oston at 1951.At the same year he fell in love with Scott ,they got married at the followed year.He left Boston at 1554,and became a priest.Then he began to lead the black movement ,and usually gave speeches in different place .Thousands of black people listened to his famous speech I HAVE A DREAM in 1963.The next year he won the prize of Nobel Peace.He was killed at 1968.

Martin Luther King was born in 1929 .He was attended in Boston University in 1951and felt in love with Scott .Also they got married the next year.After graduation ,he who became a priests left Boston...


Martin Luther King was born in 1929 .He was attended in Boston University in 1951and felt in love with Scott .Also they got married the next year.After graduation ,he who became a priests left Boston and started to lead Negro movement. He often made speeches and in 1963 thousands of negro heard his speech ”I have a dream".He was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1964,but it is a pity that Martin Luther King was killed in 1968.


据汉语,写一篇120词的初中英语作文马-丁·路-德·金-1929年-出-生,1951年-就-读-波-士-顿-大-学,与-scott-相-爱-了,并-于-第-二-年-结-婚;1954念-大-学-毕-业-离-开-波-士-顿,成-为-牧-师,开始领导-黑- 要一篇关于中国崛起的初中英语作文120词左右 一篇初中英语作文、自己写的、什么内容都行 我的小的狗写一篇初中英语作文50词 初中英语作文(50词)50词,写春节和父亲节..是春节一篇.父亲节一篇....不是两篇一起的... 写一篇关于怎样学好汉语的英语作文 求一篇初中英语作文 《难忘的一节英语课》70词 急需一篇初中英语的作文.最少15句话,多到20句话.介绍《我的家庭》的作文.是3口人,一个工人,一个家庭主妇来写,还有一个初中生.就这些,(驻:要有汉语翻译!) 初中英语作文 以selfstudy为题目写一篇100字左右的作文好的话 高分求一篇作文、急!低要求 初中英语作文:假想你是一名歌手或运动员,写一篇你的假期计划的文章(50词左右) to be polite student!帮我写一篇这样的初中英语作文!短一点的! 写一篇对高中英语与初中英语方法不同的英语作文 以“初中英语与高中英语的区别”为主要内容写一篇英语作文 字数不限 请帮我写一篇在奥运会上做志愿者的初中英语作文, 请帮我写一篇初中英语作文,以My invention为题,单词最好要常见的 帮忙写一篇包含英语八大时态的英语作文,用初中英语知识, 初中英语作文(初三),写人和写事的作文个一篇符合初三的水平就好了 一篇关于五一假期打算的初中英语作文,时态主要涉及一般将来时,词汇人教版初中英语八年级水平,字数别超120词,