来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 03:04:26
一切, (他口口声声说) ,是东西,但实际上不是. 每个人都永远是别的地方. 也许,这是城市,在城市,使他感到如何酷儿一切正和,这是另一回事. 也许(他一直思考) ,这是名字的东西. 名字分别为号,而且经常koid . 或者他们flex和oid指定或他们迪鲁瓦(砂)或flexsan ( duro ) ,但都遭到玻璃(但不太玻璃)和一件事,你感动(从表面上看,水洗,防皱抗药性)是橡胶制品,它不仅不太橡胶和你没有相当触摸它,但几乎. 墙上的,这是玻璃的,但原来就遭不被一堵墙,这是另一回事,这是一个开放或大门口-门口(通过他看到了自己的临近)最终被证明的东西,否则,它是一个墙. 和他吃了不同意他的说法.
他是在洗楼,但他不能肯定. 现在那些老鼠,他口口声声说自己. 他的意思老鼠说,这位教授曾驱使疯狂,强迫他们应付各种问题,这些超出范围的影响,无法解决的问题. 他指的是老鼠进行了培训,跳起来在广场卡与圈在中间,与卡(因为它是东西,它不是)会作出让步,让老鼠成为一个地方的食物,但那么一天,那将是一个把戏,对鼠,同时该卡将被改变,而老鼠会跳,但该卡将不会退让,这是一个不可能的情况(老鼠)和老鼠会去疯了,并把它的眼睛来了无法形容的美好恳求期待的落空,经过热惊厥均超过和疯狂赛车左右,那么被动阶段,将设在并愿意让什么做的,因此,即使它是其他什么东西.
他不知道哪门(或墙)或开放在众议院踊跃,以渡过的,因为一个是开放,这不是门(这是一个无效的,或小孩) ,以及其他被墙是不是一个开放的,这是一个卫生橱柜的同样颜色. 他喜爱看他的眼睛凝视他的眼睛,在和他们的是表达他所看到的在相片中的老鼠-厌倦后,抽搐和疯狂赛车左右,当他们愿意,不介意什么做给他们. 越来越多的(他口口声声说)我面对一个问题,就是无能的解决方案(这个时候,即使他选择了正确的大门,将不会有食物背后的) ,这是什么疯狂的是,事情似乎有不同从它们是什么. 他听到了,在众议院如他,在这个城市,因为他曾经历了(朝着大门可能发生或不给予单程) ,噪音-不是巨响,但更多的是低预制嗡嗡. 它来自一个地方,在该基地的围墙(或陈述)凡烟道进行了过滤空气中,而不是远离了minipiano ,这是取得的同一物料nailbrushes作出的,这是下楼梯. '这也已经过测试, '她说,指着,但不能以它, ' ,并发现可行'这不是巨响,他不断思考,抱歉,他曾看到他的眼中,即使这是通过他自己的眼睛,他曾见过他们.
首先将热惊厥(他说) ,然后用尽,则愿意让什么工作要做. '你最好相信,它会.
终其一生,他已经面临的情况已无法得到解决,而且有一种蓄意背后的这一切,背后的这一变化的卡(或门) ,因为他们总是等到你学会了跳,在某卡(或门) -一个与圆-然后他们会改变它在你们身上. 有这么多门,改变了我,他说,在过去的二十年,但它现在越来越清楚这是不可能的情况,问题在于是否要跳楼再次,即使他们ruffle你的rump与发生爆炸的空气-让你跳. 他想,他不是站在由minipiano . 首先,他们会教你祈祷和诗篇,这将是正确的大门( 1与圈) ,以及长远的花言巧语与罗马教廷声音,那将是一个跳起来,在得到那里的食物. 那么,有一天你跳,并没有退让,使所有你得到的桥头跳车对鼻子,和第一次的困惑,首先年轻人困惑.
我不知道他是否要告诉她有关门,他们被取代或不是,他说,一个与方程,它与相片中的阿米巴复制自己的师长. 还是另一次则与摄取的副本检查为32美元和50美分. 但跳跃是如此,前不久,虽然撞得头破血流. . . 如何实现这些旧伤疤伤害! 正在疯狂,这样便不会这么坏,如果只,如果只. 如果只有当你把你的脚着采取的一个步骤,地面不会拿出来满足您的脚的方式有. 并以同样的方式在街头(只有我可能永远不会回到街头,除非我跳,在适当的大门) ,遏止未来步伐,迎接你的脚,预计以往任何时候都如此微妙的重量尸体,这是在其他地方. '我们可以采取你的名字, '她说, '发送到你' ,它便不会这么坏的,如果只有你可以看到一句都取道无跳(你的眼睛)的东西,否则就同一页面,然后(他一直思考)有这名男子在新泽西州,一个人开始砍他的树了,一个接一个,该名男子开始谈到他将如何采取他的房子得粉身碎骨,砖,因为他所面临的一个问题无法解,可能,所以他就开始攻击,在树木在院子里,就开始采摘与颤抖的手指在砖在众议院. 即使一所房子,是不是可洗,这是值得考虑的. 这不是直到后来用尽套英寸
不过,这是无可避免的,他们会不断改变的大门对你,他说,因为这正是他们所为,以及这件事是去习惯它,不让它动摇头脑. 不过这将意味着它不跳了,你不能这样做. 没有人可以不跳. 将不会有任何不跳. 其中老鼠,或许,但人民之间从来没有. 每个人都必须不断跳跃在门(一次与圈内) ,因为这是每个人的方式,尤其是一些人. 你也不会要我,站在这里,就是要告诉你,你会不会,我的朋友诗人(已故) ,他们说, '我的心注视着我所有的日子,我不能名字'吗? (它有圈内它) ,并像许多诗人,尽管很少,所以亲爱的,他走了. 它杀了他,跳跃. 第一,当然,有初步的较量,抽搐,以及平静和意愿.
我记得门与相片中的女孩,就资讯科技(仅是春季) ,她伸出,在loveliness ,她的服饰(这是一次与圈内)捕获,开始缓慢的,明确的,致盲级联和我猜我们都愿意尝试,大门再次,因为它好像途径和一段时间,这是这样,将大门打开,你会去通过翅和崇高的(如鼠)和食品,将有,方式,教授了,它安排了,什么都好,而你选择了正确的大门,为世界是年轻人. 当时他们改变了这门对我来说,我的鼻子流血,为100个小时-你怎么想,主席? 或将您喜欢拿给我看,进一步通过这一奇怪了房子,或者,你可以把我的名字和发送给我,虽然我的心情注视着我所有的日子,我不能名字,我感到厌倦了跳,我不知道朝哪个方向走,主席,我什至不知道我是不是累了超越耐力的男子(鼠,如果你会) ,并已采取假的,思维正常. 你是干什么的以下这些日子里,老朋友后,你的复苏,从去年颠簸? 叫什么名字,或者是一些你不能贵姓? 老鼠有一个名字为它的这个时候,也许,但我不知道他们所谓的. 我请它,而它进来,床单,像绝热板,高不可攀和ugli -证明.
草长轻晚间在夏季和砾石为车道(都必须经过深思熟虑,有计划)和装饰性的边界,大概,多年生植物和这个bug喷雾,并建造了房子,从规划的建筑师,首先是窗台,然后史学家,然后充分玉米在耳朵里,地板奠定了在地板上木材的,平滑,然后地毯后,顺利地板和窗帘和棒说明. 然后,几乎是在没有警告,他将跳跃在同旧的大门,并不会给:他们改变了,这对他,使生命不再值得支持下,土地管理部门在榆树树荫下, maples在枫树绿荫.
这是我们无法预知(也许这是市) ,是什么使他感到了道路,他这样做了,我不是只有一个,因为他一直思考-问问任何医生,如果我的. 医生,他们知道还有多少有,他们甚至不知从何麻烦的是,他们只是不喜欢告诉你关于前额叶,因为这意味着一个洞,你的头骨和清除工作的几个世纪. 它花了这么长的未来,这耳垂,所以很多年. (是,它的东西你看在该文件中,也许? ) ,现在,该品种被这么大,大门已经改变了由教授,一旦过于频密. . . 但它只是指喷气醚,有几个涅米宁笔划,及较高的动物成为松了口气,在他心中却越来越像低. 从现在开始,你看,这就是它会,哪些是与小较多叶会赢,因为其他的是伤害了太多这种持续不断的颠簸. 他们能站在公正了这么多,是加拿大人,医生? (和什么是祈祷,你在你的手? ) ,但你永远不知道,教统局主席?
他越过(小心)房间里,厚厚的地毯下,他悄悄地,并到走向大门,小心,这是玻璃,他可以看到自己,并且,在他的做法,开,使他能够通过;跨越他的一半,可望找到其中的一个旧的门说,他早已知道,也许一次与循环,其中一个与女孩,她伸出,在loveliness及美容在他面前. 但他看到,而是感人的楼梯,史提芬在轻(他一直思考) ,以街道下面,并给其他人. 他走出机舱时,地面开始小幅上升,以满足他的脚.
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Everything (he kept saying)is something it isn’t.And everybody is always something else. Maybe it was the city,that made him feel how queer everything was the names of the things.The names were tex an...
Everything (he kept saying)is something it isn’t.And everybody is always something else. Maybe it was the city,that made him feel how queer everything was the names of the things.The names were tex and frequently koid.Or they were flex and oid,or they were duroid(sani) or flexsan(duro),but everything was glass(but not quite glass)and the thing that you touched(the surface ,washable,crease-resistant)was rubber,only it wasn’t quite rubber and you didn’t quite touch it but almost.The wall,which was glass but thrutex,turned out on being approached not to be a wall,it was something else,it was an opening or doorway-and the doorway(through which he saw himself approaching)turned out to be something else,it was a wall.And what he had eaten not having agreed with him.
He was a washable house,but he wasn’t sure.Now about those rats,he kept saying to himself.He meant the rats that the Professor had driven crazy by forcing them to deal with problems which were beyond the scope of rats,the insoluble problems.He meant the rats that had been trained to jump at the square card with the circle in the middle,and the card(because it was something it wasn’t)would give way and let the rat into a place where the food was,but then one day it would be a trick played on the rat,and the card would be changed ,and the rat would jump but the card wouldn’t give way,and the it was an impossible situation(for a rat)and the rat would go insane and into its eyes would come the unspeakably bright imploring look of the frustrated,and after the convulsions were over and the frantic racing around ,then the passive stage would set in and the willingness to let anying be done to it ,even if it was something else.
He didn’t know which door (or wall)or opening in the house to jump at,to get through ,because one was an opening that wasn’t a door (it was a void ,or koid)and the other was a wall that wasn’t an opening,it was a sanitary cupboard of the same color. He caught a glimpse of his eyes staring into his eyes,in the thrutex ,and in them was the expression he had seen in the picture of the rats-weary after convulsion and the frantic racing around,when they were willing and did not mind having anything done to them.More and more (he kept saying )I am confronted by a problem which is incapable of solution (for this time even if he chose the right door ,there would be no food behind it)and that is what madness is,and things seeming different from what they are. He heard,in the house where he was,in the city to which he had gone(as toward a door which might,or might not ,give away),a noise-not a loud noise but more of a low prefabricated humming.It came from a place in the base of the wall (or stat)where the flue carrying the filterable air was,and not far from the Minipiano ,which was made of the same material nail-brushes are made of and which was under the stairs.”This,too,has been tested,”she said ,pointing,but not at it,”and found viable.”It wasn’t a loud noise,he kept thinking,sorry that he had seen his eyes,even though it was through his own eyes that he had seen them.
First will come the convulsions(he said),then the exhaustion,then the willingness to let anything be done.”And you better believe it will be.”
All his life he had been confronted by situations which were incapable of being solved,and there was a deliberateness behind all this,behind this changing of the card(or door),because they would always wait till you had learned to jump at the certain card(or door)-the one with the circle –and then they would change it on you.There have been so many doors changed on me,he said,in the last twenty years, but it is now becoming clear that it is an impossible situation,and the question is whether to jump again,even though they ruffle you in the rump with a blast of air-to make you jump.He wished he wasn’t standing by the Minipiano.First they would teach you the prayers and the Psalms,and that would be the right door(the one with the circle),and the long sweet words with holy sound,and that would be the one to jump at to get where the food was.Then one day you jumped and it didn’t give way,so that all you got was the bump on the nose,and the first bewilderment,the first young bewilderment.
I don’t know whether to tell her about the door they substituted or not, he said , the one with the equation on it and the picture of the amoeda reproducting itself by divition . Or the one with photostatic copy of the check for thirty –two dollors and fifty cents . but the jumping was so long ago ,although the bump is…how those old wounds hurt ! Being crazy this way wouldn’t be so bad if only , if only . If only when you put your foot forward to take a step ,the ground woundn’t come up to meet your foot the way it does . And the same way in the street (only I may never get back to the street unless I jump at the right door ) the curb coming up to meet your foot ,anticipating ever so delicately the weight of the body ,which is somewhere else . “ We could take your name ,”she said ,”and send it to you .”And it woundn’t be so bad if only you cound read a sentence all the way through without jumping (your eye ) to something else on the same page ; and then (he kept thinking) there was that man out in Jersey ,the one who started to chop his trees down ,one by one , the man who begin tanking about how he wound take his house to pieces ,brick by btick ,because he faced a problem incapaable of solution ,probably ,so he began to hack at the bricks in the house . Even if a house is not washable ,it is worth takeing down . It is not till later that the exhaustion sets in.
But it is inevitable that they will keep changing the doors on you ,he said, because that is what they are for ; and the thing is to get used to it and not let it un settle the mind .But that wound mean not jumping ,and you can’t . Nobody can not jump. There will be no not –jumping .Among rats ,perhaps ,but among people never . Everybody has to keeping jumping at a door ( the one with the circle on it ) because that is the way everybody is , specially some people . you woundn’t want me ,standing here ,to tell you , would you , about my friend the poet (deceased) who said ,“My heart has followed all my days something I can’t name”? (it had the circle on it. ) And like him ,the jumping .First ,of course ,there were the prelimiary bouts , the conculsions ,an6d the calm and the willingness.
I rememder the door with the picture of the girl on it (only it was spring), her arms outstretched in loveliness, her dress( it was the circle on it ) uncaught ,beginning the slow ,clear ,blinding casccade –and I guess we would all like to try that door again ,for it seemed like the way and for a while it was the way ,the door would open and you would go through winged and exalted (like any rat ) and the food would be there , the way the Professor had it arranged ,everything O.K, and you had chosen the right door for the would was young .The time they changed that door for the world was young .The time they changed that door on me ,my nose bled for a hundred hours---how do you like that ,Madam ? Or would you prefer to show me further through this so strange house ,or you could take my name and send it to me ,for although my heart has followed all my days something I cannot name , I am tired of the jumping and I do not which want to go ,Madam, and I am not even sure that I am not tried beyond the endurance of man ( rat ,if you will ) and have taken leave of sanity . What are you following these days , old friend after your recovery from the last bump ? What is the name ,or is it something you can’t name ? The rats have a name for it by this time ,perhaps, but I don’t know what they call it . I call it plexikoid and it comes in sheets , something like insulating board , unattainable and ugli—proof.
And there was the man out in Jersey, because I keep thinking about his terrible necessity and the passion and trouble he had gone to all those years in the indescribable abundance of a house -holder’s detail, building the estate and the planting of the trees and in spring the lawn-dressing and in fall the bulbs for the spring burgeoning ,and the watering of the gress on the long light evenings in summer and the gravel for the driveway (all had to be thought out , planed) and the decorative borders ,probably ,the perennials and the bug spray ,and the building of the house from plans of the ear ,the architect, first the sills , then the studs ,then the full corn in the ear ,the floors laid on the floors and the curtains and the rods therefor .And then ,almost without warming ,he would be jumping at the same old door and it wouldn’t give : they had changed it on him , making life no longer supportable under the elms in the elm shade , under the maples in the maple shade .
“Here you have the maxiumum of openness in a small room .”
It was impossible to say ( maybe it was the city ) what made him feel the way he did , and I am not the only one either ,he kept thinking –ask any doctor if I am .The doctors ,they know how many there are ,they even know where the trouble is only they don’t like to tell you abuot the prefrontal lobe because that means making a hole in your skull and removing the work of centuries. It took so long coming ,this lobe ,so many years .( Is it something you read in the paper ,perhaps?) And now, the strainn being so great ,the door having been changed by the Professor once too often … but it only means a whiff of ether , a few deft strokes ,and the higher animal becomes a little easier in his mind and more like the lower one . From now on ,you see ,that’s the way it will be , the ones with the small prefrontal lobes will win because the other ones are hurt too much ,eh,Doctor?(And what is that ,pray ,that you have in your hand?) Still ,you never can tell , eh, Madam?
He crossed (carefully) the room the thick carpet under him softly ,and went toward the door carefully, which was glass and he cound see himself in it ,and which ,at his approach ,opened to allow him to pass through ; and beyond he half expected to find one of the old doors that he had known ,perhaps the one with the cricle ,the one with the girl her arms outstretched in loveliness and beauty before him .But he saw instead a moving stairway ,and descended in light ( he kept thinking ) to the street below and to the other people .As he steped off , the ground came up slightly ,to meet his foot.