英语翻译购房须知 首先,买方为外籍人士,必须要护照.其次,该外籍人士的护照上的姓名是用外文书写的,但是房本上却只能用中文.需要带上该外籍人士护照原件去北京任何一家公证处办理中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:48:13

英语翻译购房须知 首先,买方为外籍人士,必须要护照.其次,该外籍人士的护照上的姓名是用外文书写的,但是房本上却只能用中文.需要带上该外籍人士护照原件去北京任何一家公证处办理中文

英语翻译购房须知 首先,买方为外籍人士,必须要护照.其次,该外籍人士的护照上的姓名是用外文书写的,但是房本上却只能用中文.需要带上该外籍人士护照原件去北京任何一家公证处办理中文
Notes to commodity premises purchasers
First of all,valid passport is necessary for purchaser with non-Chinese nationality.
Secondly,since all title ownership documents can only be printed in Chinese.In the case that the name shown on the passport is in foreign language only,the purchaser should bring along with the original copy of his/her passport to any notary office in Beijing to obtain a translation certificate of his/her passport.(with at least 3 original copies)
Furthermore,the following documents should bring altogether:
(1) An original copy and a photocopy of purchaser’s passport
(2) An original copy and a photocopy of purchaser’s employment permit OR foreign expert certificate OR foreign enterprise representative certificate
(3) An original copy and a photocopy of residence registration certificate of foreign residents in Beijing issued by the local police station OR temporary stay certificate issued by a foreign-related hotel.
(4) 2 two-inch recent passport style color photos,with full face,front view,no hat,and against a plain blue background.
For foreigner who purchases commodity premises in Beijing,there are four important documents needed for title transfer:passport,a notarization of the Chinese translation of passport,a proof of buying commodity premises for self residential purpose,the note from Ministry of Foreign Affairs that allows he/she to purchase the commodity premises.
Regional Analysis
Dongzhimen area
The Dongzhimen area take the Russian Embassy as a core.With the Second Ring Road,Third Ring Road and the planning Guobin Avenue which connects Second Ring Road and Sanyuan Bridge constructing a major transportation system of the city,you can enjoy easy access to the CBD,the Airport,the Olympic Village as well as Zhongguancun through the city expressways network
Wangjing area
There are many Korean enterprises in the area,including Samsung Electronics,LG Corporation,and etc.It is therefore a lot of Koreans are living there.With Carrefour,PriceMart Wangjing Store,Wangjing Lufthansa Shopping Centre,Kang Zhuang Lake Golf Club,and etc.in the area,the convenient and beautiful living environment is an important factor that attracts foreigners to buy properties there
ITC area
ITC area is the core of Beijing CBD.The area bounded by East Third Ring Road expressway at the east,Kerry Centre at the south,and Beijing's bustling commercial district Chaowai Street,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the tranquil First Embassies District as well as the International Club Hotel at the west.There are mainly Europeans and Americans who engage in financial,securities sector and show business.Thriving commercial and convenient transportation make so many high-end industries and luxury brands gather in the area.

英语翻译购房须知 首先,买方为外籍人士,必须要护照.其次,该外籍人士的护照上的姓名是用外文书写的,但是房本上却只能用中文.需要带上该外籍人士护照原件去北京任何一家公证处办理中文 外籍人士用英语怎么说 《外籍人在京购房居住证明》有有效期吗? 英语翻译买方须在收货之日起6个月内付清所有款项,如果买方没有履行则 属于买方违约,买方必须支付合同总价值的5%为违约金给卖方. 中国允许外籍人士在中国境内传播宗教吗 英语翻译买家须知商品分类 英语翻译假如你陪同你们学校的外籍老师Mr.Green去某音乐厅听音乐,在门口的布告栏,看见一张【观众须知】外籍老师不懂中文,请你用英语告诉他有关内容,内容如下:一人一张票,凭票入场场内 英语翻译若买方抽测出物料不符合环保要求,则该批物料由买方和供应商协商后进行处理.若确定为供应商责任,买方因此直接或间接受到的损失费用由供应商承担. 英语翻译中介佣金5%买方承担 英语翻译经营范围1 国内、国际机票代理2 国内、国际旅游、会务、酒店预定3 代办各国的签证及港澳通行证、护照4 代办外籍人士在沪的签注(护照、居住的延期、过期手续) 英语翻译经营范围1 国内、国际机票代理2 国内、国际旅游、会务、酒店预定3 代办各国的签证及港澳通行证、护照4 代办外籍人士在沪的签注(护照、居住的延期、过期手续) 英语翻译买方保证,买方在十日内将购买款项一次性付清.强调“一次性付清”! 如何写外籍人士在华工作,商务签证邀请函 Invitation Letter 为加拉帕戈斯群岛写游客须知 英语翻译本合同由买方、卖方、代理方叁方协定签署,买卖双方愿意按照以下合同中所规定的条款购买、出售.因买卖双方在付款方式上尚存分歧,为使本合同继续,买方将开立L/C给代理方,买方 英语翻译具体是——付款方式:签订合同后先付30%的定金(如为买方原因不能履约,定金不退回),到期拿货时再付清余款. 英语翻译款到发货.买方购货款到卖方指定帐户后,卖方在20天内将货送至:买方指定地址.具体地址: 怎样快速提高口语水平~英语因为工作需要接触外籍人士,无奈英语烂得可以,所以寻求帮助