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  四大发明之一的火药是由道士葛洪(今镇江句容)炼丹时发明的.东晋时,中原鸿儒显宦纷纷南下,移居京口者众多,或完成大业,或著书立说,著名的有:南朝宋开国皇帝刘裕(寄奴),撰有《世说新语》的刘义庆,著有《晋书》的臧荣绪,选编《玉台新咏》、诗文与庾信齐名的徐陵,中国第一部诗文总集《昭明文选》的编纂者萧统,著有中国第一部系统文艺理论巨著《文心雕龙》的刘勰等.北宋移居镇江的有:著有被誉为“十一世纪的科学坐标”《梦溪笔谈》的科学家沈括,制造世界上最早天文钟“水运仪象台”的科学家苏颂,书画家米芾,抗金名将宗泽. Zhenjiang has a long history of culture and the arts, history is rich in relics, in 1986 by the State Council as a national historical and cultural city. In recent years, the city of Zhenjiang, teaching, health and career progress has been made.
  Zhenjiang outlined strategic north-south, a landscape of victory, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, there is no lack of generation only. Seekers can explore the ages to come into Xun You-sheng, Ji Qing sentiment, hard elegance, Sven planting. Among them, Li Bai, Du Mu, Fan Zhongyan, Wang, Su Shi, Lu You, Xin Ming Xian, and other disabilities before. Wang Changling "Luoyang, such as with relatives and friends asked, in a Bing Xin Yu Hu," Wang's "Green River and the southern bank of spring, when the moon as I have," Xin "where to look towards China, North eyeful scenery solid floor" to become Poetic Masterpiece through the ages, the wind flow Yiyun, so far we do not wave. Li Bai "is a solid North Danyang Wu Guan, to draw up the house between the cloud water," Du Mu's "no moss temple horse trails, restaurants and more green bridge," Fan Zhongyan "Jiang Shan color break points, with sea-wave sound ", Shen Kuo's" cross-strait up the house connected to water, Jiangbei, Jiangnan-day ", Savimbi's assassination is" a wild man had Zhulin Si, numerous white bamboo Health ", cold meeting the people" outside the threshold Qingchuan Gan Lusi, the window Autumn Yu Chui-feng, "Live Flesh of the increase is a sound painting, a silent poetry.
  One of the four great inventions of gunpowder by Shige Hong Road (Jurong Zhenjiang today) when the invention of the Alchemy. The Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains have Hongru Xianhuan south, who moved to Jingkou large or complete the great cause, or the writing, there are well-known: the founding emperor of the Southern Dynasties Song Liu (mail slave), Author of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" Yi-Qing Liu , Author of "Book of Jin" ZANG Rong Xu, selected "Yu Tai Xin Yong", and the poetry of the famous Yu Xin Xu Ling, China's first poetry collection, "Selected Works of Zhao Ming," the compiler Xiao Tong, the Chinese are the first Great system, the Department of Literature and Art Theory "Wenxindiaolong" Liu Xie, and so on. Zhenjiang moved to the Northern Song Dynasty: there are known as "the eleventh century scientific coordinates," "Dream Pool Essays" Shen Kuo scientists to create the world's oldest astronomical clock, "the clock tower," the scientist Su Song, Mi Fu's calligraphy and painting at home, Kim's anti-Zongze.
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  感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议.我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量. Zhenjiang has a long history of culture and the arts, history is rich in relics, in 1986 by the State Council as a national historical and cultural city. In recent years, the city of Zhenjiang, teaching, health and career progress has been made.
Zhenjiang outlined strategic north-south, a landscape of victory, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau, there is no lack of generation only. Seekers can explore the ages to come into Xun You-sheng, Ji Qing sentiment, hard elegance, Sven planting. Among them, Li Bai, Du Mu, Fan Zhongyan, Wang, Su Shi, Lu You, Xin Ming Xian, and other disabilities before. Wang Changling "Luoyang, such as with relatives and friends asked, in a Bing Xin Yu Hu," Wang's "Green River and the southern bank of spring, when the moon as I have," Xin "where to look towards China, North eyeful scenery solid floor" to become Poetic Masterpiece through the ages, the wind flow Yiyun, so far we do not wave. Li Bai "is a solid North Danyang Wu Guan, to draw up the house between the cloud water," Du Mu's "no moss temple horse trails, restaurants and more green bridge," Fan Zhongyan "Jiang Shan color break points, with sea-wave sound ", Shen Kuo's" cross-strait up the house connected to water, Jiangbei, Jiangnan-day ", Savimbi's assassination is" a wild man had Zhulin Si, numerous white bamboo Health ", cold meeting the people" outside the threshold Qingchuan Gan Lusi, the window Autumn Yu Chui-feng, "Live Flesh of the increase is a sound painting, a silent poetry.
One of the four great inventions of gunpowder by Shige Hong Road (Jurong Zhenjiang today) when the invention of the Alchemy. The Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains have Hongru Xianhuan south, who moved to Jingkou large or complete the great cause, or the writing, there are well-known: the founding emperor of the Southern Dynasties Song Liu (mail slave), Author of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" Yi-Qing Liu , Author of "Book of Jin" ZANG Rong Xu, selected "Yu Tai Xin Yong", and the poetry of the famous Yu Xin Xu Ling, China's first poetry collection, "Selected Works of Zhao Ming," the compiler Xiao Tong, the Chinese are the first Great system, the Department of Literature and Art Theory "Wenxindiaolong" Liu Xie, and so on. Zhenjiang moved to the Northern Song Dynasty: there are known as "the eleventh century scientific coordinates," "Dream Pool Essays" Shen Kuo scientists to create the world's oldest astronomical clock, "the clock tower," the scientist Su Song, Mi Fu's calligraphy and painting at home, Kim's anti-Zongze.
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