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chemistry 化学 [huà xué]
analytical chemistry;
theoretical chemistry;
inorganic chemistry;
physical ch...
chemistry 化学 [huà xué]
analytical chemistry;
theoretical chemistry;
inorganic chemistry;
physical chemistry;
applied chemistry;
organic chemistry
1.化学爆炸 chemical explosion;
2.化学泵浦 chemical pumping;
3.化学变化 metamorphosis; chemical change;
4.化学表面硬化 chemical surface hardening;
5.化学玻璃 chemical glass;
6.化学(用)玻璃器皿 chemical glassware;
7.化学剥皮法 chemical barking;
8.化学补偿物 chemical shim;
9.化学不完全燃烧 chemically incomplete combustion;
10.化学不育剂 chemosterilant;
11.化学擦光 chemical polishing;
12.化学层 chemosphere;
13.化学常数 chemical constant;
14.化学沉积 chemical deposition; chemical plating; electroless plating;
15.化学成分 chemical composition; chemical constitution;
16.化学成熟 chemical ripening;
17.化学弛豫 chemical relaxation;
18.化学抽运激光器 chemically pumped laser;
19.化学除草剂 chemical herbicide;
20.化学除莠 chemical weed control;
21.化学处理 chemical treatment;
22.化学传递 chemical transmission;
23.化学纯 chemical pure;
24.化学磁化 chemomagnetization;
25.化学瓷器 chemical porcelain;
26.化学促进剂 chemical promoter;
27.化学打枝法 chemical pruning;
28.化学弹药 chemical ammunition;
29.化学当量 chemical equivalent;
30.化学当量比 stoichiometric ratio;
31.化学地雷 chemical mine;
32.化学递质 chemical transmitter;
33.化学点火器 chemical ignitor;
34.化学电化学清砂 chemical-electrochemical cleaning;
35.化学电离离子源 chemical ionization ion source;
36.化学电离源质谱法 chemical ionization source mass spectrometry;
37.化学电容器 chemical capacitor;
38.化学电位 chemical potential;
39.化学电源 eletrochemical power source; electrochemical cell;
40.化学定性分析 qualitative chemical analysis;
41.化学动力学 chemical kinetics;
42.化学动态学 chemical dynamics;
43.化学堵水 chemical water plugging;
44.化学镀 chemical plating; electroless plating;
45.化学短纤维 staple fibre;
46.化学钝性 inactivity;
47.化学惰性 chemical inertness;
48.化学发光 chemiluminescence;
49.化学发光反应 chemiluminescence reaction;
50.化学发光分析 chemiluminescence analysis;
51.化学反击 chemical counterattack;
52.化学反应 chemical reaction;
53.化学反应产物 chemical reaction product;
54.化学反应弛豫 relaxation of chemical reaction;
55.化学反应工程 chemical reaction engineering;
56.化学反应活性 chemical reactivity;
57.化学反应剂 chemical reactor;
58.化学反应式 chemical reaction formula;
59.化学方程式 chemical equation;
60.化学防护 chemical protection;
61.化学防御 chemical defence;
62.化学防治 chemical control;
63.化学仿生学 chemical bionics;
64.化学非平衡 chemical non-equilibrium;
65.化学肥料 chemical fertilizer;
66.化学肥料污染 chemical fertilizer pollution;
67.化学废物 chemical waste;
68.化学分解 chemolysis; analysis;
69.化学分析电子谱法 electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis;
70.化学分类学 chemotaxonomy;
71.化学分析 chemical analysis;
72.化学敷镀 chemical plating;
73.化学辐射效应 chemical radiation effect;
74.化学辐射侦察分队 chemical-radiation reconnaissance element;
75.化学符号 chemical symbol;
76.化学腐蚀伤 chemical cautery;
77.化学腐蚀加工 chemical-corrosive machining;
78.化学腐蚀凸版 chemigraph;
79.化学腐蚀制版法 chemigraphy;
80.化学改性 chemical modification;
81.化学干扰 chemical interference;
82.化学干燥 chemical seasoning;
83.化学感官 chemoreception (指味觉和嗅觉);
84.化学感觉 chemical sensation;
85.化学感受器瘤 receptoma;
86.化学跟踪剂 spydust;
87.化学工程(学) chemical engineering;
88.化学工业 chemical industry;
89.化学工业废物 chemical industry waste;
90.化学工艺 chemical technology; industrial chemistry;
91.化学工艺学 chemical technology;
92.化学固氮 chemical nitrogen fixation;
93.化学灌桨 chemical grouting;
94.化学过程分析 chemical process analysis;
95.化学过程减弱 chemasthenia;
96.化学过滤呼吸器 chemical filter respirator;
97.化学海洋学 chemical oceanography;
98.化学合成 chemosynthesis; chemical synthesis;
99.化学合成标记 chemosynthetic labeling;
100.化学合成品 synthetic;
101.化学恒定培养 chemostatic culture;
102.化学互感作用 allelopathy;
103.化学化 {农} extensive use of chemical fertilizers and other farm chemical;
104.化学化石 chemical fossil;
105.化学环境 chemical environment;
106.化学还原 electronation;
107.化学灰雾 chemical fog;
108.化学活性[机理] chemism;
109.化学火箭 chemical rocket;
110.化学机械加工 chemical machining;
111.化学机械抛光 chemically mechanical polishing;
112.化学机械抛光机 chemical-mechanical polishing machine;
113.化学激发 chemi-excitation;
114.化学激光器 chemical laser;
115.化学激光器引发技术 initiating technique of chemical laser;
116.化学集鱼器 chemical fish collector;
117.化学剂量测定法 chemical dosimetry;
118.化学剂量计 chemical dosimeter;
119.化学计量 stoichiometry;
120.化学计量学 chemometrics; stoichiometry;
121.化学家 chemist;
122.化学计算 stoichiometric calculation;
123.化学计算法 stoichiometry;
124.化学加工 chemical machining; chemical milling;
125.化学加固 chemical consolidation;
126.化学监测 chemical monitoring;
127.化学鉴定 chemical analysis;
128.化学浆 chemical pulp;
129.化学浆料 chemical size;
130.化学降解 chemical degradation;
131.化学交换 chemical exchange;
132.化学交联 chemical crosslinking;
133.化学教育 chemical education;
134.化学结构 chemical construction; chemical structure;
135.化学结构式 chemical structural formula;
136.化学结合效应 chemical binding effect;
137.化学结合砖 chemical hardening brick;
138.化学解毒剂 chemical antidote;
139.化学介质老化 chemical media aging;
140.化学进化 chemoevolution; chemical evolution;
141.化学浸蚀 chemical etching;
142.化学浸蚀加工 chem-milling;
143.化学浸轧 chem pad;
144.化学精制 chemical refining;
145.化学净化 chemical cleaning method;
146.化学绝育法 chemosterilization;
147.化学刻图 chemical scribing;
148.化学扩散 chemical diffusion;
149.化学历程 chemism;
150.化学疗法 chemotherapy;
151.化学流变学 chemorheology;
152.化学流动 chemical flow;
153.化学流体力学 chemical fluid mechanics;
154.化学弥散镀 chemical dispersion plating;
155.化学灭火器 chemical fire extinguisher;
156.化学敏感半导体器件 chemically sensitive semiconductor device;
157.化学敏感场效应管 chemically sensitive field effect transistor;
158.化学敏化 chemical sensitization;
159.化学木浆 chemical wood pulp;
160.化学能 chemical energy;
161.化学偶合 chemical coupling;
162.化学偶联学说 chemical coupling hypothesis;
163.化学抛光 chemical polishing;
164.化学胚胎学 chemical embryology;
165.化学平衡 chemical equilibrium;
166.化学平衡常数 chemical equilibrium constant;
167.化学起源 chemical origin;
168.化学气相沉积 chemical vapor deposition;
169.化学气相沉积工艺 chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method;
170.化学气相沉积设备 chemical vapor deposition equipment;
171.化学亲合力[势; 性] chemical affinity;
172.化学清蜡 paraffin removing with chemical method;
173.化学清洗[脱垢] chemical cleaning;
174.化学驱油 chemical displacement of reservoir oil;
175.化学去污 chemical decontamination;
176.化学燃料导弹 chemical missile;
177.化学热处理 chemical treatment;
178.化学热力学 chemical thermodynamics;
179.化学人类学 chemical anthropology;
180.化学溶蚀 chemolysis;
181.化学蠕变 chemical creep;
182.化学杀虫剂 chemical insecticide;
183.化学烧伤 chemical burn;
184.化学渗透假说 chemosmotic hypothesis;
185.化学渗透作用 chemosmosis;
186.化学-生物-核防护 CBR defence;
187.化学-生物-核消毒 CBR decontamination;
188.化学生物学 chemical biology;
189.化学蚀刻 chemical etching;
190.化学实验室 chemical laboratory;
191.化学史 chemical history;
192.化学势 chemical potential;
193.化学示踪剂 chemical tracer;
194.化学试剂 chemical reagent;
195.化学试剂添加剂 reagent additive;
196.化学受激分子激光器 chemically excited molecule laser;
197.化学输运技术 chemical transport technique;
198.化学术语 technical terms of chemistry;
199.化学松弛 chemical relaxation;
200.化学特性 chemical character;
201.化学天平 chemical balance;
202.化学添加剂 chemical addition agent; chemical additive;
203.化学统计学 chemometrics;
204.化学突变产生 chemical mutagenesis;
205.化学土壤改良 chemical amelioration;
206.化学推进 chemical propulsion;
207.化学脱壳 chemical decladding;
208.化学脱水 chemical dehydration;
209.化学脱盐 chemical desalting;
210.化学脱叶剂 chemical defoliant;
211.化学拓扑学 chemical topology;
212.化学位移 chemical shift;
213.化学位移试剂 chemical shift reagent;
214.化学稳定性 chemical stability;
215.化学污染 chemical pollution;
216.化学污染物 chemical pollutant;
217.化学武器 chemical weapon;
218.化学雾 chemical fog;
219.化学物理学 chemical physics;
220.化学物种 chemical species;
221.化学吸附[吸着] chemisorption;
222.化学吸附键 chemisorptive bond;
223.化学吸收 chemical absorption;
224.化学袭击威力估算 estimate of chemical attack power;
225.化学铣削 chemical milling;
226.化学系统工程 chemical system engineering;
227.化学纤维 chemical fibre;
228.化学纤维工业 chemical fibres industry;
229.化学纤维机械 chemical fibres manufacturing machinary;
230.化学纤维浆粕 chemical fibres pulp;
231.化学纤维纱 chemical fibre yarn;
232.化学纤维原料 raw materials of chemical fibres;
233.化学纤维织物 science fabric;
234.化学纤维助剂 chemical fibres assistant;
235.化学显像法 chemical development;
236.化学线粒体 electrosome;
237.化学相似性模拟法 chemical similitude;
238.化学信息物质 semiochemicals;
239.化学性质 chemical property;
240.化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand;
241.化学岩 chemical rock;
242.化学药剂拌种机 chemical seed dresser;
243.化学药品 chemicals;
244.化学药品瓶 saltmouth;
245.化学要素 tincture;
246.化学冶金学 chemical metallurgy;
247.化学液体运输船 chemical carrier;
248.化学抑制剂 chemical inhibitor;
249.化学引信 chemical time fuze;
250.化学引诱剂 chemical attractant;
251.化学应力松弛 chemical stress relaxation;
252.化学硬化型砂 chemically solidifying moulding sand;
253.化学永久变定 chemical permanent set;
254.化学有害物监测 chemical harmful substance monitoring;
255.化学诱变 mutagenesis;
256.化学诱导动态核极化 chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization;
257.化学诱发突变 chemical induction of mutation;
258.化学育种 breeding of chemical induction;
259.化学元素 chemical element;
260.化学元素周期表 periodic table of chemical element;
261.化学原理 principles of chemistry;
262.化学凿岩 chemical drilling;
263.化学增感 chemical sensitization;
264.化学战争 chemical warfare;
265.化学障碍物 chemical barrier;
266.化学哲学 philosophy of chemistry;
267.化学侦察车 chemical reconnaissance vehicle;
268.化学振荡 chemical oscillation;
269.化学整理 chemical finishing;
270.化学指示剂 chemical tracer;
271.化学纸浆 chemical pulp;
272.化学致癌物 chemical carcinogen;
273.化学制版 chemitype;
274.化学治疗[术] chemotherapy;
275.化学治疗剂 chemotherapeutant;
276.化学贮藏 chemical storage;
277.化学转变 chemical transformation;
278.化学转化膜 chemical conversion coating;
279.化学灼伤 chemical burn;
280.化学组成 chemical composition; chemical constitution;
281.化学作用 chemical action