
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 18:10:30




单项交流电功率计算公式:P=UIcosφ=I²R 。电线选择,是根据电流大小查表即可知道采用多大的截面的电线了。


* Select a local ,Stylish and health MBT shoes swept the globe in tr,ken griffey jr shoesstore namely caters shoes as walkers and spend time with folk to appropriate right
* After the usual wading...


* Select a local ,Stylish and health MBT shoes swept the globe in tr,ken griffey jr shoesstore namely caters shoes as walkers and spend time with folk to appropriate right
* After the usual wading distance give your feet a become for they swell while walking
* Carry the usual socks you dress for walking before the selection of the shoe
* Take along with you the present walking shoe you are using so that the vendor can see the pattern of wear
* Share with the stores the usual distance,MBT boot bargain in a cheap cost, speed and frequency of your walking
* Select walking shoes half size larger than the clothes shoes
* The shoe you elect should be malleable and when you bend the toe towards heel the shoe should flex by the pellet of the foot
* Place the boot on a smooth surface and when you press the toe down look that the heel rises off the surface
* The heel ought not be many higher than the sole and it should not be flared
* Try the shoe with your regular walking pace. Check for the heel retention and scrutinize for over-pronation or other problems
* You must replace the shoes every 500 miles
When the shoes are flexible you will be capable to bend and distort the shoes. When you come from with your walking,Stylish and health MBT shoes swept the world in trend of discount MBT shoes , your tread will flex as you coil through a tread from heel to toe. In other words if the shoe is too stiff, your foot will fight it with every step you make.
Nowadays many contest walkers in Europe wear boots for long walking it may be inflexible and cumbersome.
Most of the walkers buffet with the heel 1st, so it is better to use a slightly undercut heel, that will be agreeable for walking.
The staff ambition make you walk and watch your manner of walk alternatively they ambition make you walk on a treadmill with assorted types of shoes before suggesting you the one which is best for you.
Make sure that you provide in the right shoes to lest harm and keep you walking with solace and ease. Never spend too much money on stylish shoes that will not fulfil well with your walking.
Tips for selection:
The general intention sporting merchandise stores do not keep staffs for the shoe department who are specialists on shoe fitting. To avail a better service, it is always best to work to a special running and walking shoe store in your zone.
It is favored that the walking shoes should have a flat heel.


现有几只电热管不知道是多少KW的,经过万用表测量后已知道电阻.如何知道是多少kw的?现有几只电热管不知道是多少KW的,经过万用表测量后已知道电阻.如何知道是多少kw的电热管?另外如何知 现有一电加热器不知道是多少KW的,经过万用表测量后已知道电阻.如何知道是多少kw的加热器?电加热器由42根电热管组成,三角形接线,分一组三相380V电压 42根电热管分一组U V W 万用表测得UV,VW 1KW电加热管的电流是多少 已知电压220v功率1.5kw的加热管 如何计算出额定电流如题,不知道能不能计算出 3条4KW,380V的加热管,三角形接法,线电流是多少,总功率是多少KW? 求助 三相380V 7KW加热管 的电流是多少?手头上有一套图纸,里面有一个加热管是8KW的 用的三相380的电压,后面标注的电流是13.3A 我想知道这个是怎么算出来的 如果是8kw的呢?应该是多少? 功率18kW星型接法的3条电热管,每条应该多大电阻?总功率18kW星型接法的3条电热管,每条电热管的电阻应该是多少欧姆? 每根电热管2KW 电流多少.21根电热管角接后,相电流是多少.断路器和快熔是根据相电流还是线电流选择的? 请教有知道的朋友,12KW发热管加热1.5吨水到55℃用多少时间? 电加热管3KW 量了下电阻只有15欧姆,它的电压是多少伏的啊? 一个用电器,1.5kw的加热管、220v的电压,工作时其电阻是多少? 加热管功率计算机器加热管部分电流正常显示是20,现在不知道加热管是多大功率的了,能否算出来 电加热管功率及电缆选择现有4根电加热管,电压220V,功率分别是3000W两根,4000W一根,6000w一根.如果一起用的话总电缆要几平方的?如果只是用10KW的话总电缆又要几平方呢?我现在试1台3KW的加热管, 总功率为67KW一小时的耗电量是多少开松机 标注 总功率为67KW不知道一小时的耗电量是多少度67度? 12cm厚青石板每平方米价格!我是广西的,现有一市政道路,用12厚青石板铺装,约2万5千平方米.不知道这种厚度的青石板每平方米价格是多少?(含运费) 星形接法加热管求零线电流(18KW)及线径负载平衡的话我也知道为零!而且要用相量图算我想知道具体的过程. 为什么不可以用电动机来发电?我想知道一台电动机的功率是多少?一台发电机的功率是多少,因为假设电厂一台发电机是60万KW,那么带动它需要多大的功率?为什么不可以实现用电动机发电? 聚四氟乙烯(F4)电加热管弯曲的最小距离是多少?800*550*800的水箱加热,温度88±2℃,功率12Kw,加热管不好摆放