
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 22:51:48


1. My mother had made the dinner ready when I arrived home.
2. By the end of last semester, we had learned more than 2000 words.
3. The movie had begun half an hour before when they arrived at the cinema.
4. The robber had run away when the police arrived.

1To my home, mother had already prepared dinner.
2By the end of last term, we had learned more than 2000 words.
3When they got to the cinema, the film had been on for half an hour
.4When the police arrived, the robbers had run away.

1, come to my home when the mother has already rice is ready.
2, to the last end of the semester, we have learned more than 2,000 words.
3, when they go to the cinema, the film has started half an hour.
4, when the police arrived, the robbers had got away.

1,When I go home, mother has already finished the cooking.
2,By the end of last term, we have already studied more than 2000 words.
3,When they reached the cinema, the film had already begun for half an hour.
4,When the police arrive, the robber has already run away.

1、Mom have already finished the cooking when I got home.
2、we have already learnd more then 2000 words till the end of last term.
3、The film have already begun half an hour when they arrived the cinema.
4、The robbers have already gong when the police arrived.
考的全是完成时,have done形式的

英语翻译1、到我回家的时候,妈妈已经把饭做好了.2、到上个学期末,我们已经学了2000多个单词.3、当他们到电影院时,电影已经开始了半小时.4、当警察到达时,抢匪已经跑掉了. 我昨天晚上回家的时候,妈妈正在厨房里做饭.英语翻译!求速度 我已经回家了.英语翻译 英语翻译会让你回家还是到时候我会送你回家? 英语翻译昨天我回家时,妈妈正在做饭 (用when和while各一句)那啥,不好意思哈,还有一句掉了,他在睡觉的时候,小偷进来把他的包偷走了 英语翻译1 到上学期期末,我已经学了2000多个英语单词了2 当我到家时,我妈妈已经睡觉了3 我们喝完茶之后,我们都坐在了草地上4 当我们到达电影院的时候,电影已经开演了5 我意识到了我犯了 回家的时候到了的英语翻译 希望你们帮帮我! 英语翻译:我已经请假回家了 凌晨做梦,梦见妈妈让我和已经去世的爸爸回家! 我在回家的路上遇见了一位老朋友并聊了很久.为此,我到家的时候已经很晚了.英语翻译 英语翻译;我想我现在已经明白了,到该走的时候了 我今年已经22了虽说我还没结婚可我已经能够照顾自己了,可我妈妈总是把我当小孩子看,因为工作原因,我大部分时候要晚上11点以后才能回家,我妈妈就非常担心,而且我的工资已经够我自己用 英语翻译1、直到完成了工作,你才能回家.2、回到家后,他休息了一会儿.3、当春天来临时,到处是鲜花.4、我一到那里,天就开始下雨.5、我们到家的时候天已经黑了.一定要正确啊,不要用翻译器. 英语翻译1.到我醒过来的时候,妈妈已经做好早饭.(wake up)2.如果你走路去上学的话,你就不能准时到校了.(on time)3.那个时候我妈妈开车经过,她看见我正在操场上打篮球.(come by)4.公共汽车坏掉了, 要把每一步为什么要这么做?还有每一步算出的是什么要?写清楚小丽今年12岁了,妈妈对小丽说:“等你长到我这么大的时候,我已经60岁了.”妈妈十二岁是什么时候? 我读书的时候,妈妈在做饭.英语翻译!111 我妈妈坐公交车回家 她的上衣看起来很漂亮 用英语翻译 英语翻译在我四五岁的时候,吃巧克力不小心弄到脸上了,妈妈让我舔掉,我够不着,于是白了妈妈一眼:“那你把地板拿出去晒晒!”还有一次,我吃饭特别慢,妈妈拿来小闹钟对我说:“六时三刻