
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 20:10:25


Ten character of this simplicity, has given Chinese People the boundless strength , the spirit
  being that a kind of is big and powerful more especially to me Er Yan has been inspired, this is
  2008 Beijing Olympiad slogans. To 2008, Beijing Olympiad always expects Chinese People with a kind
  of. Course recalling bid for the Olympic Games in the originally, the Chinese Olympic Games
  committee is also to have a hard time getting right to host 2008 Olympiad. 2008 this time of
  Beijing Olympiad, are a good chance developing to China , are also the good chance displaying
  Chinese charm to all the countries in the world. "Beijing general Chinese characteristics the
  Olympiad meeting emblem Chinese seal · is brandished". Beijing characteristic and Olympics move
  ingenious union of element. Red, is always the colour representing the lucky happy event in China.
  The meeting emblem adopt red , fineness having represented Chinese People to all the countries in
  the world to wish. "Chinese Beijing , style , design welcoming world everywhere friend " having
  adopt the Chinese writing brush character Chinese character to simplify the body are unique. The
  calligraphy charm being famous all over overseas with China has no reservation of field annotation
  get out at all. China is a harmonious big family , we live in such delighted environment , everyone
  all is a happy child. Our this group the Olympiad mascot "Fuwa" has been represented also exactly
  is happy. Innocent child. Fuwa is that the reason "welcomes the baby made up of going to meet "
  "Beibei" "crystal crystal " "Nini" five being full of Chinese national characteristics "joyfully
  joyfully ". Five Fuwa first name harmonic tone is added exactly be "welcome to beijing ". This
  having expressed Chinese People once more is friendly to world people. Fuwa's colour also happens
  to act in cooperation with red Olympic Games five rings orange robin's-egg blue , have shown the
  consummate Beijing Olympic Games annotation to Olympic Games spirit. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , a
  Chinese's fond dreams, come into being in the world applause and the Chinese nation tear. Be one
  one's part of presenting some gifts for a friend of the Chinese nation, I will use the most sincere
  sound , loudness says: "Wish happiness to you , belong to China , belong to Beijing, to belong to
  us 2008 "!

英语翻译这简单的十个字,给了中国人民无限的力量,特别是对于我而言更是一种强大的精神鼓舞,这就是2008北京奥运会的口号.中国人民对2008北京奥运会总带有一种期待.回想当初申办奥运会的 朋友考上中国人民公安大学了,给帮忙想几句祝福的话!简单但是要有文采! 日本法西斯的入侵给中国人民带来了什么样的灾难30字 白求恩是中国人民的恩人,这句话用英语翻译一下. 在清明节来临之际,你来到人民英雄纪念碑扫墓,请用五十个字写下你此时此刻的感言,来寄托对先烈的无限哀思快,拜托了,谢谢 日本侵华战争给中国人民带来了深重的灾难,我们后人应该如何对待这段历史? 给我十个内形外声的字 A 童年十个300字的摘抄 并加上简单点评 青藏铁路是一条什么样的铁路? 简单点!十个字! 给第十个好评了 中国人民站起来了这句话的含义是 是什么直接导致了中国民族资本主义的产生?简单的回答,最好不超过三十个字,3Q! 抗日战争给中国人民带来的灾难? 抗日战争给中国人民带来的灾难? 日本侵略者给中国人民带来的苦难 毛泽东为什么说自从有了共产党,中国革命的面貌就焕然一新了?说的简单些、2.3十个字吧、 日本法西斯侵略中国的战争,给中国人民带来了怎样的灾难?简短一点,用自己的话说。不要给我一大堆字 关于日本法西斯的入侵给中国人民带来了什么样的灾难