
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 21:47:55

This article is about to cut maintenance,repair work,ascend the entiremachine work function,the transformation of PLC X62W universal milling machinea graduate design based on.In this paper,the concept and advantages of PLCwere introduced in this paper.Comparedwith the relay,PLC has the followingadvantages:high reliability,strong anti-interference ability,strong adaptability,perfect function,simple programming simply,convenient interface function anda series of,in the field of industrial automation to a wide range ofapplications.But for the traditional relay control system,because theelectric control line contact numerous,complicated hard line,frequentfailure,inspection time long shortcoming,PLC can perfectly overcome thesedifficulties.

In order to reduce the maintenance, repair work, ascend the entire machine work function, the transformation of PLC X62W universal milling machine a graduate design based on. In this paper, the concept and advantages of PLC were introduced in this paper. Compared with the relay, PLC has the following advantages: high reliability, strong anti-interference ability, strong adaptability, perfect function, simple programming simply, convenient interface function and a series of, in the field of industrial automation to a wide range of applications. But for the traditional relay control system, because the electric control line contact numerous, complicated hard line, frequent failure, inspection time long shortcoming, PLC can perfectly overcome these difficulties. 亲 ,这是我辛苦的翻译出来的 求采纳 是从为了消减维护开始翻译的.

英语翻译下午要交论文了,求大神帮翻译本文讲述的是为了削减维护、修理的工作量,提升全部铣床的工作机能,提出了基于X62W万能铣床的PLC改造的一篇毕业设计.本文对PLC的概念及其长处进行 英语翻译下午就要交了 英语翻译本文针对****提出****这个不会翻译.科技论文 英语翻译马上要交论文,还不会翻译, 英语翻译难题.正在写论文摘要,求在线的朋友帮个忙,翻译几个词.一权说 二权说 三权说 .下午两点之前就是提交最后期限了 英语翻译求大神翻译. 英语翻译求大神翻译 晋祠三绝阅读题答案本文运用了哪些修辞手法?试选其中一种进行分析下午要交的作业 求英文高手帮忙翻译 小弟谢谢各位啦~!基于EDA技术PCB印制电路板的制作工序流程数字控制系统设计与VHDL建模 下午就要交论文了~~~帮帮忙吧 谢谢大家了! 韩国化妆品,求大神帮翻译 英语翻译求大神给翻译一篇关于有机化学的小论文.我给发过去,翻译的差不多就采纳. 求无机非金属材料论文,要交作业了, 急寻生物学英语翻译天才!只有神才能救我!这篇论文翻译下午要用, 英语翻译合同中的缔约过失责任研究 这个是论文题目,求翻译成英文的 .谷歌百度在线翻译那些就不要复制过来了,老师说不对,有没有学法律翻译专业的人可以帮我翻译下呢~就要交定稿的,就 英语翻译翻译不是本文 英语翻译本文翻译 英语翻译求论文题目的翻译 求帮我用protel99se画一个电路图马上要交论文了 我实在画不好电路了 留个联系方式