
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 16:56:24


At least 70 million sharks die from shark fin trade every year,the number of sharks decreased 85% only in 15 years.Although international organizations have taken the International Plan of Action for sharks,the fin trade is still hot.Shark fin dinner is becoming a consumption patterns to show off,especially in Southeast Asia,including China.Changing our consumption habits is the real way to reduce trade in shark fins.Let us work together to protect our oceans and save the sharks with dramatic reduction.

There are at least seventy million sharks dead of shark fin trade, the amount of sharks has been reduced 85% in fifteen years. The global organization has taken the International sharks action program...


There are at least seventy million sharks dead of shark fin trade, the amount of sharks has been reduced 85% in fifteen years. The global organization has taken the International sharks action program though, the shark fin business is still hot. The shark fin meal has became a way for people to show off, especially in Southeast Asia, including China. The only way to reduce the shark fin trade is to change our consumption habit. Let’s protect our ocean together to save less number of sharks.
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At least 70 million sharks have died of shark-fin trade every year. Within 15 years, the decrease in sharks is up to 85%. Although international organizations have taken steps to protect sharks, shark...


At least 70 million sharks have died of shark-fin trade every year. Within 15 years, the decrease in sharks is up to 85%. Although international organizations have taken steps to protect sharks, shark-fin trade is still rampant. Especially in South-East region including China, shark-fin feast is a kind of consumption for some people showing luxury. It is the changing our consumption habit that can reduce shark-fin trade. Let's protect the ocean together, saving sharks dcreasing dramatically.


There are at least 70 million sharks killed for fins every year. The number of sharks dropped by 85% in just 15 years. Despite the fact that the International Organisation has launched the Internation...


There are at least 70 million sharks killed for fins every year. The number of sharks dropped by 85% in just 15 years. Despite the fact that the International Organisation has launched the International Shark Project, the shark fin trade is still very rampant, especially in the South-east Asian region including China, where the shark fin feast becomes a way of showing off. The real effective way to reduce shark fin trade is to change the way we consume. Let's join our hands together to protect our ocean, to save the disappearing sharks.


英语翻译每年都有至少7000万尾鲨鱼死于鱼翅贸易,在短短的15年间鲨鱼数量减少了85%.尽管国际组织采取了国际鲨鱼行动计划,但是鱼翅贸易依然火热.特别是在包括中国在内的东南亚地区,鱼翅 每年全球约有多少万人死于非故意溺水.A.60 B.40 C.20 根据句子意思,将三个带有“残”字的词语填入括号里,词语不能重复. 鲨鱼是一种( )的动物,但每年至少有73亿条鲨鱼死于它们的鳍(鱼翅)价值.渔民们获取鱼翅的手法非常( ).他们捉 全世界每年有超过80万人死于自杀,问全世界每天有多少人自杀?多少秒会有一个人死于自 每年有多少人死于交通事故 每年有多少人死于交通事故 全球每年有多少人死于车祸 全世界范围内,每年约有300万人感染流感病毒,其中25万~50万人死于流感及其引起的并发症,1判断 英语翻译请翻译一下现面的句子到英文谢谢.在中国,每年有超过50万人死于吸烟引发的疾病,而且基本上100%的人知道吸烟的危害,你想成为下一个吗? 英语翻译目前全世界共有烟民11亿,每年死于吸烟有关疾病的人高达400万,平均每秒钟就有一个人死于吸烟有关疾病.据估计吸烟使美国成年人的寿命平均减少14年.在因吸烟而死亡的成年人中39.8% 每年都有很多人死于疾病用英语怎么说?请会的回答 明天考试可别坑我 全球每年死于气候变化带来的灾难的约有30万人.30的因数有哪些?这些因数的和是多少? 有没有一些鲨鱼 没有鲨鱼 有一些鲨鱼 英语翻译 英语翻译,每年都有许多游客 中国每年死于车祸大概有多少人 据统计,我国每年有()人死于吸烟? 每年世界死于自杀的人数有多少? 一年中全国有多少人死于车祸全国每年大约有多少人死于车祸