汉译英请再给我一杯咖啡43.请再给我一杯咖啡45.他不但是我们的老师而是我们的朋友46.这种款式的衣服已经过时了.(style ,out of fashion)47.曾经,日本在非正式和正式场合都穿和服(wear ,casual ,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/13 21:18:42

汉译英请再给我一杯咖啡43.请再给我一杯咖啡45.他不但是我们的老师而是我们的朋友46.这种款式的衣服已经过时了.(style ,out of fashion)47.曾经,日本在非正式和正式场合都穿和服(wear ,casual ,
46.这种款式的衣服已经过时了.(style ,out of fashion)
47.曾经,日本在非正式和正式场合都穿和服(wear ,casual ,formal)
49.唐装代表了中国的文化(Tang costume)
50.Jim 很担心月底的考试(be worried about)
54.现在乘坐动车组从北京到上海只需要10小时.(take s Bullet Train)
55.当我长大的时候,我的梦想是成为一个科学家(dream ,be)
56.他们正在讨论怎样为希望工程筹钱(discuss,raise ,Hope Project)
57.这本书很有趣,我读了一整夜(so ...that.)
58.这条围巾是由丝绸制成的(scarf ,make)
59.昨天我邀请他和我一起吃晚餐(cnvite ,dinner)
60.不仅你,他也比以前更努力学习了(not only but also)

汉译英请再给我一杯咖啡43.请再给我一杯咖啡45.他不但是我们的老师而是我们的朋友46.这种款式的衣服已经过时了.(style ,out of fashion)47.曾经,日本在非正式和正式场合都穿和服(wear ,casual ,


43. Please give me one more cup of coffee.
45. He is not only our teacher, but also our friend.
46. This style of clothes has been out of fashion.
47. Japanese once wear kimonos in both casual and formal occasions.
48. We were prevented from going out by the heavy rain yesterday.
49. The Tang costume stands for the Chinese culture.
50. Jim is worried about the exam at the end of this month.
54. It only takes 10 hours to take a Bullet Train from Beijing to Shanghai.
55. When I grow up, my dream is to be a scientist.
56. They are discussing how to raise money for the Hope Project.
57. This book is so interesting that I read it the whole night.
58. This scarf is made of silk.
59. I invited him to have dinner with me yesterday.
60. No only you, but also he works harder than before.
