
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 06:17:09


March 11,2011,northeastern Japan 9.0 earthquake occurred.The quake is the largest in Japanese history,killing tens of thousands of casualties,and cause significant property damage,and also triggered a nuclear leak.The earthquake epicenter was located in the Pacific Ocean,strongly felt in Tokyo.The earthquake triggered a tsunami to the Pacific coast in most areas.After the earthquake,people around the world have donated money for the Japanese people in disaster areas to help them ride out the storm

An catastrophe fall to Japan on March 11, 2011, the earhquake which was the most destructive calamity in Japan's history, causing millions of people to be the victims and robbing numerous property. Mo...


An catastrophe fall to Japan on March 11, 2011, the earhquake which was the most destructive calamity in Japan's history, causing millions of people to be the victims and robbing numerous property. Most seriously, leaking nuclear became the biggest problem. the stationary of the earthquke was in Pacific area, including Tokoy, a myraid of cities were affected. Tsunami damaged poeple's life who lived along the Pacific Ocean. People from all over the world, especially China aided this miserble destruction to help them get over it.


Earthquake epicenter is located in the Pacific waters, seismaesthesia, feel Tokyo is strong. Earthquakes triggered tsunami affecting Pacific After the earthquake, people for the Japanese people in the disaster areas around the world donated to help them through difficult times.

March 11, 2011 , a 9.0 earthquake occurred in norhtestern of japan, which is the largest in Japanese history , killing tens of thousands of casualties , and causing significant property damages, and ...


March 11, 2011 , a 9.0 earthquake occurred in norhtestern of japan, which is the largest in Japanese history , killing tens of thousands of casualties , and causing significant property damages, and also triggered a nuclear leak . The earthquake epicenter was located in the Pacific Ocean , strongly felt in Tokyo . The earthquake triggered a tsunami to the Pacific coast in most areas . After the earthquake, people around the world have donated money for the Japanese people in disaster areas to help them ride out the storm 赞同1| 评论 今天 04:50 lisajin333 | 二级
An catastrophe fall to Japan on March 11, 2011, the earhquake which was the most destructive calamity in Japan's history, causing millions of people to be the victims and robbing numerous property. Most seriously, leaking nuclear became the biggest problem. the stationary of the earthquke was in Pacific area, including Tokoy, a myraid of cities were affected. Tsunami damaged poeple's life who lived along the Pacific Ocean. People from all over the world, especially China aided this miserble destruction to help them get over it. 赞同0| 评论 今天 12:18 椛开花落丶 | 一级
Earthquake epicenter is located in the Pacific waters, seismaesthesia, feel Tokyo is strong. Earthquakes triggered tsunami affecting Pacific After the earthquake, people for the Japanese people in the disaster areas around the world donated to help them through difficult times. 赞同0| 评论


March 11, 2011 , a 9.0 earthquake occurred in norhtestern of japan, which is the largest in Japanese history , killing tens of thousands of casualties , and causing significant property damages, and ...


March 11, 2011 , a 9.0 earthquake occurred in norhtestern of japan, which is the largest in Japanese history , killing tens of thousands of casualties , and causing significant property damages, and also triggered a nuclear leak . The earthquake epicenter was located in the Pacific Ocean , strongly felt in Tokyo . The earthquake triggered a tsunami to the Pacific coast in most areas . After the earthquake, people around the world have donated money for the Japanese people in disaster areas to help them ride out the storm


2011年3月11日日本大地震位于日本什么岛东北部 地理题2011年3月11日日本东北部 发生地震的海域是 历史材料题:材料一:2011年3月11日,日本当地时间14时46分,日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0级地震并引起海啸材料一:2011年3月11日,日本当地时间14时46分,日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0级地震并引起 2011年3月11日,日本当地时间14时46分,日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0级地震并引发海啸,地震中心经纬度是A东经142.6度B北纬28.1度C日本东北部D东经142度,北纬38.7度 英语翻译2011年3月11日,日本东北部发生9.0级地震.此次地震是日本历史上最大的一次,造成几万人伤亡,并造成重大财产损失,还引发了核泄漏.地震震中位于太平洋海域,东京有强烈震感.地震引发 英语翻译2011年3月11日,日本东北部发生了8.9级地震,作为一个中国人,我想我应该忘掉过去,来帮助他们.日本这次地震损失很惨重,很多国家都去帮他们了.我们会捐钱,捐物品,给他们安慰的话.希 3月11日下午2时46分,日本东北部的太平洋发生了一场里氏9.0级的强烈地震.提取关键词语 2011年3月11日日本的大地震 中国为什么支援日本? 北京时间2011年3月11日13时46分,日本东北部宫城县以东太平洋海域发生里氏9.0级特大地震灾情发生后小明迅速上网搜索了一些关于地震的知识:地震的频率范围大概是1~100赫兹,在传播途中振动 2011年3月11日,日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0级地震并引发海啸,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失为体现国际人道主义精神,某厂计划加工1500顶帐篷进行国际支援,在加工了300顶帐篷后,由于救灾需要工 内蒙古东北部在2011年7月22日晚22:58左右有地震迹象 关于日本地震的中文稿件求翻译成英文!北京时间3月11日13点46分 日本本州岛附近海域发生强烈地震并引发海啸,已造成超过1000人死亡。北京时间3月11日13点46分 日本东北部本州岛附近海域发 日本地震2011年3月9日最新消息 3月11日日本发生什么事 “日本大地震发生在3月11日的下午”用英语翻译怎样说 2011年3月11日日本特大地震引发大规模海啸,第一核电站是? 2011年3月11日,日本发生了地震,北京时间(东八区)是几时几分 2011年3月11日,日本地震死了多少人?