
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 05:02:36


每个人都知道庄严的博览会会来.博览会将举行在五月一日和十月在三十个结束.那里超过 184 天去的世界博览会.博览会的可爱的吉祥物是"海宝".Haibao 穿着一件蓝色的连衣裙和他是很受欢迎 now.Expo 有很多建筑.中国展馆是我家附近.我认为每天.它有七个红色.我是一个学生在中国上海.博览会为我做了什么?我认为第一,我们必须努力用英语学习因为数以百万计的外国人将访问上海期间 2010年世界 Expo.If 一个外国人出现一些问题.我会帮助他们.如果一个人误入歧途的.我会告诉他去,并告诉他们,世界博览会的主题是"加强城市更好寿命"如何.Secoondy,我们可以得出一些图片,告诉人民不要 something.Some 登录方法"不拾花"等.第三个,我们会做一个 志愿者当 您看到有些人穿同样的颜色衣服然后他们是志愿者.博览会将到来我们去帮助每个人Expo and me
Everybody knows the solemn Expo will coming.The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October.There over 184 days to go for World Expo.
Expo’s lovely mascot is “Haibao”.Haibao is wearing a blue dress and he is very popular now.Expo has many building.The China pavilion is near my home.I see it everyday.It has seven red.
I am a student in Shanghai in China.What can I do for Expo?
I think the first is we must study hard in English because millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo.If a foreigners has some problem.I will help them.If a person go an astray.I will tell him how to go and tell them the theme of World Expo is”Better city Better life.”
Secoondy,We can draw some picture and tell the people don’t do something.Some sign means”Don’t pick flower”and so on.
The third,we will do a volunteer.When you see some people wear the same colour dress then they are volunteer.
Expo will coming.Let’s go to help everybody !