c语言 找数字有一样的数Problem:Two integers are considered to be friendly if all of the digits in the first number appear in the second number.Given ten integers as input display all pairs of “friends” in the set where the second number

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/27 13:20:44

c语言 找数字有一样的数Problem:Two integers are considered to be friendly if all of the digits in the first number appear in the second number.Given ten integers as input display all pairs of “friends” in the set where the second number
c语言 找数字有一样的数
Problem:Two integers are considered to be friendly if all of the digits in the first number appear in the second number.Given ten integers as input display all pairs of “friends” in the set where the second number must come after (order of input) the first in the data set.
• The user will always enter 10 non-negative integers as input.Leading zero digits are ignored.
• Display no more than 5 pairs of friends per line of output.
Example Execution #1:
Enter data #1:1234
Enter data #2:4321
Enter data #3:2111
Enter data #4:12345
Enter data #5:5432
Enter data #6:23451
Enter data #7:3
Enter data #8:2341112
Enter data #9:5423
Enter data #10:3
Friends:[1234,4321] [1234,12345] [1234,23451] [1234,2341112] [4321,12345]
[4321,23451] [4321,2341112] [2111,12345] [2111,23451] [2111,2341112]
[12345,23451] [5432,23451] [5432,5423] [3,2341112] [3,5423]

c语言 找数字有一样的数Problem:Two integers are considered to be friendly if all of the digits in the first number appear in the second number.Given ten integers as input display all pairs of “friends” in the set where the second number
#define N 10
#define MAX_LEN 100
int friend(char * a, char * b)
int i;
while (*a)
for (i = 0; b[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (b[i] == *a)
if (b[i] == '\0')
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
char data[N][MAX_LEN];
char s[MAX_LEN], * p;
int i, j, align = 0, n = 0;
puts("Example Execution #1:");
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
printf("Enter data #%d: ", i);
scanf("%s", s);
p = s;
while (*p == '0' && p[1] != '\0') p++;
strcpy(data[n++], p);
printf("Friends: ");
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
if (friend(data[i], data[j]))
if (align % 5 != 0)
putchar(' ');
printf("[%s, %s]", data[i], data[j]);
if (align % 5 == 4)
return 0;

c语言 找数字有一样的数Problem:Two integers are considered to be friendly if all of the digits in the first number appear in the second number.Given ten integers as input display all pairs of “friends” in the set where the second number 用C语言实现 输出0-99999中可开方数并且其中有两个数字是一样的如144,121等 C语言 统计范围内数字出现个数Problem Description请统计某个给定范围【L,R】的所有整数中,数字X出现的次数比如给定范围【2,22】,数字2在数2中出现了一次,在数12中出现了一次,在数20中出现了1次 C语言编程:求100~999中个位数、十位数、百位数字之和为21的数有哪些 10个数找最大值并标出是第几个数字的C语言 C语言循环语句题有1、2、3、4四个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数,都是哪些数? 找满足要求的数字(C语言),输出1到9999中能被7整除,而且至少有一位数字是5的所有数字.输出是一行一个数字,且按小到大的顺序输出.用for语言,但是不要引用有一个帖子的那种contain什么乱七 用C语言编程,输入一个正整数,计算并显示该数的各位数字之和. C语言:输入一个正整数, 计算并显示出该数的各位数字之和. 在C语言中把数字0向左移动10位得到的数是多少? 编程输出所有三位正整数各位数字和为10的数c语言 C语言 任意输入5个数字 输出5个数的中间数. 下列说法正确的是:A.近似数2.30的精确度与近似数2.3一样B.近似数3.20与近似数3.2的有效数字个数一样C.近似数5千万和500万的精确度一样D.近似数3.14精确到百分位有三个有效数字 C语言中编写一个整数是否有重复的数字,并输重复的数字 下列说法错误的事( )A近似数2000有四个有效数字B近似数2.1万精确到万位C近似数6.0精确到个位D近似数15.6近似数15.6于15.60的精确度一样 C语言中,d%,c%,f%分别是输出的数字有什么特征? 怎样找语言有深度的文章 利用C语言输出某个数字的各位数字之和