
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 01:38:31


春天已经悄悄地来到我们身边,春风轻轻地吹红了花,春雨也静静地润绿了叶,朝气蓬勃的我们正像那红花绿叶一样鲜活一样有生命力,而又有谁曾想到过是谁做了那春风春雨默默地滋润着我们呢? 当我们早上匆匆忙忙地从床上爬起时,是谁已经为我们做好了可口的早餐?当我们背上书包急地走出家门时,是谁的身影徘徊在窗前张望?当我们带着一身疲惫回到农时,是谁早已为我们烧好了洗澡水?当我们为了学习而挑灯苦读到深夜时,又是谁悄悄地在桌角放上一杯牛奶?是什么样的人才能做得这么多这么多却不求一点回报呢?是妈妈.
从小到大,妈妈一直是我们身边最亲最爱的人,嘘寒问暖,知冷知热.在我们还不能清楚地表达臫时,妈妈不厌其烦地教我们呀呀学语;当我们还没有能力保护自己的时候,妈妈义无返顾地用那博大无私的爱为我们遮风挡雨;当我们自认为已经长在要摆脱她的庇护时,妈妈不无担心地默默注视着我们;当我们开心的时候,妈妈用明亮的眸子微笑地看着我们;当我们难过的时候,妈妈明知道自己帮不了什么忙却还是陪着我们一起忧伤……妈妈为我们做的已经太多太多,可是她却从来没有要求任何的回报,这是一种多么广博多么无私的爱啊! 从古至今,多少文人墨客竭力渲染沣母爱的伟大,它赐予了我们多少不能忘却的东西,我们从那里得到的远远比付出的多,学会了宽容,学会了理解,学会了广博,学会了为他人着想,可是我们又曾为妈妈做过什么呢?难道我们就这样心安理得地接受着妈妈无偿的爱吗?我们不应该做些什么让妈妈开心,让妈妈骄傲吗? 美丽的五月已经悄悄地来到身边,空气里到处飘荡着芬芳的气息,在这暖意融融的季节里,五月永恒的主题便是母亲节,在这个平凡又具有特殊意义的日子里,我们该为妈妈做些什么呢?
妈妈不要华丽昂贵的首饰,不要价值不菲的礼物,送给妈妈最好的礼物就是我们自己,也许就在昨天,一枝初叶蓓蕾的康乃馨,一块干净整洁的桌布,一张纯洁无邪的笑靥,便让妈妈倍感欣慰.因为——孩子长大了,懂得如何疼妈妈了.这就是在告诉妈妈:妈妈,我爱你! 昨天便是五月的第二个星期天,那美丽的母亲节,然面对于每一个爱着妈妈的孩子来说,每一天都是母亲节,让我们用最温柔的心情,拥抱妈妈,告诉她:“妈妈,我爱你.”Mother love endless spring has quietly come to our side, the spring breeze gently blowing red flowers, spring has quietly run green leaves, vibrant green leaves red flowers as we are just as fresh as it has vitality, but Who ever think of who did it quietly spring rain nourishing us? When we rush out of bed the morning when, who has a delicious breakfast we do a good job? When we back out of the house hastily bag when wandering figure who looked in the window? When we returned to farming season with a tired, who had burned a bath for us? When we study hard to learn and stay up late into the night, who is quietly Zhuojiao put a glass of milk? What kind of person can do so much without asking for so many little return? Mother. From small to large, my mother has always been our favorite people around the most pro, being, Zhilengzhire. We can not clearly express Jiao, the mother patiently taught us babbling; when we were not able to protect themselves when the mother threw selfless love with that broad shelter for us; when we think we have long in the shelters to get rid of her, the mother was not without worry about watching us in silence; when we are happy, my mother smiling with bright eyes looking at us; when we are sad, her mother knows he is not much help accompanied us sad but still ... ... my mother has been too much for us to do too much, but she never asked any of the return, how broad this is what a selfless love ah! Since ancient times, how many men of letters tried the great maternal love render Symphony, which gave us not forget how many things we get from there is far more than the cost, learned tolerance, learn to understand and learn the extensive, learned for others, but we worked mother done? Are we so complacent to accept his mother free love? We should not do so her mother happy, her mother proud? May have been quietly beautiful coming around, the air was full of the fragrance of breath floating in the cozy warmth of the season, May is the eternal theme of Mother's Day, in the normal, day of special significance, we as mothers do? Mama Do not gorgeous expensive jewelry, do not valuable gift to my mother the best gift is our own, maybe just yesterday, an early Ye Beilei carnations, a clean tablecloth, an innocent smile Zhang Chunjie , let her mother feel happy. Because - children grow up, know how to hurt her mother. This is to tell her mother: Mom, I love you! Yesterday is the second Sunday in May, that beautiful Mother's Day, then the face of a loving mother to every child, every day is Mother's Day, let us use the most tender feelings, hugging her mother and told her: "Mom, I love you."
考试考得不好,您会鼓励我;别人欺侮我,您会为我打气;我自满骄傲的时候,您会提醒我……在我心目中,您又严厉又温柔.妈妈,我爱你,祝你节日快乐!The exam well, you will encourage me, Bullying create me, would you to pick me, I complacent pride, you will be reminded me... In my mind, you have severely and gentleness. Mom, I love you, wish you happy holidays!
亲爱的妈妈:妇女节快乐!有时在学校,会很想你,也特别想回家.去年的同一个时候,我也曾在学校给你写过信.在学校总觉得发消息给你你就会不寂寞,会感觉放松.妈妈,有时候买东西总是和你一起去,其实我也想自己去,比如买东西,如果我一个人去别人就会因为我这么小带钱上街看得我浑身不舒服.我也想独立,但是总会有许多困扰.每个人说我内向,但是我觉得很难过,我不喜欢性格内向,我多么希望自己有个开朗的性格!是你们给了我信心和鼓励,也是你们总是让我充满了信心!亲爱的妈妈:妇女节快乐!你的生日礼物我差不多已经准备好了哟!时间过得真快,马上就要毕业了,我知道这么多年来你对我很严厉是为了我好,其实这些我都知道,都记在心里.很多时候我在自己问自己:将来用什么报答你们!我没有答案,我也比较努力用成绩来证明一切.上学期我成绩下降,我也很着急,我也在赶,虽然我对自己没有信心,也觉得自己的未来似乎很渺茫,但我会尽全力的,新的一年我希望我的妈妈身体健康,一帆风顺!亲爱的妈妈:节日快乐!祝你身体健康,万事如意!天天快乐!皮肤越来越好.其实用香蕉治豆豆很有效的,头发黑色也要好看的,每天少打电脑,减下肥,穿衣服更好看.嘿嘿!希望你和爸爸关系越来越好,上课不要太大声了!多运动,你好久才能来看我呢!我在这里很好,你也放心,我很想你!亲爱的妈妈:节日快乐!我知道你不喜欢表达自己内心的想法,我衣服穿少了,感冒了,受伤了你都会既生气又心痛.听你的话我感觉好温暖.我很怕你不理我,你和爸爸因为我成绩不理想而生气,我真的很难过,我很怕失去你们的爱,我也很想考好,我真的会努力了!我需要你们的支持!那天我是因为不敢面对才拒绝去吃饭的,听到别人赞美自己的女儿,你们一定想到我了吧,我一定会努力的,真的!你们又要去阿坝了吧,一定又很久不能看到你们了.我一定会让你们在那么远那么哭的地方听到我的好消息的!那边一定很冷吧!你们要注意保暖,我永远爱你们!亲爱的妈妈:新的一年来了!妇女节快乐!虽然我们都在成都,但是很少有时间可以回去与你相聚.但是我们也会在这个时候想起你和爸爸.虽然你不经常来成都,但是每次你来的时候,总不忘给我们买一些东西,做我们最爱吃的菜.然后静静等待我们回来.我最喜欢你的菜,真的好吃.我知道你很爱我们,爸爸在外面挣钱,就靠你照顾我们,虽然我们给你添了很多麻烦,嘴里说你们不要回来,但是我知道你心里还是很想我们的.我会努力学习的,来回报你和爸爸的养育之恩.你就象春天的雨露,降落在我的身上,让我们茁壮成长.爸爸就象温暖的阳光,让我们奋发向上,是你们给我们创造了很好的平台.我永远爱你们!亲爱的妈妈:不知不觉我已经长大了,在你辛勤哺育下,我快乐的成长着!忽然有一天,我发现你眼角多了几条皱纹,让我们多心疼呀.你为了我能有个良好的学习环境,一天忙到晚,不能按时睡觉,吃饭不能按时吃,我真的很担心你的身体,那么的消瘦,身体又不好!虽然每次和你谈话都很平和,吵过以后心里也很伤心的!也许我从没对你表示过我心中的爱,但是我依然爱你,我的妈妈!为了我你吃了不少的苦,爸爸吃了不少的苦,你是一个坚强能干的妈妈!我心中了不起的妈妈!我们一起加油吧!你好好工作,我努力学习,我不善于表达对你的爱,说出口也很艰难,所以妈妈看过消息后,好好收藏,藏在你的心中,你还有一个爱着你的女儿!亲爱的妈妈:妇女节快乐!时间真的过得非常的快,仿佛昨天还沉浸在自己快乐的童年,现在都已经上初2了.不过我还是觉得我真的好幼稚.其实我已经长大了,我要谢谢了,赋予我美丽的人生!让我开心的,乐观的生活在自己的世界里,我追过星,你也一如既往支持我,当我伤心时,你也会和我谈心,很感谢你!虽然现在我会沉浸于自己的世界,会为喜欢的事物不停的追求,你也不会阻止我,我能有这样一个好妈妈,真的很开心.马上要中考了!我会一步步的去实现我的诺言.我会考好的,但是你也要答应我的要求哟!嘿嘿,你知道的哈! Dear mother: happy women's day! Sometimes in school, will miss you very much, also want to go home. The same time last year, I was also in school sent you a letter. In the school always feel hair news to you you will not lonely, will feel relaxed. Mom, sometimes buy things always go with you, in fact I think also go to, such as shopping, if I a person to others will because I so little money with street look I feel uncomfortable. I also want to independence, but always has many problems. Everybody says I reserved, but I felt very sorry, I don't like introverted, how I wish you have a cheerful personality! Is you give me confidence and encouragement, and also you always make me full of confidence! Dear mother: happy women's day! Your birthday gift that I almost ready! Time flies, immediately is about to graduate, I know the years you's very hard on me is good for me, actually these all that I know, they are written in the heart. Many times I myself to ask myself: what repay your future! I have no answer, I also compare the effort is to use achievement to prove anything. Last semester I grades, I am very anxious, I also in hurry, although I have no confidence to oneself, also feel their future seems very slim, but I will try my best to the New Year, I hope that my mother healthy body, plain sailing. Dear mother: happy holidays! I wish you good health and all the best! Happy every day! The skin is getting better and better. Actually with bananas cure doug very effective, the hair black, we also less each day playing computer, JianXia fat, wear clothes look better. Hey hey! I hope you and dad relationship more and more good, have a class not too loud! More exercise, you for a long time to come see me! I am here is very good, you trust, I miss you very much! Dear mother: happy holidays! I know you don't like expressing your inner thoughts, I dressed little, cold, injured you will be angry and heartache. Listen to your words I feel so warm. I'm afraid you ignore me, you and dad because I did not ideal but angry, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid of losing your love, I also want to do well, I would be really hard! I need your support! That day because I dare not face just refused to eat, compliments oneself of daughter, you must think of me, I will work hard, really! You have to go now, be sure of aba too long to see you again. I will make you to cry in so far as the local hear my good news! There must be very cold! You should pay attention to keep warm, I always love you! Dear mother: a new years! Happy women's day! Although we all in chengdu, but few have time to go back to meet you. But we will also at this time remind of you and dad. Although you don't often came to chengdu, but every time when you come, have never forget to buy us something, do our favorite food. Then if waiting for us to come back. I most like your food, really delicious. I know you're loved us, dad outside to make money, and rely on you to take care of us, although we give you so much trouble, mouth say you don't come back, but I know your in the mind would still like to us. I will study hard, return you and daddy's support. Do you like spring rain, landing on my body, let we thrive. Dad is like the warm sunshine, let us strive forward, is you to give us create a good platform. I'll love you! Dear mother: unconsciously I have grown up, in your hard feeding, I happy is growing. Suddenly one day, I found that your canthus some new wrinkles, and let us much heartache ah. You to I can have a good learning environment, a day favour to night, unable to sleep, eat not able to eat, I really worry about your body, then the angular, body is not good! Although every time talking with you all very gentle, noisy over after the in the mind also sad! Maybe I've never said it in my heart to you love, but I still love you, my mom! In order to me you ate a lot of things, and father ate a lot of things, and you are a strong capable of mother! My heart great mother! Together we go! You work hard, I work hard, I am not good at expressing love for you, speak also struggled, so my mother read news, a good collection, hidden in your heart, you have a love your daughter! Dear mother: happy women's day! Time really live very fast, as if yesterday still immersed in their happy childhood, have now on 2. Early But I still think I really childish. In fact I have grown up, I want to thank you, give me the beautiful life! Let me happy, optimistic, living in their own world, I ever been star-struck, you also continue support me when I'm sad, you will also to talk with me, thank you very much! Although now I immersed in the world, will be favourites kept pursuing, you won't stop me, I could have such a good mother, really very happy. Immediately to tests! I'll step by step to fulfill my promise. I'll try, but you must promise to my request! Hey, you know ha!

春天已经悄悄地来到我们身边,春风轻轻地吹红了花,春雨也静静地润绿了叶,朝气蓬勃的我们正像那红花绿叶一样鲜活一样有生命力,而又有谁曾想到过是谁做了那春风春雨默默地滋润着我们呢? 当我们早上匆匆忙忙地从床上爬起时,是谁已经为我们做好了可口的早餐?当我们背上书包急急地走出家门时,是谁的身影徘徊在窗前张望?当我们带着一身疲惫回到农时,是谁早已为我们烧好了洗澡水?当我们为了学习而挑灯苦读...


春天已经悄悄地来到我们身边,春风轻轻地吹红了花,春雨也静静地润绿了叶,朝气蓬勃的我们正像那红花绿叶一样鲜活一样有生命力,而又有谁曾想到过是谁做了那春风春雨默默地滋润着我们呢? 当我们早上匆匆忙忙地从床上爬起时,是谁已经为我们做好了可口的早餐?当我们背上书包急急地走出家门时,是谁的身影徘徊在窗前张望?当我们带着一身疲惫回到农时,是谁早已为我们烧好了洗澡水?当我们为了学习而挑灯苦读到深夜时,又是谁悄悄地在桌角放上一杯牛奶?是什么样的人才能做得这么多这么多却不求一点回报呢?是妈妈。
从小到大,妈妈一直是我们身边最亲最爱的人,嘘寒问暖,知冷知热。在我们还不能清楚地表达臫时,妈妈不厌其烦地教我们呀呀学语;当我们还没有能力保护自己的时候,妈妈义无返顾地用那博大无私的爱为我们遮风挡雨;当我们自认为已经长在要摆脱她的庇护时,妈妈不无担心地默默注视着我们;当我们开心的时候,妈妈用明亮的眸子微笑地看着我们;当我们难过的时候,妈妈明知道自己帮不了什么忙却还是陪着我们一起忧伤……妈妈为我们做的已经太多太多,可是她却从来没有要求任何的回报,这是一种多么广博多么无私的爱啊! 从古至今,多少文人墨客竭力渲染沣母爱的伟大,它赐予了我们多少不能忘却的东西,我们从那里得到的远远比付出的多,学会了宽容,学会了理解,学会了广博,学会了为他人着想,可是我们又曾为妈妈做过什么呢?难道我们就这样心安理得地接受着妈妈无偿的爱吗?我们不应该做些什么让妈妈开心,让妈妈骄傲吗? 美丽的五月已经悄悄地来到身边,空气里到处飘荡着芬芳的气息,在这暖意融融的季节里,五月永恒的主题便是母亲节,在这个平凡又具有特殊意义的日子里,我们该为妈妈做些什么呢?
妈妈不要华丽昂贵的首饰,不要价值不菲的礼物,送给妈妈最好的礼物就是我们自己,也许就在昨天,一枝初叶蓓蕾的康乃馨,一块干净整洁的桌布,一张纯洁无邪的笑靥,便让妈妈倍感欣慰。因为——孩子长大了,懂得如何疼妈妈了。这就是在告诉妈妈:妈妈,我爱你! 昨天便是五月的第二个星期天,那美丽的母亲节,然面对于每一个爱着妈妈的孩子来说,每一天都是母亲节,让我们用最温柔的心情,拥抱妈妈,告诉她:“妈妈,我爱你。”
Mother love endless spring has quietly come to our side, the spring breeze gently blowing red flowers, spring has quietly run green leaves, vibrant green leaves red flowers as we are just as fresh as it has vitality, but Who ever think of who did it quietly spring rain nourishing us? When we rush out of bed the morning when, who has a delicious breakfast we do a good job? When we back out of the house hastily bag when wandering figure who looked in the window? When we returned to farming season with a tired, who had burned a bath for us? When we study hard to learn and stay up late into the night, who is quietly Zhuojiao put a glass of milk? What kind of person can do so much without asking for so many little return? Mother. From small to large, my mother has always been our favorite people around the most pro, being, Zhilengzhire. We can not clearly express Jiao, the mother patiently taught us babbling; when we were not able to protect themselves when the mother threw selfless love with that broad shelter for us; when we think we have long in the shelters to get rid of her, the mother was not without worry about watching us in silence; when we are happy, my mother smiling with bright eyes looking at us; when we are sad, her mother knows he is not much help accompanied us sad but still ... ... my mother has been too much for us to do too much, but she never asked any of the return, how broad this is what a selfless love ah! Since ancient times, how many men of letters tried the great maternal love render Symphony, which gave us not forget how many things we get from there is far more than the cost, learned tolerance, learn to understand and learn the extensive, learned for others, but we worked mother done? Are we so complacent to accept his mother free love? We should not do so her mother happy, her mother proud? May have been quietly beautiful coming around, the air was full of the fragrance of breath floating in the cozy warmth of the season, May is the eternal theme of Mother's Day, in the normal, day of special significance, we as mothers do? Mama Do not gorgeous expensive jewelry, do not valuable gift to my mother the best gift is our own, maybe just yesterday, an early Ye Beilei carnations, a clean tablecloth, an innocent smile Zhang Chunjie , let her mother feel happy. Because - children grow up, know how to hurt her mother. This is to tell her mother: Mom, I love you! Yesterday is the second Sunday in May, that beautiful Mother's Day, then the face of a loving mother to every child, every day is Mother's Day, let us use the most tender feelings, hugging her mother and told her: "Mom, I love you."


The exam well, you will encourage me, Bullying create me, would you to pick me, I complacent pride, you will be reminded me....


The exam well, you will encourage me, Bullying create me, would you to pick me, I complacent pride, you will be reminded me... In my mind, you have severely and gentleness. Mom, I love you, wish you happy holidays!







Do you still remember the time I didn't come home when shcool day's over juest because I was not allowed to watch TV before homework's done? It appears that I can know still hear the voice from you th...


Do you still remember the time I didn't come home when shcool day's over juest because I was not allowed to watch TV before homework's done? It appears that I can know still hear the voice from you throast when you were looking for me all around. That night was the first time I've ever cried. And I sweared I'll love you more than anybody else from then on. Here, your birthday's coming soon. As what I always do, I wish you to live a happy and healthy life forever.
Love from
