
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 13:11:55

23、文明与山水同在 和谐与风景共存

1.flowers and trees of All,all care
2,Green Grass,needs to be protected
3,plants have life,love your heart
4,at the growth of grass,please do not disturb
5,to close you live the pace,leaving the U.S.缘分
6,Xiaocaohu smile,one around you around.
7,do not throw waste,and civilized behavior significantly
8,please put your trash away,please leave your virtues
9,leaving behind all the way clean,1 away Happiness
10,traveled around the world mountains,leaving only footprints string
11,civilized travel,live in harmony
12,beauty is in full bloom,do not bother at random
13,treat the environment,caring nature
14,except footprints and smile,not to leave anything
15,long of forest conditions,fire寸寸heart
16,Yu Shan swim swim world,who love the motherland and love the natural home
17,at the foot of unsparing,leaving the Green Lawn
18,1 grass flower are one life,one love securinine Chief Customs
19,every step of civilization,each brilliant King
20,civilization is the most beautiful scenery
21,places of interest tours,tourists make civilization
22,for people to appreciate the beauty,the virtues of people admire
23,civilization and landscape with the co-existence in harmony with the landscape
24,ten thousand crags and torrents always love,civilization mass tourism reputation
25,Petals not intentional,defloration must relentlessly

1, flowers, totally
2, the grass green, still need to protect
3 and there are flowers and plants, caress attentively life
In April, the grass grows, please don't bother
5 and ShouZhu y...


1, flowers, totally
2, the grass green, still need to protect
3 and there are flowers and plants, caress attentively life
In April, the grass grows, please don't bother
5 and ShouZhu your footsteps, leave our fate
6 and grass, please smiles around a round.
7 and waste not litter, explicit civilization manner
Eight, please put your trash, please leave your virtues
9, leaving a clean, away
10 and the mountains around, only keep step a string
11 and civilization, harmonious tourism
12 and beautiful is not optional, bother
13, good care environment, natural
14, except the footprint, don't smile and leave
15 and leisurely forest fire, inch
16 and swim mountain, swimming swimming patriotic aika love nature
17, feet, lawn leave
18, a flower of life, one is a grass is always close feeling
19 and civilization, every step each scene
20 and civilization is the most beautiful scenery
21 places, and do civilization tourists
22 and beauty appreciation for the people, let a person respected virtues
23, civilized and harmonious coexistence with the scenery with landscape
24 and a long journey, civilization ChuanMei tourism always
25 and friendship, not intentional picked flowers must be ruthless


1, The flowers and trees are enjoyed together, everybody takes good care of
2, green fragrant grass, need to take good care of
3, flowers and plants and all have a life, please take good car...


1, The flowers and trees are enjoyed together, everybody takes good care of
2, green fragrant grass, need to take good care of
3, flowers and plants and all have a life, please take good care of
4 diligently, light grass in grow, please bother
5, charge step to live in you, fate
6, small grass which leave us smile, please wind.
7, Wastes throw out without care, bearing show 8 civilization, please take rubbish of you away, please leave
9, leave virtue of you one No. clean, take away all over happy
10, visit mountains and rivers all over the world, leave footprint more than one bunches only, civilization travel, harmonious to get along
12, beautiful to burst forth, please don't bother
13, treat the environment kindly at will, care about
14, except that footprint and smile naturally, nothing don't leave 15, long forest feeling, each fire prevention
16 heart, visit mountain visit world is patriotic to like house like 17 naturally, foot show mercy by swimming, keep all life of a grass of a green flower,
19, civilization every step that one and a leaf always concern feeling in the lawn, excellent every
20 scene, civilization beautiful 21 scenery, award scenic spots and historical sites most, make civilization
22 visitor, beautiful scenery support people appreciate, virtue let people revere
23, civilization and mountains and rivers in harmonious until scenery coexist
24, the long and arduous journey is always the feeling together, civilization travel, spread 25 good name, fall, spend, may not intend, pluck flower sure mercilessly


1, The flowers and trees are enjoyed together, everybody takes good care of
2, green fragrant grass, need to take good care of
3, flowers and plants and all have a life, please take good car...


1, The flowers and trees are enjoyed together, everybody takes good care of
2, green fragrant grass, need to take good care of
3, flowers and plants and all have a life, please take good care of
4 diligently, light grass in grow, please bother
5, charge step to live in you, fate
6, small grass which leave us smile, please wind.

7, Wastes throw out without care, bearing show 8 civilization, please take rubbish of you away, please leave
9, leave virtue of you one No. clean, take away all over happy
10, visit mountains and rivers all over the world, leave footprint more than one bunches only, civilization travel, harmonious to get along

12, beautiful to burst forth, please don't bother
13, treat the environment kindly at will, care about
14, except that footprint and smile naturally, nothing don't leave
15, long forest feeling, each fire prevention
16 heart, visit mountain visit world is patriotic to like house like
17 naturally, foot show mercy by swimming, keep all life of a grass of a green flower,
19, civilization every step that one and a leaf always concern feeling in the lawn, excellent every
20 scene, civilization beautiful 21 scenery, award scenic spots and historical sites most, make civilization
22 visitor, beautiful scenery support people appreciate, virtue let people revere
23, civilization and mountains and rivers in harmonious until scenery coexist
24, the long and arduous journey is always the feeling together, civilization travel, spread 25 good name, fall, spend, may not intend, pluck flower sure mercilessly


英语翻译1花木共赏,人人呵护2青青芳草,还需呵护3花草皆有生命,敬请用心呵护4小草在生长5请您勿打扰6收住你的脚步,留下我们的缘分7小草微微笑,请您绕一绕.8废物不乱扔,举止显文明9请把您 英语翻译1、花木共赏,人人呵护2、青青芳草,还需呵护3、花草皆有生命,敬请用心呵护4、小草在生长,请您勿打扰5、收住你的脚步,留下我们的缘分6、小草微微笑,请您绕一绕.7、废物不乱扔,举 英语翻译1,爱护花木,美化校园2,爱护生命,享受自然3,小草美丽,人人在珍爱4,绿草青青,请勿践踏5,呵护绿色,爱护生命6,小草有情,脚下留青.7,请勿擅动! 英语翻译别踩我、我怕痛小草依依、请你爱惜小草叮咛、脚下留情芳草萋萋、践踏可惜花草共赏、人人呵护小草青青、脚下留情芳草依依、大家怜惜心中有情、脚下留情绕行三五步、留得芳 以呵护为题的作文怎么写1,呵护环境 2,呵护地球 3,呵护自己 4,呵护他人 数学初一下学期二/三元一次方程组问题某花农培育甲种花木3株,乙种花木1株,共需成本1320元;培育甲种花木2株,丙种花木1株,共需成本900元;培育2株乙种花木,3株丙种花木需成本1020元.(1)求 英语翻译1勿折花木2来宾登记3请勿践踏草坪4请随手关门5勿乱扔废弃物 以“呵护”为题写一篇作文呵护中有温情,呵护中有智慧,呵护中有境界.我们在呵护中成长,成长的我们也将呵护传递.请以“呵护”为题,写一篇文章要求:1、文体自选,不少于600字 2、感情真挚 英语翻译陆洋李柩章言言韦青青 某花农培育甲种花木2株,乙种花木3株,共需成本1700元;培育甲种花木3株,乙种花木1株,共需成本1500元.(1)求甲、乙两种花木每株成本分别为多少?(2)据市场调研,1株甲种花木售价为760元,1株 全用一元一次方程写,速度一.某花农培育甲种花木2株,乙种花木3株,共需成本1700元,培育甲种花木3株,乙种花木1株,共需成本1500元1)求甲乙两种花木每株成本分别为多少元(2)根据市场调研,1 某花农培育甲种花木2株,乙种花木3株,共需要成本1700元;培育甲种花木3株,乙种花木1株,共需要成本1500元.1.求甲,乙两种花木成本分别为多少元?2.据市场调研究,1株甲种花木的售价为760元,1株异种 有能力的请告诉我 Thank you very much!急急急鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡急-问一个数学题 是这麽一个问题:某花农培育甲种花木2株,乙种花木3株,共需成本1700元:培育甲种花木3株,乙种花木1株, 英语翻译1.小心滑落2.攀花折草,人人侧目1 就是小心滑倒2就是不要摘花 英语翻译杨柳青青著地垂… 对微生物学授课的看法与建议?医学微生物学呵护理学的关系?1、对微生物学授课的看法与建议?2、 医学微生物学呵护理学的关系? 青青有2元和5元的人民币共30元,并且2元的张数比5元的张数多1张,青青这两种币值的人民币各有多少张?方程学校安排学生进餐,如果每桌坐6人,那么有20人没有座位;如果每桌坐8人,则正好坐满. 青青林场栽了梧桐树和雪松各X排,已知梧桐树每排12棵,雪松每排14棵.(1).栽梧桐树和雪松共多少棵?(2).当X=20时,青青林场一共有多少棵梧桐树和雪松?