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How to Choose Car Security
What to look for:
Motion sensors let you leave the top down or the windows open. They are also good for protecting the cargo areas in vans and trucks. The sensors will sound the alarm if someone invades your space.
Glass-break sensors sound the alarm when they "hear" a window breaking. This protects you from the thief who believes he can bypass your alarm by not opening the door.
Driver's side priority unlock lets you open your door without unlocking the others. You can get in your vehicle without letting your guard down.
Remote outputs allow you to expand the alarm's capabilities by adding features like a remote starter or window controls. Most alarms come with at least one remote output. Consider everything you want the security system to do (now and in the future) when choosing an alarm.
When Crime Guard interconnect harnesses are available for your vehicle, Crime Guard security systems are much easier to install than other brands.
Why buy a car security system?
Protecting yourself and your family, as well as your vehicle and your car stereo are all excellent reasons to invest in a car security system. Additionally, most insurance companies offer lowered rates for vehicles equipped with an alarm — it'll pay for itself!
A good security system not only makes your car more difficult to steal, it also makes it easier to live with. The small remote control that you carry with your keys lets you arm and disarm the alarm, lock and unlock your doors, and maybe even zap open your trunk. How's that for convenience?
FREE wiring guide with your system!
For most vehicles made up to 1995, Crutchfield gives you a sheet that tells the location and color of the wires you need to access in your vehicle. For most vehicles made after 1995, we gladly provide the wiring information over the phone, by fax, or by e-mail. This helpful information is FREE with your security system purchase! You also get our free publication, How to Install a Car Security System.
We help you install your own alarm and save
When you order your alarm from Crutchfield, you can also count on the exclusive toll-free Technical Support we offer our customers. Sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, experienced, patient experts are ready to answer your questions (just have your invoice handy when you call). It's like having a pro look over your shoulder while you work!
How a typical security system works
When you leave the car, push the button that arms your system. You hear your doors lock, and a siren chirp tells you your vehicle is protected. If you've accidentally left a door ajar, the system alerts you with a different sound.
When you walk away, you feel confident, assured. The first thing a thief sees when he approaches your car is a flashing LED that tells him your system is armed. Often, that's enough to make him look elsewhere.
If the thief tries to tamper with your vehicle, he'll get a warning chirp or a full siren blast. The security system "brain" decides which sort of warning to give based on the severity of the tampering and the type of sensors the thief trips.
When you return to your car, use the remote to disarm the system and unlock your doors or pop open the trunk. You can even use the remote to sound the siren if you can't find your car or if someone is bothering you.
Crime Guard harnesses make your security system installation a lot easier
For most vehicles, the installation begins with a Type A harness that makes connections for +12 volts, ground, starter disable and ignition — saving you time and effort on your installation. Connect a couple of sensors and you've got basic protection. (In some cases, you may need to splice a few wires to get all the features you want.)
Additional harnesses may also be available for your vehicle:
for remote door-lock control
for parking-light flash
for dome light activation
for trunk or hatch release
for remote engine start
玻璃打破传感器发出警报时, “听到”一个窗口打破.这种保护您免受小偷谁相信他可以绕过你报警不开门.
当您以您的报警从克拉奇菲尔德,您还可以指望独家免费电话技术支持,我们为我们的客户提供. 16个小时,一周7天,有经验,耐心专家愿意回答您的问题(只要您的发票方便打电话时) .这就像有一个亲期待您的肩上,而你的工作!
当你走开,你有信心,有保证.的第一件事,一个小偷把他的做法时,你的车是一个闪烁的LED ,告诉他您的系统是武装冲突.通常,这足以让他目光转移到其他地方.
对于大多数车辆,安装一开始就利用A型,使连接12伏特,地面,禁用和点火起动器-节省您的时间和精力,在您的安装.连接了几个传感器和你有基本的保护. (在某些情况下,您可能需要剪接一些电线的所有功能你想要的. )

Today, in modern civilization, the car has become an indispensable means of transport. Since the birth of the first vehicle since 1886, it brought to people's lives and greatly facilitated the work, b...


Today, in modern civilization, the car has become an indispensable means of transport. Since the birth of the first vehicle since 1886, it brought to people's lives and greatly facilitated the work, but also has become one of the pillars of modern material. However, we should also note that the rapid development in the automobile industry, and maintain the continuous increase in the production of motor vehicles, the air pollution has brought automobile, automobile exhaust pollution. The main hazard is automobile exhaust to form smog. 1943, Los Angeles, California in the United States, 2.5 million cars burning off 1,100 tons of gasoline per day. After the combustion of hydrocarbons, such as gasoline ultraviolet rays of the sun under a chemical reaction, forming a light blue smoke, most people suffering from the city jealous, headache disease. Later, it was known as photochemical smog of this pollution. Los Angeles twice in 1955 and 1970 occurred photochemical smog, and more than 400 former featured poisoning, respiratory failure and death, the latter a city of three-quarters of the sick. This is the history to be called "the world's eight major hazard" and "20th Century 10 environmental hazards," Los Angeles smog in one of the incidents. It is a profound understanding of these incidents to the people of the dangers of automobile exhaust. 200 vehicle emissions of organic compounds, including benzene, a highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic ingredients, the human body is a long-term cumulative effects. Medical studies have revealed that a large number of benzene vapor inhalation a short period of time can cause life-threatening acute poisoning, the long-term repeated exposure to low levels of benzene can cause chronic poisoning. Data show that PM10 concentrations increased with a series of negative effects on human health closely. American scientists have done in Utah Valley epidemiological studies found that the PM10 air to have a significant impact on human health can lead to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and other diseases in patients with sensitive physical death. It is estimated that 60,000 PM10 lead of the United States and the United Kingdom each year 10,000 people died. Through screening and comprehensive analysis of childhood lead poisoning caused by automobile exhaust pollution is the main factor, as automobile exhaust lead dust accumulation in more than one meter above the ground, and that is exactly the children's activities with the breathing zone of pollution caused by it has become one of the major causes of childhood lead poisoning. Include automobile exhaust pollutants : carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and soot particles (some heavy metal compounds, lead compounds, smoke and oil mist), smell (formaldehyde). According to statistics, about 1,000 vehicles a day 3/hm emit carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons 200-400kg and nitrogen oxides 50-150kg; Los Angeles and other mobile sources of pollutants emitted by motor vehicles accounted for 90% of total atmospheric pollutants. According to the State Environmental Protection Administration predicted that in 2005 China's vehicle emissions in urban air pollution will reach 79% of the share of air pollution in automobile exhaust is the "culprit." Automobile exhaust the highest level of carbon monoxide, it can enter through the respiratory tract of gestation, the blood was absorbed, combined with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, lowering blood oxygen, blood weaken the oxygen supply of human tissues, resulting in tissue hypoxia, which led to headaches and other symptoms, or suffocation. The content of nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust smaller, but highly toxic, toxicity is three times the sulfur oxides. Alveolar oxygen into nitrogen compounds, lead to the formation of nitrite and nitrate, a sharp stimulus to the lung tissue, increased pulmonary capillary permeability, leading to emphysema. Nitrite with hemoglobin, forming ferrihemoglobin caused tissue hypoxia. 200 species of hydrocarbons from automobile exhaust, C2H4 concentration in the atmosphere indicated to (1%), to enable some plants dysplasia. Automobile exhaust also found 32 species of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including 3,4 - benzopyrene and other carcinogenic substances. When the concentration reaches 0.012ug/m3 benzopyrene in the air, residents will have a marked increase in the number of lung cancer. More nearly away from the road, the greater the traffic flow on the highway, the higher the mortality rate of lung cancer.
回答者: lynice - 助理 二级 10-8 14:04
