英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外啦 我在小的时候想成为舞蹈家 那一个又一个华丽的圆圈舞缭乱了我的眼球 后来我长大啦 渐渐的圆圈舞从我的脑海中消失了 我知道这不现实 于是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 16:03:11

英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外啦 我在小的时候想成为舞蹈家 那一个又一个华丽的圆圈舞缭乱了我的眼球 后来我长大啦 渐渐的圆圈舞从我的脑海中消失了 我知道这不现实 于是
每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外啦 我在小的时候想成为舞蹈家 那一个又一个华丽的圆圈舞缭乱了我的眼球 后来我长大啦 渐渐的圆圈舞从我的脑海中消失了 我知道这不现实 于是我又做起了记者梦 我很羡慕他们拿着话筒四处采访的样子 我也想成为记者 但是有梦想是不够的 我们还要有行动不是吗?没有付出哪来成果?我要为梦想开始奋斗起来呀!

英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外啦 我在小的时候想成为舞蹈家 那一个又一个华丽的圆圈舞缭乱了我的眼球 后来我长大啦 渐渐的圆圈舞从我的脑海中消失了 我知道这不现实 于是
Everybody dreams,including me.
As a little girl
I dreamt to be a dancer
when dazzled by those fantastic circle dancing.
As I grown up
circle dances have been faded away in mind
since I've learnt it was beyond reality.
Then I dreamt to be a journalist
when impressed by the way they cover news everywhere with recorders
Though,mere dreaming is not enough.
Shouldn't we act to turn dreams true?
How could one get crown without crosses?
Fighting for my dreams!

Each people all have own dream I am no exception! I want to be in little dancer that another luxuriant circle dance dazzle my eyeball later I grow up la gradually from the circle dance in my mind disa...


Each people all have own dream I am no exception! I want to be in little dancer that another luxuriant circle dance dazzle my eyeball later I grow up la gradually from the circle dance in my mind disappears: I know it's not realistic so I also made a reporter dream I envy them very much take phone interview around like I also wanted to be a reporter but have the dream is not enough we have action is not? Don't pay which come results? I want to dream up! Start struggle


Everyone has his own dream, and I am not a exception. When I was little I dream to be a dancer; those gorgeous cirandas really confused my eye. Afterward, I grow up and the cirandas fade from my memor...


Everyone has his own dream, and I am not a exception. When I was little I dream to be a dancer; those gorgeous cirandas really confused my eye. Afterward, I grow up and the cirandas fade from my memory, for I know this is not easy to achieve. So, I have another dream of be a journalist. I really appreciate them hold a mike and interview all around the world, so I want to be one of them. However, the dream doesn't means everything, I still need to move to realise it, isn't it? How can someone get some without pay some effort first? I will do my best endeavor for my dream.


Each people all have own dream I am no exception! I want to be in little dancer that another luxuriant circle dance dazzle my eyeball later I grow up la gradually from the circle dance in my mind disa...


Each people all have own dream I am no exception! I want to be in little dancer that another luxuriant circle dance dazzle my eyeball later I grow up la gradually from the circle dance in my mind disappears: I know it's not realistic so I also made a reporter dream I envy them very much take phone interview around like I also wanted to be a reporter but have the dream is not enough we have action is not? Don't pay which come results? I want to dream up! Start struggle.


英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想,当然我也不例外,我也有自己的梦想.然而梦想和现实总有些距离,我们都知道梦想它从不会把机会留给那些未曾努力的人们,因此它是我们前进的动力.在我明确 英语翻译我今天演讲的题目是:我的梦想每个人都有自己的梦想,而我也不例外,我从小就有一个梦想,就是长大了可以当一个美术作家!我从小就酷爱美术,应为画画是一种艺术,任何东西都不可 英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外啦 我在小的时候想成为舞蹈家 那一个又一个华丽的圆圈舞缭乱了我的眼球 后来我长大啦 渐渐的圆圈舞从我的脑海中消失了 我知道这不现实 于是 英语高手进汉译英今天下午我们有个英语演讲比赛 帮忙翻译下(多来点从句之类的 给点力 呵呵)今天我演讲的题目是 我有一个梦想 每个人都有自己的梦想 我也不例外 我的梦想就是做一个 每个人都有自己的梦想 英文翻译 英语翻译我是来自五年级九班的安沁雪,很高兴能参加这次比赛.我演讲的题目是《我的爱好》.每个人都有自己的爱好,我也不例外,我的爱好有很多,比如:主持、演讲、拉小提琴、吹葫芦丝、话 英语翻译 每个人都有一个梦想,我的心中也有个梦想 英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想,希望有一天能够实现. 每个人都有自己的梦想这句话用英语怎么说?我要写个英语作文,我想写每个人都有自己的梦想这句话, 汉译英:每个人都有一个属于自己的梦想. 一个句子 汉译英 初一的同志应该就能答上音乐对每个人都很重要,我也不例外. (本人急需,) 漫漫人生路,哪里才是我的方向?漫漫人生路,坎坷何其多,走到终点,才会想起途中的遗憾.也许每个人都有一个理想,也许都想让生命获得价值.我也不例外,在生命最初时背上了美好的梦想,可整个 英语翻译:每个人都有自己的使命 英语翻译每个人都有每个人自己的生活方式 英语翻释下列句子,每个人都有自己的梦想,而我的梦想是当一位教师,为了实现梦想我的计划是好好学习. 英语翻释下列句子,每个人都有自己的梦想,而我的梦想是当一位教师,为了实现梦想我的计划是好好学习. 每一个人都有自己的梦想 英语翻译 作文:大人的烦恼作文要求:每个人都有自己的烦恼,大人也不例外.请你试着去了解大人的烦恼,可能的情况下,去分担他们的忧愁.500字以上.