
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/26 17:34:38


p1 hi what's your plan in this weekend?
p2 well...do you konw there will be a concert in the center park? i may go to the concert.
p1 wow! that's wonderful. what kind of music do you like?
p2 i prefer classic music. it's peaceful and wonderful what about you?
p1 so great. i am also a fan of classic music. especially the melodies of Beethoven. so what's your favourite composer?
p2 every musician! they are all famous and talented.
p1 well that's true. they bring the soul of music to our daily life.
p1 what's more, i am really intersted in the concert. could you tell me sth about it in detail?
p2 ok , the concert will start at 2 o'clock saturday . and it's free to students.
p1 oh!that's cool!
p2 yes. and a famous pianoist will be there to play the famous melodies of Beethoven.
p1 Beethoven's music always makes calm and sane. especially when i was in bad mood.
p2 since you really like classic music. why not go with me together?
p1 OK i am happy to be invited!
p2 and i hear that after the concert , every listener will recive a CD which contains some famous classic music songs.
p1 great! i will wait for you at the gate center park at 1:30 saturday afternoon
p2 ok see you later
纯手打=.= 水平有限 不要见怪

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