各位大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,译成英文的 急这是原文你说你想考研,可从不见你背单词,做习题,你看到学霸出没便嗤之以鼻,说这样活着没意思,你看到有人旅行,有不屑一顾的说这只是随大流.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/24 03:40:54

各位大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,译成英文的 急这是原文你说你想考研,可从不见你背单词,做习题,你看到学霸出没便嗤之以鼻,说这样活着没意思,你看到有人旅行,有不屑一顾的说这只是随大流.
各位大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,译成英文的 急

各位大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,译成英文的 急这是原文你说你想考研,可从不见你背单词,做习题,你看到学霸出没便嗤之以鼻,说这样活着没意思,你看到有人旅行,有不屑一顾的说这只是随大流.
You announce that you want to take the postgraduate examination, but never have I seen you put efforts in memorizing new vocabulary nor have I seen you do any of the exercises. You watch those “Super Learners” with disdain and contemptuosly argue that there is no point in living a life like that. You jeer at those well-traveled people as merely "keeping up with the Joneses" . I start to doubt that you just take these word as an escape from reality; I start to question whether you are starting to be doubt yourself with every evasion from your duty and the feeble self-comfort you resort to.
Gradually, you become subjected to you own desire; you become self-contented; you console youself that this is all about growing up. You admire the hard work and endeavor made by others but shortly afterwards you retreat to you own way of life.I really wonder what kind of life you deserve to have?
I am not sure whether the so-called sense of security really exists, but I have my own way of defining it. The first one: all that you get from others is bond to disapear someday, but what you earn by youself is always reliable. Only action can bring you the real sense of security. The Second: you should always remember whoever you are, whatever kind of person you eventually become, you are always the sense of security your parents can derive from.
When you walk pass the crowd alone, watch the splendid lights shining on the river banks, but still cannot find you own sense of belonging, then it is time for you to listen to a song, pick up a book and recall the moments when you cling to your goal and reaffirm the reason why you choose to be here. You hold you head high and bravely set out on you way again.
Maybe today you feel you possess nothing at all, but you get everything in you hands as long as you have dreams and hope. So long as the path is of your own choice, never fear that you have gone so far, since life will always reserve something for those who never lose faith in it.

各位大神帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,译成英文的 急这是原文你说你想考研,可从不见你背单词,做习题,你看到学霸出没便嗤之以鼻,说这样活着没意思,你看到有人旅行,有不屑一顾的说这只是随大流. 一篇5分钟有意义的英文演讲稿?拜托各位大神 求一篇《青春畅想》的演讲稿拜托各位大神 求各位大神帮忙写一篇关于感恩的演讲稿.感恩谁都行,不过要求是原创. 英语翻译求英语大神帮忙翻译一篇文章!这是我的入学自我介绍,希望可以翻译成英文~希望可以尽量准确点!感激不尽> 一篇初一演讲稿英文 加翻译 摆脱各位大神写一篇关于“转变正在发生”的演讲稿 日月翻译成英文是怎么写?拜托各位大神好多翻译的都不一样 帮忙一篇以“感恩”为话题的演讲稿求大神帮助 帮忙准备一篇介绍大熊猫的英文演讲或POWERPOINT 各位大神求帮助!英语作业,中文翻译英文.作业 自己写的一首诗,用中文写的,求大神帮忙翻译成英文~~~谢谢了 请帮忙写一篇英文演讲稿题目已发给你 期待你的回答 求一篇5分钟的关于三生教育演讲稿麻烦各位大侠帮忙给一篇关于三生教育的演讲稿,大约5分钟, 一篇关于friendship的英文演讲稿 急需英文短诗一篇有翻译的 演讲用 哪位大神能帮忙翻译一篇英文文献啊,大神留下邮箱,跪谢啊! 我是一名高中生,需要一篇适合的演讲稿,演讲时间3分钟,内容是当今时事或现在的热门话题拜托各位大神 帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿,翻成英文的!不要在线翻译的,急求啊,在线等的,各位帮帮忙啊 我们曾自豪地向世界宣称:我们是90后.有苏轼的狂放,有李清照的婉约,更是独一无二的我们自己! 我们是