
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 15:27:58


Before I met you,I always thought love had to do with luck.
The current me is still weak and clumsy,always doing the wrong thing and making you worry.
The memories you built with warmth isn't enough to help me build trust in myself.
Instead,I'm beginning to completely rely and live on the rays of light you have shown me.
My belief in you triumphs my own belief in my cowardly and weak self.
自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

Met you before, I always thought that love is one with luck.
I still weak and clumsy and timid useless, can not become the girl you do not have to worry about;
Warm building up memories you ca...


Met you before, I always thought that love is one with luck.
I still weak and clumsy and timid useless, can not become the girl you do not have to worry about;
Warm building up memories you can not afford to still build my trust;
However, I began to completely rely on the light you give survival;
I believe that you beat and believe that the weak and humble


Before I met you, I always thought love was only about luck.
Now I'm still a timid and clumsy and humble girl who cannot free you from worrying.
The memories filled with your warmness haven't ...


Before I met you, I always thought love was only about luck.
Now I'm still a timid and clumsy and humble girl who cannot free you from worrying.
The memories filled with your warmness haven't built up my self-confidence,
While I begin to indulge myself in the glittering light you give.
I believe in you so much more than in my timid and humble self.


I have been regarding love as somthing that related with fortune before I met you.
I'm still weak,stupid,timid and useless,I could not change myself to the one who will never make you worry.


I have been regarding love as somthing that related with fortune before I met you.
I'm still weak,stupid,timid and useless,I could not change myself to the one who will never make you worry.
I still could not trust myself with the memories you built up with warmth.
However,I completely live with the light you gave me.
I trust you,rather than to trust myself who is so weak and humble.



Before meeting you, I always think love is a concern with luck.
Now I still cowardly timid nothing is right. Don't be stupid, you don't have to worry about the girl;
You warm up memories still...


Before meeting you, I always think love is a concern with luck.
Now I still cowardly timid nothing is right. Don't be stupid, you don't have to worry about the girl;
You warm up memories still build up my trust in ourselves;
However, I began to completely rely on you to shine alive;
I believe you, than to believe myself.


Before I met you, I used to think love was related to fortune.
But now, I'm still cowardly, awkward, timid and nothing special, and I can't become the girl who makes you rest assured.
The memo...


Before I met you, I used to think love was related to fortune.
But now, I'm still cowardly, awkward, timid and nothing special, and I can't become the girl who makes you rest assured.
The memories that you built with warm still failed to establish the faith in myself.
However, I begin to live on the great brilliance that you give thoroughly.
I trust you, more that my cowardly and lowly self.


英语翻译在遇见你之前,我一直认为爱是一件与运气有关的事.现在的我仍然懦弱笨拙胆小一无是处,没法变成让你不用担心的女孩;你用温暖建筑起来的回忆仍然构筑不起我对自己的信赖;然 我一生中最幸运的两件事 一件、是时间终于将我对你的爱消耗殆尽.一件、是很久很久以前有一天、我遇见你为什么先说忘记在说遇见?先说整句话的意思.. 我一生中最幸运的两件事 一件、是时间终于将我对你的爱消耗殆尽.一件、是很久很久以前有一天、我遇见你为什么先说忘记在说遇见?先说整句话的意思.. 我一生最幸运的两件事.一件是时间终于把我对你的爱消耗殆尽.一件是很久很久以前我遇见你是什么意思?为什么? 英语好的进 I knew I loved you before I met you 这句话怎么翻译?1.我在遇见你之前就爱过你 2.我在遇见你之前就已经爱上你哪句对.我知道是过去式,但不知道怎么翻译. 我人生中最幸福的两件事,一件是时间终于将我对你的爱消耗殆尽,另一件是很久很久以前有一天我遇见你! 用英语翻译我一直爱你 我喜欢你总是在睡梦中遇见你 英语翻译 英语翻译:我的心一直在等待你,我期待你的爱 英语翻译如果在天堂遇见你你是否还会像过去一样爱我如果在天堂遇见你你还记不记得我是谁我想要更加坚强但我做不到我不属于别人 我只属于你如果在天堂遇见你你是否会紧握我的手如果 英语翻译爱是一生的遇见 你认为我爱的不是你的英语翻译 你是我最美丽的遇见的英语翻译 遇见你是我最美丽的意外英语翻译 英语翻译遇见你是我的幸运.英语怎么说? 英语翻译当我第一次见到你我就知道,我会永远在你身边,永远爱你.我的一生是笔直的.唯一的一个转弯,只为遇见你.当你的身影越来越频繁的出现在我眼前.我才知道,我真真正正的爱上了你.请 遇见了孩子,就是遇见了世上最好的爱这句话你怎么理解快啊,是在《遇见世上最好的爱》中的 用英语翻译“我一直用我整个生命在爱你”