十字绣上英文的问题英语是‘the pairs of colors whose names are listed below in red should be ombined in the needle to produce a shaded effect. To combine the first pair for example, take two stands of dk.green and place it with one stand

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:51:30

十字绣上英文的问题英语是‘the pairs of colors whose names are listed below in red should be ombined in the needle to produce a shaded effect. To combine the first pair for example, take two stands of dk.green and place it with one stand
英语是‘the pairs of colors whose names are listed below in red should be ombined in the needle to produce a shaded effect. To combine the first pair for example, take two stands of dk.green and place it with one stand of black.Thread all three stands into the needle at the same time for corss Stitch. 实在看不懂,谢谢

十字绣上英文的问题英语是‘the pairs of colors whose names are listed below in red should be ombined in the needle to produce a shaded effect. To combine the first pair for example, take two stands of dk.green and place it with one stand


十字绣上英文的问题英语是‘the pairs of colors whose names are listed below in red should be ombined in the needle to produce a shaded effect. To combine the first pair for example, take two stands of dk.green and place it with one stand 十字绣的英文 十字绣问题.用四股线绣的十字绣用几股线勾边啊 十字绣上的, 十字绣图纸上的英文skein(s)是什么意思? 关于十字绣数格子的问题我是一个新手,请问十字绣达人们.十字绣的格子是一个小空就算一格,还是一个十字算一格?还有请问怎么打十字绣的格子啊? dear my pxrents thark you and i love you 十字绣上的英文!上面是康乃馨!可能英文错了!大致意思能帮我解答吗? “十字绣”的英文怎么翻译? 键盘上的π(PAI)键是哪个 压力表上的 mpa pai 十字绣上的CT是什么意思? 十字绣 桌子上的是什么 求教一道高数极限问题x趋向于1.lim(x) sin(pai x)/(x-1)=lim pai cos (pai x)=.-pai.中间是怎么转换的.是无穷小等小替换么 本来用五点法画正弦函数是取0 PAI/2 PAI 3PAI/2 2PAI 但当X规定范围时 . 比如Y=SIN(X-1)在[O,PAI]上 怎么取5个点 感觉如果取X-1=0 PAI/2 PAI 3PAI/2 2PAI 只能取到其中4个 如果取0,PAI的点 那么放弃掉哪个点呢? 若函数f(x)=sinwx(w>0)在区间[0,pai/3]上单调递增,在区间[pai/3,pai/2]上单调递周期是怎么求出来的.什么是1/4周期是pai/3 十字绣用英文怎么说 这个图上数字对应的是十字绣绣线号吗?绣线颜色是一样的吗? 函数y=2sin(pai/6-2x)(x∈[0,pai]为增函数的区间是A、[0,pai/3] B、[pai/12,7pai/12] C、[pai/3,5pai/6]D、[5pai/6,pai]