关于托福口语回答答案 请给我一个能让我在45秒之内复述出来的段子 Many students do volunteer work,if you are one volunteer,what kind of volunteer are you interested to do Explain why you are interested in these work.也不需

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 20:22:25

关于托福口语回答答案 请给我一个能让我在45秒之内复述出来的段子 Many students do volunteer work,if you are one volunteer,what kind of volunteer are you interested to do Explain why you are interested in these work.也不需
请给我一个能让我在45秒之内复述出来的段子 Many students do volunteer work,if you are one volunteer,what kind of volunteer are you interested to do Explain why you are interested in these work.

关于托福口语回答答案 请给我一个能让我在45秒之内复述出来的段子 Many students do volunteer work,if you are one volunteer,what kind of volunteer are you interested to do Explain why you are interested in these work.也不需
Well, I would like to do volunteer relevant to my major.
First, I would get more chance to apply the knowledge I learnt at school to solve specific problems.
And also, in this way I will do the work more efficiently, so I could help more people in limited time.
In summary, I want to do volunteer relevant to my major, because that is to do the things I am interested in and good at.

I want to be a tourist guide.Now ,the World Expo is held in shanghai,if I am a guide,I will show the visitor around shanghai to visit some tourist attractions,such as Jimmao building and yu yuan.Besides,I can tell something about the shanghai world expo to the visitors.


I'd like to be a volunteer at the Olympic Games. First of all, I'd love to help people, especially foreigners with finding their way and stuff like that. I'm confident in my English skills and would l...


I'd like to be a volunteer at the Olympic Games. First of all, I'd love to help people, especially foreigners with finding their way and stuff like that. I'm confident in my English skills and would like to use that to help others. Sencondly, during the Olympic Games, there's a lot of foreigners and I can learn about their country, culture and even language from them. I find that very interesting to me.


关于托福口语回答答案 请给我一个能让我在45秒之内复述出来的段子 Many students do volunteer work,if you are one volunteer,what kind of volunteer are you interested to do Explain why you are interested in these work.也不需 求一道托福口语题的答案“What would you like to prepare a meal for your foreign friends?”这个题目不太会写,请高手给我一个参考答案,谢谢啦!谢谢二位,但是我想要一个完整的答案! 一个月内怎么练习托福能迅速提高听力和口语成绩.请帮我制定一个计划. 谁有托福tpo口语作文比较标准的答案能给我看看,自己练得不知道怎么样,希望能借鉴一下 让孩子第一个假期过得有意义有意思,您怎样理解这句话请在给我一个答案 英语翻译“如果我在你这工作,一个月能给我多少钱?”这句话考口语的时候需要,请各位英语达人翻译一下吧. 口语真经MP3我在百度知道上看见你有新航道的新托福口语真经,我的光盘刮花了电脑读不出来了,你能给我发一份吗? 我托福口语的4,6题怎么也做不好,大家能给我提些建议哇 关于雅思考试的问题!请知情者帮我回答一下吧!我现在准备考雅思,刚刚开树准备,由于以前有考托福的经验90,现在做剑8,听力错9个,阅读错8个.如果口语6,作文6.5.我能考多少呢? 托福口语界面操作(在线等答案)托福口语一个有6个task我想知道 每个task回答完之后 是否需要按屏幕右上方的什么按钮确认答案还是在6个task都完成之后 再按右上方的什么按钮请具体说清 托福备考,如何准备啊?这么重要的事请认真的给我回答啊? 介绍一个可以让我练习口语的英语软件给我.. 我是“小小推销员”(口语交际)请快点说答案给我听,在10月25号前 北京市 高等教育出版社(马甸考点) 在哪,我到时候要在那考托福问题是我在百度的地图上搜了一下,发现好像有至少三个叫这个名字的.不是北京人,所以请大家回答时尽量能让我能明白.最好能 关于托福作文、口语我问题才听说托福作文有题库,还是官方的?求教真假?是综合写作还是独立写作?哪里能得到呢? 托福口语备考怎么办啊?可以让我解开我这个难题吗? 托福口语备考怎么办啊?可以让我解开我这个难题吗? 托福 口语 难不难如果我基本上能跟老外对话没问题,托福机考的口语部分难不难?