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训练法一:背“新概念” Memorizing articles and vocabularies from New Concept English books is an excellent method to build up the basic foundation of a student.New concept one almost has 1000 vocabularies and is suitable for primary or middle school students.New concept two has 2500 to 3,000 vocabularies.A student will have at least collected 4,000 words after finishing studying these two books and it is already adequate to have a band score of 6 in IELTS Oral English
训练法二:找一些自己感兴趣的听力材料 Search for materials that you will be interested in such as comics and magazines.Students can try to read aloud the content to practice their Oral English.The sentences and vocabularies in these materials can be straightly used if a student would like to express similar idea or thinking of the same topic.
训练法三:看电影 Imitating how actors and actress deliver their lines in a movie is surely a good way to improve a student's Oral English.The scenes in the movie will allow students to know or guess what the actor/actress wants to relay.Plus,the students will not only learn how to say the sentences they learned from the movie but also the right expressions and intonations of them as well.
训练法四:跟外国朋友交流 Get an English-speaking friend then communicate to him/her as much as you can.Make sure they're nice enough to repeat what they say if you do not understand them.Try to invite them to play basketball,baseball or whatever sports both of you are interested in.Make them part of your everyday life.If you talk to them a lot,it will really improve your listening and speaking skills.
训练法五:熟悉固定句子结构和句型 Students should familiar themselves with the basic structure of sentences such as 1、主语——动词——表语.2、主语——动词.3、主语——动词——宾语4、主语——动词——宾语——宾语5、主语——动词——宾语——补语.On the other hand,phrases like; enjoy doing sth,be fond of doing sth,feel like doing sth,be busy doing/with sth,carry sth with sb,see sb do/doing sth,hear sb do/doing sth,like doing/to do sth,would rather do sth should also be memorized to be able to improve the student's Oral English.
训练法六:创造一个英语环境 Try to find some partners to practice your oral English.For example,your friends or classmates that are also interested in improving their speaking ability.If a student is having a difficulty to find one,English corner is a suitable place as it is where they can exchange English study experience,widen their sights and improve interest in English.If it's not easy to get English partners or having little chance to attend an English corner,then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.For instance,you can talk to yourself about what you have seen or what you have done.This may sound crazy but it worked for a large amount of students.
训练法七:听广播 When listening to radio,students can review a lot of English usage such as vocabulary,grammatical structures,intonation and accent.Furthermore,they can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently in the radio.And general knowledge from news,features,or even advertising spots are certainly beneficial for regular listeners.And also,Listening to radio can be a good "hobby" while students do other things such as cooking,ironing,exercising,relaxing etc.
千万要按照考官指示操作,要在戴上耳塞听到“now please open your listening booklet.”时才打开试题,不要越轨预先打开,被考官发现会点名警告,小则影响考试心情,大则作弊论处.
选择题看题干,表格题不先看题,图题把参照物标回图上,要在卷子上做题,听完后不要check answer,直接看下一题.记住:听力是泼出去的水,收不回来的!
.3 按照命题原则做题.


知不知道应该怎么练习托福的口语和写作呢,怎么自己评定呀?…… 我的托福写作和口语到底怎么练习啊 怎么练习托福口语和写作?现在基础比较差.口语和写作怎么练习呢?我现在单词量也很少,托福红宝书背到C.3月29日考托福.想在背单词的同时做听说读写练习,但是写作和口语比较差,请问有没有 6.22考托福,口语和写作怎么练呢 托福的综合写作很弱.要怎么练习呢? 托福的听力和口语如何练习呢? 怎么练习托福的听力和口语呀? 怎么练习托福口语? 40天之内托福从50分到85分以上有希望吗?我应该制定一个啥样的计划呢?我的弱项在听力和阅读上.口语我该怎么练习呢?写作只要背句子就好吗?还有,背完单词看阅读还是好多看不懂,怎木办呢? 托福口语应该如何练习? 托福写作时间的分配怎么合理?每次练习托福写作都觉得时间好紧张,大家都是怎么分配托福写作时间的呢? 我四级刚过,打算考托福 托福的口语部分怎么练习和加强 托福的口语和写作怎么快速提高?这两个怎么准备,比较迷茫. 新托福口语突破,请教各位应如何练习托福口语呢,有知道的吗 外教托福口语,请教各位应如何练习托福口语呢,有知道的吗! 备考托福用什么书比较好?另外口语写作怎么练习呢?听说OG,delta,barren,tpo比较好,是不是要把上面题目都做一遍呢?还有其他好的备考书籍吗?另外身边没有很熟悉托福的人,如何知道和改进自己口 新托福口语练习,易格英语怎么样,朋友介绍说那边美国外教一对一针对性辅导,尤其是口语和写作方面提高很大,有熟悉的吗 托福写作备考:怎么练习托福独立写作?