
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:28:31


1. The people in the town have given her great respect and care.
2. Superficially she showed her concern for everyone, but back at  home she wrote them some letters with untruthful information.
3. She did not believe what she did was wrong , on the contrary, she thought she was to monitor and protect the whole town.

1. People in town respect and care about her very much.
2.Superficially,she cares about everyone very much ,but when she goes back home, she always writes some unture letters to them.
3.She doesn't think she is wrong. On the contrary,she thinks she is trying to keep a watch and protect the town.

1 People in the town show her much respect and care.
2 Superficially she cared for everyone, but she wrote to them with fault information at home.
3 She did not think she was wrong, quite the opposite, she thought she was watching and protecting the whole town.

1 people in the town of her very respect and care.
2 of her surface to everyone's concern, but write some not true in the home letter to them.
3 she doesn't think he is the wrong approach, on the contrary, she thinks she's surveillance and protection of the whole town.

People in this town show great respect and care to her.
Seemingly,she cares about everyone,but in fact,sha writes them some untrue letters.
She don't think that her behavior is wrong:on the countary,she considers that she is guarding and protecting the town.

1 People in town respect and care about her very much.
2 She cares about every one apparently, but writes letters of untruths and sends to them.
3 She doesn't think she is wrong, on the contra...


1 People in town respect and care about her very much.
2 She cares about every one apparently, but writes letters of untruths and sends to them.
3 She doesn't think she is wrong, on the contrary, she thinks she is monitoring and protecting the whole town.



英语翻译1.镇上的人对她非常的尊重和关心.2.她表面上对每个人都很关心,却在回家以后写一些不是事实的信寄给他们.3.她不认为自己的做法是错误的,相反,她认为她是在监视和保护整个镇子. 英语翻译1.她来自上海 2.她对中国的未来非常关心 3.她致力于新中国的发展 4她被认为是20世纪最伟大的女性之一 英语翻译:她对这个人的行为非常反感 英语翻译3)我们愿意在她左右,因为她对人的尊重是真实的 尊重激励法是指尊重孩子的人格尊严和法定权利等方面的自由,对他们进行经常性的关心、支持和赏识的激励方法.尊重,包括尊重他们的隐私,尊重他们的正当选择,尊重他们的朋友尊重与自尊 英语翻译李老师对工作很痴迷.她对我们非常关心.我们跟她相处非常融洽.我英语不好,曾有一次课堂上看与学习无关的书.她碰巧发现了此事.她找我面对面地谈话.为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌 1.下列同学的话中,体现对父母尊重,理解和关心的是:A.今天是母亲节,我向同学借钱给妈妈1.下列同学的话中,体现对父母尊重,理解和关心的是:A.今天是母亲节,我向同学借钱给妈妈买了一件 这是对女性的尊重英语翻译 非常感谢妈妈对我的爱和关心用英语怎么说 “非常感谢你对我的关心!”英语怎么写? 英语翻译谢谢你对小红的关心 “我对帮助过我的人非常尊重”用英语怎么翻译? 她()关心自己的丈夫和孩子,()对西蒙一家很同情. 英语翻译1.李老师是个工作狂.be crazy about2.她对我们学生很关心.be concerned about3.我们跟她相处非常融洽.get alone well with4.我英语不好,曾有一次在课堂上看与学习无关的书.once 、 have nothing to do wi “镇上最好的服装店是哪家”用英语翻译 联系《尊重别人就是尊重自己》整篇文章 谈谈对‘自尊’和‘尊重他人’的认识. 英语翻译我有一位好朋友,平时对我很严厉.但是又在各方面很关心我.有一次,我没有完成作业,我的朋友非常生气.她强迫我完成了作业,后来她明白那一天我身体不适,她很难过.她在我的作业本 英语翻译1.李老师对工作狂热 2.她对我们学生非常关心 3.我们跟她相处非常融洽 4.我曾经有段时间非常讨厌英语 5.为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦地告诉我如何学好英语 6.她鼓励我用英语写