帮忙用英文翻译一下这两段,不要用百度翻译,谢谢了在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 04:19:22
帮忙用英文翻译一下这两段,不要用百度翻译,谢谢了在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知.帮忙用英文翻译一下这

帮忙用英文翻译一下这两段,不要用百度翻译,谢谢了在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知.
在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知.据说确有此犬,有生卒年的.它生于1923年,死于1934年,是一只纯种秋田犬.它出生时就被当作礼物送给了东京大学农学部的上野教授.上野教授很爱它,对它比对自己的老婆和外甥都要好.它也对教授感恩图报,每天早上送教授去车站,傍晚准时到车站接教授回家.一天,它等回来的却是教授的棺材,教授意外死亡了.在往后的日子里,它依然跑去车站等教授,不论寒暑,不论刮风下雪,它天天等待着那个永远不会回来的人,直到死去.人们感动于它的义举,把它称作“忠犬”.如今,涩谷站前的八公犬铜像,是人们等待朋友的最佳场所.直直地站在八公塑像前,等.其中相当一部分人是在等恋人,像八公一样,他们脸上没有表情,等待是没有表情的,因为已经没有杂念,已经断念,无论如何就等吧.爱不需要聪明,而需要愚蠢;不需要算计,而需要忠诚.

帮忙用英文翻译一下这两段,不要用百度翻译,谢谢了在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知.
JR Shibuya Station in Tokyo ,North Port ,there is a bronze statue of a dog .It eagerly afar,who seemed to be waiting for something .It is Japan's famous Hachiko dog.Hachiko dog 's story in Japan,almost everyone knows .It is said that they have such a dog ,give birth and death years .It was born in 1923 ,died in 1934 ,is a purebred Akitas .It was born as a gift to Professor Ueno of Tokyo University Faculty of Agriculture .Professor Ueno love it ,own it than to be a good wife and nephew .It is also a professor Gratitude ,a professor sent to the station every morning ,in the evening time to the station to meet Prof.home.One day,so come back but it is a professor 's coffin ,a professor of accidental death .In the coming days ,it still ran professor stations,regardless of cold and heat,regardless of wind and snow,waiting for the day that it will never come back to the people ,until death .It moved to its magnanimous act ,called it " faithful dog ." Today,Shibuya Hachiko dog stand in front of the statue is the best place for people to wait for a friend .Hachiko statue standing straight in front ,and so on.Considerable number of them who are waiting for a lover ,like Hachiko ,they face without expression,waiting is no expression ,since it has no distractions,has broken concept,on the other it anyway .Love does not need clever ,but need stupid ; does not require calculations ,requiring loyalty.

JR in Tokyo shibuya station north mouth, there is a bronze figure of a dog. It turned out like always waiting for what. It is Japan's famous eight males. Eight dogs in Japan almost everyone knows the ...


JR in Tokyo shibuya station north mouth, there is a bronze figure of a dog. It turned out like always waiting for what. It is Japan's famous eight males. Eight dogs in Japan almost everyone knows the story of. It is said that there are the dogs, a birth year. It was born in 1923, died in 1934, is a pure breed akita dog. It as a gift has been born of Tokyo university agronomy professor ueno. Professor ueno love it very much, for it is better than his own wife and nephew. It is also kind of professor, every morning to send the professor went to the station, on time to the station to meet in the evening, a professor at home. Come back one day, it is the professor's coffin, professor of accidental death. In later days, it still ran to the station such as professor, regardless of years, regardless of ?


JR in Tokyo shibuya station north mouth, there is a bronze figure of a dog. It turned out like always waiting for what. It is Japan's famous eight males. Eight dogs in Japan almost everyone knows the ...


JR in Tokyo shibuya station north mouth, there is a bronze figure of a dog. It turned out like always waiting for what. It is Japan's famous eight males. Eight dogs in Japan almost everyone knows the story of. It is said that there are the dogs, a birth year. It was born in 1923, died in 1934, is a pure breed akita dog. It as a gift has been born of Tokyo university agronomy professor ueno. Professor ueno love it very much, for it is better than his own wife and nephew. It is also kind of professor, every morning to send the professor went to the station, on time to the station to meet in the evening, a professor at home. Come back one day, it is the professor's coffin, professor of accidental death. In later days, it still ran to the station, etc., professor, regardless of years, regardless of wind, snow, it is waiting for the person who will never come back every day, until to die. People touched by it, call it a \"faithful dog\". Today, shibuya station eight male dog statue, is the best place to people waiting for a friend. Stand in front of the statue of eight male straight, etc. Is a significant proportion of people waiting for the lover, like eight male, they have no expression on her face, waiting for you is without expression, because there is no other thoughts, has been broken, no matter how to wait. Love does not need smart, but stupid; Don't need to calculation, and need loyalty.


帮忙用英文翻译一下这两段,不要用百度翻译,谢谢了在东京JR涩谷车站北口,有一尊狗的铜像.它翘首远望,好像总在等待着什么.它就是日本有名的八公犬.  八公犬的故事在日本几乎人人皆知. 英语翻译英文翻译 英文翻译不要电脑,百度等翻译的 ”死亡,是我一生中最忠实的朋友.“英文翻译下,不要用百度翻译.要求语感翻译的意境 “去超市购物”帮忙用英文翻译一下 英文翻译(不要用百度翻译)我们全家正在为你的到来做准备,包括每天的菜谱 英语翻译我是你的公主,你是我的骑士,今生今世,十生十世,至死不渝.用英文翻译,不要复制百度翻译啦! 英语翻译北京市朝阳区高碑店村通惠灌渠北岸(水乡茶楼街)5—7号楼 100020麻烦各位英语大侠帮忙翻译一下这个地址麻烦不要用百度翻译,求一个专业的翻译,作名片用, 帮忙翻译一下我们系朋友英文翻译 英语翻译用must不要百度翻译 英语翻译不要用百度直接翻译. 英文翻译 ; 在世界的其他地方,不要百度翻译. 英语翻译求此句英文翻译,不要用百度谷歌等机器翻译,不准确,求人工翻译,是诗句翻译要优美, 我的明天有你!正确的英文翻译,不要百度、有道什么的翻译~求英语高手帮忙翻下!原谅我是个英语菜鸟~! 谁帮忙用英文翻译一下“版画”、“漆画”和“床旗”啊?有相对专业点的翻译么? Best wish to you for a gelivable 2 year 英文高手帮忙翻译一下要自己翻译,用翻译软件或百度我也会? 英文翻译,请帮忙翻译一个合同,内容不多[请帮忙翻译一下合同,这个合同对我来说很重要,起到法律效应的,我现在需要一份英文版,谢谢(翻译期间若发现问题,欢迎指出)](请不要用自动翻译 用英文翻译“今天我想跟大家分享以前我在书上看到的几段话.”不要用有道和百度翻译哦. 创造包装艺术的无限可能 翻译英文创造包装艺术的无限可能 这句话用英文翻译一下,不要GOOGLe,百度,有道等在线翻译工具翻译的,比较生硬,来个翻译优美的点,好的我会追加分数,先谢谢啦