英语电影对话要一篇 不是很长的不是 要对话 我要抄下来 不长的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 09:43:31

英语电影对话要一篇 不是很长的不是 要对话 我要抄下来 不长的!
要一篇 不是很长的
不是 要对话 我要抄下来 不长的!

英语电影对话要一篇 不是很长的不是 要对话 我要抄下来 不长的!
Isabella Swan:"You've got to give me some answers."
  Edward Cullen:"I'd rather hear your theories."
  Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite."
  Edward Cullen:"That's all superhero stuff,right?What if I'm not the hero?What if I'm...the bad guy?"
  Edward Cullen:"My family.we're different from others of our kind.we only hunt animals.We've learned to control our thirst.
  But it's you ,your scent,It's like a drug to me .you're like my own personal brand of heroin"
  Isabella Swan:About three things I was absolutely positive.First,Edward was a vampire.Second,there was part of him — and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be — that thirsted for my blood.And third,I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.Edward Cullen:And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
  Isabella Swan:What a stupid lamb.
  Edward Cullen:What a sick,masochistic lion
  Edward:And you’re worried,not because you’re headed to meet a houseful of vampires,but because you think those vampires won’t approve of you,correct?
  Isbella Swan:Now I'm afraid.
  Isabella Swan:I'm not afraid of you.I'm only afraid of losing you.
  Isabella Swan:You know,Everybody's staring.
  Edward Cullen:Not that guy.No he just looked.Breaking all the rules now anyways.Since I‘m going to hell.
  Edward Cullen:That's what you dream about?Being a monster?
  Isabella Swan:I dream about being with you forever.
  Isabella Swan:[to Edward] I know what you are.You're impossibly fast.And strong.Your skin is pale white,and ice cold.Your eyes change colour and you never eat or come out into the sun.
  Edward Cullen:"Say it out loud.Say it."
  Isabella Swan:...Vampire."
  Bella:How old are you?
  Bella:How long have you been seventeen?
  Edward:A while.
  Edward:Bella,you are my life now.
  Bella:I dream about being with you forever.
  Edward:Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?
  Bella:If this ends badly being that I become the meal.
  Edward Cullen:"I don't have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore."
  I hope you like it!

英语电影对话要一篇 不是很长的不是 要对话 我要抄下来 不长的! 求一篇关于饮食的英语对话 篇幅要长! 生日英语对话要一篇稍长的关于生日的英语对话, 最近有什么英语电影啊?或者提供电影里的对话,是对话不是一句话!或者是以前的多说几部,哈利波特啊,功夫熊猫啊之类的全看完了,芭比系列也看完了,我要练英语找不到好电影对话有木有啊~ 找外贸英语对话,要长一些的.3个人的对话.内容关于外贸的就行.每个人不少于10句.但是要的是对话,不是句子。 日常英语口语对话,要英语的,最少8句,在线等,谢谢了要是英语日常的对话,是对话,不是句子,最少8句 一篇有关寒假的英语对话,谈论春节,旅游其他的也行,要十五分钟的,急一定要是对话,最好有汉语翻译,是十二分钟,不是十五分钟,越多越好吧,词汇不要太生僻 怎样提高英语对话与作文,外语对话不流畅,有些单词用的不是很恰当,要多用多看什么资料和课外书来提高? 英语适合初三做的补全对话要添句子的不是选择的 求9篇英语对话,要语句通顺,不是复制别人的,字数不要太多. 电影《第九区》讲的内涵是啥?看了电影《第九区》后总是觉得主要讲的不是什么外星人入侵,对外星人描述得也不是很细,谁能说说到底要告诉我们什么? 有关在机场接待的四人英语对话,每人七八句左右.中英文对译的,因为本人对英语不是很拿手.求对话求对话.求知识啊 英语幽默对话要一篇4人英语对话最好幽默点能吸引大家的还有``稍微长一点哦``我看到其他的都很短啊 请问带外国朋友参观完中国再请对方去吃饭的英语对话如何说?不好意思哦.我是需要一篇英语对话.不是一句话.thanks 经典的英文电影两个女生之间的对白最好,是动漫电影,不是也没什么,要翻译要英文原句要电影名称,再加这段对话出现的时间段. 求一篇英语圣诞话题讨论!3人对话要稍长点的,虽然不是我想要是,分还是给你吧~ 一部电影,男主角被狼养大,能和丛林里的所有动物对话,求这部电影的名字!不是森林之王! 帮忙写一段英语对话,关于爱情,电影这两方面的,时长4分钟的的长对话