
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 17:36:40

Unit 1 With Alzheimer’s,you meet a lot of new people.
Functions:Describing good and poor memory; expressing sympathy; resuming interrupted speech
Topic 1:I can’t think of it off the top of my head
A wants to attend a seminar by a visiting professor but cannot remember the time.A asks B for help.B doesn’t remember,either,so B suggests looking at the notebooks and calling the dean or secretary of the department for information.
Unit 2 This is going to be a great semester!
Functions:Talking about various aspects of school life; making and replying to suggestions; using exaggerations
Topic 2:You are just going to have to study hard
A worries about his/her term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating( such as asking B to write a term paper for him/her,downloading articles from the Internet,preparing a cheat-sheet).B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating,and finally A promises to study hard.
Topic 4:Rehearsal for job interview
Tony (B),a senior student,majoring in business,is about to graduate from Shenzhen University.He has been hunting for a good job for a couple of months.After going to job fairs,checking the newspaper want ads,and searching the Internet,he finally decides to try a position in Market Department at an IT company.Dressed professionally,he is now interviewed by a manager (A) of the company.
Topic 5:We’ve been looking for a merger partner
A is the boss of a software development company.A has first-rate programmers,and one of A’s software products is a hit; however,A does not have a good sales network.So A wants to merge with B and believes it will be a win-win result.
B,the boss of a large company,is considering acquiring a software company,but is cautious and asks A’s reasons for wanting a merger.B wants to discuss the specifics and protect the interests of the shareholders of both sides.


急求.!谁帮我写一篇关于火灾的英文对话(要两个人的) 帮我写5篇英文对话,两个人的,有TOPIC,每篇长2分钟.请英语高手写几篇词汇比较高级的英语小短篇,写得好的给分50分,因为怕没人写浪费我分数啦,有5个单元,每个写一篇,2个人念每篇大概2分钟时 帮我写一篇两个人的英文对话、、谢谢如上、 situation就定在 《going shopping》上,要求长度大概是能对话3分钟左右 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 英文对话(business etiquette)急用!可以帮我写一段两个人的对话是关於business etiquette 大约两分钟左右,情境自设,不需要用太难的生字, 国际贸易质量索赔英文对话本人实在无比敬重你们,看好你们~麻烦大家集思广益帮我写篇关于质量索赔的对话,两个人的对话.主要内容就是一方说质量不符合合同给我赔钱~(语气不用像我 谁能帮我写一个三个人的英文对话啊对话内容是“怎么样提高英文” 帮我写一个大学英语对话两个人的对话,最好是关于奥运的.长一些没有问题,我是大一新生,我英语不好. 帮我写一段两个人之间英语对话 题目是好消息与坏消息 复制的不要啊时间长短5分钟左右就可以了 英文对话 放假旅游的建议---急用!在线等.帮我写段对话就关于那个放假旅游的建议什么的要求:2个人的英文对白.不要太难的,单词尽量简单.5分钟左右我要对话,不是文章。对话!对话!对 帮我写一篇两个人的英语对话,说两分钟左右题目:How do you understand Laughter is the best medicine不用太难,高中水平 帮我写一遍英文作文“western influence on chinese youth两个人的对话做演讲,比如:A:How are you B :Fine,thanks!这样的类型 帮我的英文对话想个开头吧!讨论男人女人穿衣服的不同.我们两个人怎么引出这个话题呢? 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 一般水平的谢谢 个位 帮我编一个英语情景对话,两个人的,是故事的更好! 请帮我写一段关于success的英文对话(3-5min) 谁帮我写段英文口语对话2个人的一人十句话这里的,急用!不要太难也别太简单,初中程度这里的. 我要一篇关于邀请朋友参加party的英文对话,两个人对话的.不要太短 适中的