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英语频度副词用法要点 一、频度副词的概念与用法 频度副词是指表示动作发生的次数副词,常见有的never,seldom,sometimes,frequently,often,usually,always 等.频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词等之后.如:We often get together.我们常常聚会.Jane usually goes to work by bike.unt:2.0">He sometimes goes there on business.他有时到那里出差.He can never understand.他永远也不会明白的.I was never very good at maths.我的数学从来不好.I shall always remember this.我将永远记住这一点.You have often been told not to do that.多次告诫过你别干那事.注:如果有两个助动词,频度副词通常放在第一个助动词后面.如:We have never been invited to one of their parties.他们聚会,一次也没邀请过我们.She must sometimes have wanted to run away.她有时候一定想到过要逃走.二、频度副词位于助动词之前两种情况 1.为了表示强调,频度副词有时也可位于动词be、助动词、情态动词之前;此时助动词等应重读.如:She alwas late她老是迟到.I never can remember.我永远也记不住.She hardly ever has met him.她几乎从来没有遇见过他.He never should have joined the army.他根本不应当参军.2.在简略答语中,当频度副词与动词be、助动词或情态动词位于句末时,频度副词必须前置.如:“Philip is late again.” “Yes,he always is.”“菲利普又迟到了.”“是的,他总是迟到.”“Can you park your car near the shops?” “Yes.I usually can.” “你可以在商店附近停车吗?”“是的,通常可以.”“I know I should take exercise,but I never do.我知道我应该进行体育锻炼,但我从来没这样做过.三、频度副词位于句首的用法 1.sometimes常可用于句首.如:Sometimes she comes late.有时她来得晚.Sometimes she didn’t agree with me.有时她和我意见不一致.Sometimes we get a lot of rain in August.有时在8月份雨水很大.2.often用于句首时,通常表示强调,且其前一般有2.oftenquite,very修饰.如:Very often he comes in late.他常常迟到.Quite often the phone rings when I’m in the bath.电话经常在我洗澡时响.3.usually有时也用于句首,其前不用修饰语.如:Usually I get Roman'我平时起得早.Sometimes he comes by bus,but usually he comes by taxi.有时他坐公共汽车来,不过他通常还是打的来.Usually cooking pots have two small handles but pans have one long handle.通常地深底煮锅有两只把手而平底锅只有一个长长的把手.