
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 03:51:04


This article is refer to the construction of Test Questions during the teaching reforming of course Electrodynamics. Firstly, it elaborate the function, importance and significance of Test Questions construction, then indicate the basic principle during its construction and define the main parameters of Test Questions and Test Paper, and bring a general design proposal.

This paper the electrodynamics course teaching reform in question bank construction are discussed. Firstly expounds the construction exercises functions, the importance and significance of the questio...


This paper the electrodynamics course teaching reform in question bank construction are discussed. Firstly expounds the construction exercises functions, the importance and significance of the question, then points out the construction should be followed in the basic principle and test questions and papers in the definition of main parameters, and puts forward the overall design scheme.


In this paper, "Electrodynamics" course teaching reform in the exam to discuss the construction. Construction of the first item bank described the function of the importance and significance, then tha...


In this paper, "Electrodynamics" course teaching reform in the exam to discuss the construction. Construction of the first item bank described the function of the importance and significance, then that should be followed in the Q construction principles and exam questions and papers in the main parameters in the definition of the overall proposed design.


in this paper, i probe into the subject about building tests in the process of education reform of electrodynamics couses. in the first place, i concentrate on the function,and significance of test-b...


in this paper, i probe into the subject about building tests in the process of education reform of electrodynamics couses. in the first place, i concentrate on the function,and significance of test-building. and then state a general design proposal referring to the baisc priciples which we should comply with and the parameter definition in the exam question when we build tests.


This artical makes an analysis on question-warehouse construction from reforming for <电动力学> lessons teaching. Firstly it set forth function and significance of question-warehouse establishment , the...


This artical makes an analysis on question-warehouse construction from reforming for <电动力学> lessons teaching. Firstly it set forth function and significance of question-warehouse establishment , then indicates basic principle that should be carried out in process of construction and main parameter definition ,and at last put forward the whole design project.
电动力学 ,课程名词,不敢乱翻。


英语翻译本文就《电动力学》课程教学改革中的题库建设进行了探讨.首先阐述了建设题库的功能、重要性及其意义,然后指出题库建设中应当遵循的基本原则和题库中试题及试卷主要参数的 电动力学是一门研究什么的课程 电动力学的后续课程是哪些? 英语翻译摘要:建立新型的师生关系既是新课程实施与教学改革的前提条件,又是课程实施与教学改革的内容和任务.建立充分体现民主平等,尊师爱生、教学相长的师生关系是新教育理念实施 英语翻译摘要:建立新型的师生关系既是新课程实施与教学改革的前提条件,又是课程实施与教学改革的内容和任务.建立充分体现民主平等,尊师爱生、教学相长的师生关系是新教育理念实施 英语翻译我国教学改革是持久性改革,在教学改革过程中地区之间存在着巨大差异,笔者以云南省西双版纳州勐海县打洛镇初级中学的思想品德课为例,指出教学改革过程中主要存在的问题是学 英语翻译语境中是一种艺术类课程 英语翻译电子科学与技术主要课程:计算机语电子线路、言、微型计算机原理、电动力学、量子力学、理论物理、固体物理、半导体物理、物理电子与电子学以及微电子学等方面的专业课程. 我国当前教学改革的重点是()A 教学改革和实验 B建立合理的课程结构 C实施素质教育 D 个性发展 电动力学这门课程涉及哪些数学知识,会不会涉及线性代数的知识? 电动力学中格林倒易定理的证明? 什么是 教学改革 下面有一句话句意不明确,请找出并说明理由1.教学改革是一件刻不容缓的事.2.请在课程结束前来取这本书.3.如果认为环境对人有决定作用,那就大错特错了.4.俭朴是中华民族的传统美德. 英语翻译(本文从对传统英美文学教学的反思出发,提出了从外部研究走向多角度定义探讨和以教为中心到以学为中心的教学观,从而对当前英美文学教学改革的途径、方向与具体实施方法进 英语翻译本文就文化差异的定义,结合其在商务谈判的意义,分析产生文化差异的原因,探讨应对国际商务谈判中文化差异问题的策略. 请问关于量子电动力学中相互作用的问题.在量子电动力学中,带电粒子之间发生相互作用,是靠交换光子来完成的.那请问,粒子本身的位置都不确定,那么发射光子的方向就不确定,那么相互作用 英语翻译在这篇文章中,我们主要讨论在当前深化教学改革、深入研究数学课型和教学模式、优化课堂教学、提高教学质量的热潮中,怎样设计中学数学几种课型的问题来提高中学数学教师的 电动力学答案