
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 15:06:43


July 10th 2004 Sat. Fine
The plane finally touched the ground. It was around 5:00 p.m. local time, that is, London time, which is eight hours behind Beijing time. After a fuss at the luggage claim, we mixed into the crowd of people with different colors and styles. My eyeballs kept jumping from one alien to another. What a sight!
Then we were met by someone from the university, who, we later learned, is called Barbara, our course director. It was about an hour’s bus ride before we finally reached Brighton, where we were picked up by different English host families. My host family is a couple with a five-year-old daughter. On the way to their home, the hostess said that we (Xu Huishang and I) were lucky because they had just moved to the new house. We each have a separate room. The bathroom is OK. What we had for dinner was something like pizza and some vegetables.
It was only after the shower that I realized I had been up for almost 24 hours. It was the longest day I had ever had. I will have to get over the jet lag.
July 13th 2004 Fine
In order to save money, Xu Huishang and I decided to walk to the university, but we never expected that the pavement only extended to the end of the town. We ended up walking on the edge of the highway with cars whistling by.
Sandra was highly tensed, complaining all the way. Luckily, it was our idea, not mine alone. I tried to appear more calm while quite aware of the danger we were in. We could have been knocked down by any of the passing cars! Thank God, this didn’t happen.
July 19th 2004 fine
There are several interesting things that I’d like to write about.
1. When it is almost nine o’clock in the evening, the sun is still shining high above the horizon.
2. Drinking water is available in the toilet !
3. My teacher Barbara wears so many fancy rings on her fingers and even one on her toe!
4. There are metal boxes attached to some of the poles on the campus. They are meant for the students to put in the cigarette ends.
5. Cars marked with L at the back tell people that someone learning driving is driving the car. Cars marked with P means someone who has just passed the driving test is driving the car.
6. Words in large letters are painted on the road to give signs and warnings, such as, “BUS LANE”, “BUS AND TAXI”, “LOOK RIGHT, THEN LOOK LEFT”, “KEEP CLEAR”, “NO PARKING”, “STAND BACK” etc.
7. Almost all the houses have chimneys on the roofs.
8. Most of the bus-drivers are people in their fifties, who are very kind and helpful.
9. In the university cafeteria there is a large rotating shelf on which students put their used trays after eating.
10. Almost all the houses facing the streets have got beautifully-woven white curtains which are out of date in China but to me they are very romantic.
July 21st 2004 fine
After dinner, Xu Huishang and I took a walk to Rottingdean. When we drew near, we took a different path which leads to the windmill on top of a hill. Once we reached the windmill, we found ourselves in the middle of a golf course, and the English Channel spread before us with the sun setting. What a splendid sight! We were very excited and Sandra began to shout (I made sure that there was no one around). We took some photos and came back by bus.
July 22nd 2004 Fine
To be frank, I don’t like the computer lesson at all. Lily speaks in a very faint voice and she is always on her own. I figured she is not a native English speaker. This afternoon, during her course, I began to feel a severe headache. I am computer-illiterate, feeling like a complete idiot. Then on the way home, Sandra and I dropped in at a DVD shop. I was very much focused looking at the DVDs when I saw in my eyes’ corner that Sandra was already standing outside the door. So without much thinking, I headed for the door. Bang! I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!
July 27th 2004 Fine
This afternoon towards evening, my English friend Ben came down from London by train to Brighton and we met at the train station ( just like in a film ). Before I could see his face clearly, he gave me a “huge” hug (obviously he has put on some weight) and a kiss on the cheek. Then we just looked at each other and laughed heartedly! He took me to a pub and we had a few drinks. I behaved myself and we didn’t fight! We talked about the time when he was teaching in my school in China and all the fun we used to have with friends in Pinghu. He kept saying, “It is like yesterday…” Then we walked to the beach and had a photo taken. The old couple who helped with the camera said that we looked perfect! I was very rejoiced and of course very sad as well because finally came the time when we had to say goodbye. Hug and kiss again, but this time I felt myself really so small (as Ben put it) and totally lost!
That’s my “romance” in England. Next Tuesday he will come to see me again.
July 30 th Friday 2004
Damian Slee is another teacher who also gives lessons on teaching methodology and introduces different ways of teaching the English language. His first impression on me was that he was not a native speaker, but a Spanish, and I was bold enough to tell him so. Luckily he didn’t kill me----he is English.
I’m absorbed in his interesting lessons and his way of teaching, which is seemingly loose, but very flexible in fact. He can bring out my inspirations and many times I found myself uttering words and expressions that I hadn’t used for a long time. I like the background music he played for us. I like to hear him singing familiar songs and wished I could sing with him. I’m looking forward to the lessons when he will do some songs and poems.
这架飞机最后降落在地面.这是在本地时间下午5:00 ,也就是伦敦时间,这是8个小时的时间落后北京.经过大惊小怪的行李索赔,我们混合到人群不同颜色和样式.我的眼球不断跳跃从一个外来到另一个.什么是看不到!
1 .当它几乎是九点钟在傍晚,太阳依然闪耀高在地平线以上.
2 .饮水可在厕所!
3 .我的老师芭芭拉穿这么多喜欢她的手指上戒指,甚至一个关于她的脚趾!
4 .有金属盒所附的一些极校园.他们都是为了让学生在烟蒂.
5 .汽车标志与L在后面告诉人们,人的学习驾驶是驾驶雷诺赛车.车标有P代表某人谁刚刚通过了驾驶考试,是驾驶雷诺赛车.
6 .字母词在涂有大的道路上给予的迹象,并警告,如“公交专用道” , “巴士及的士” , “看的权利,然后寻找左” , “保持清醒” , “不停车” , “立场返回“等
7 .几乎所有的房屋的屋顶上的烟囱.
8 .大部分巴士司机是在其50人,谁是非常客气的和有益的.
9 .在大学食堂有一个大型旋转货架上学生用托盘将其吃完.
10 .几乎所有的房屋面临街道拥有美丽编织白色窗帘这是过时的,但在中国,他们对我来说是非常浪漫.
晚餐后,徐徽商和我在步行到Rottingdean .当我们走近,我们采取了不同的路径从而导致顶部的风车山.一旦我们达到了风车,我们发现自己在中东的一个高尔夫球场,和英吉利海峡传播与摆在我们面前的夕阳.多么灿烂的视线!我们非常高兴和桑德拉开始喊(我相信,没有一个周围) .我们采取了一些照片,回来的巴士.
今天下午,傍晚,我的英语朋友本下来的火车从伦敦到布莱顿,我们遇见了在火车站(就像在电影) .之前,我可以清楚地看到他的脸,他给了我一个“巨大的”拥抱(显然他已经在一些重)和一个吻面颊.然后我们就面面相觑,然后就笑心!他把我带到一间酒吧,我们有一些饮料.本人的表现自己,我们并没有打!我们谈论的时候,他在我的学校教学中的中国和所有的乐趣,我们曾经与朋友平湖.他不停地说: “这就像昨天... ”然后,我们走到了海滩和合影留念.谁的老夫妇帮助的相机说,我们期待完美!我感到非常高兴,当然很伤心,因为最终的时候,我们不得不说再见.拥抱和亲吻,但这个时候,我觉得自己真的这么小(把它作为本)和完全丧失!

July 10th 2004 Sat. Fine
The plane finally touched the ground. It was around 5:00 p.m. local time, that is, London time, which is eight hours behind Beijing time. After a fuss at the lugga...


July 10th 2004 Sat. Fine
The plane finally touched the ground. It was around 5:00 p.m. local time, that is, London time, which is eight hours behind Beijing time. After a fuss at the luggage claim, we mixed into the crowd of people with different colors and styles. My eyeballs kept jumping from one alien to another. What a sight!
Then we were met by someone from the university, who, we later learned, is called Barbara, our course director. It was about an hour’s bus ride before we finally reached Brighton, where we were picked up by different English host families. My host family is a couple with a five-year-old daughter. On the way to their home, the hostess said that we (Xu Huishang and I) were lucky because they had just moved to the new house. We each have a separate room. The bathroom is OK. What we had for dinner was something like pizza and some vegetables.
It was only after the shower that I realized I had been up for almost 24 hours. It was the longest day I had ever had. I will have to get over the jet lag.

July 13th 2004 Fine
In order to save money, Xu Huishang and I decided to walk to the university, but we never expected that the pavement only extended to the end of the town. We ended up walking on the edge of the highway with cars whistling by.
Sandra was highly tensed, complaining all the way. Luckily, it was our idea, not mine alone. I tried to appear more calm while quite aware of the danger we were in. We could have been knocked down by any of the passing cars! Thank God, this didn’t happen.

July 19th 2004 fine
There are several interesting things that I’d like to write about.
1. When it is almost nine o’clock in the evening, the sun is still shining high above the horizon.
2. Drinking water is available in the toilet !
3. My teacher Barbara wears so many fancy rings on her fingers and even one on her toe!
4. There are metal boxes attached to some of the poles on the campus. They are meant for the students to put in the cigarette ends.
5. Cars marked with L at the back tell people that someone learning driving is driving the car. Cars marked with P means someone who has just passed the driving test is driving the car.
6. Words in large letters are painted on the road to give signs and warnings, such as, “BUS LANE”, “BUS AND TAXI”, “LOOK RIGHT, THEN LOOK LEFT”, “KEEP CLEAR”, “NO PARKING”, “STAND BACK” etc.
7. Almost all the houses have chimneys on the roofs.
8. Most of the bus-drivers are people in their fifties, who are very kind and helpful.
9. In the university cafeteria there is a large rotating shelf on which students put their used trays after eating.
10. Almost all the houses facing the streets have got beautifully-woven white curtains which are out of date in China but to me they are very romantic.

July 21st 2004 fine
After dinner, Xu Huishang and I took a walk to Rottingdean. When we drew near, we took a different path which leads to the windmill on top of a hill. Once we reached the windmill, we found ourselves in the middle of a golf course, and the English Channel spread before us with the sun setting. What a splendid sight! We were very excited and Sandra began to shout (I made sure that there was no one around). We took some photos and came back by bus.

July 22nd 2004 Fine
To be frank, I don’t like the computer lesson at all. Lily speaks in a very faint voice and she is always on her own. I figured she is not a native English speaker. This afternoon, during her course, I began to feel a severe headache. I am computer-illiterate, feeling like a complete idiot. Then on the way home, Sandra and I dropped in at a DVD shop. I was very much focused looking at the DVDs when I saw in my eyes’ corner that Sandra was already standing outside the door. So without much thinking, I headed for the door. Bang! I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!

July 27th 2004 Fine
This afternoon towards evening, my English friend Ben came down from London by train to Brighton and we met at the train station ( just like in a film ). Before I could see his face clearly, he gave me a “huge” hug (obviously he has put on some weight) and a kiss on the cheek. Then we just looked at each other and laughed heartedly! He took me to a pub and we had a few drinks. I behaved myself and we didn’t fight! We talked about the time when he was teaching in my school in China and all the fun we used to have with friends in Pinghu. He kept saying, “It is like yesterday…” Then we walked to the beach and had a photo taken. The old couple who helped with the camera said that we looked perfect! I was very rejoiced and of course very sad as well because finally came the time when we had to say goodbye. Hug and kiss again, but this time I felt myself really so small (as Ben put it) and totally lost!
That’s my “romance” in England. Next Tuesday he will come to see me again.

July 30 th Friday 2004
Damian Slee is another teacher who also gives lessons on teaching methodology and introduces different ways of teaching the English language. His first impression on me was that he was not a native speaker, but a Spanish, and I was bold enough to tell him so. Luckily he didn’t kill me----he is English.
I’m absorbed in his interesting lessons and his way of teaching, which is seemingly loose, but very flexible in fact. He can bring out my inspirations and many times I found myself uttering words and expressions that I hadn’t used for a long time. I like the background music he played for us. I like to hear him singing familiar songs and wished I could sing with him. I’m looking forward to the lessons when he will do some songs and poems.
