
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 15:39:21


Junior Shi-jie (Jay Chou decorated) from a young age grew up in the martial arts school,has acquired a good effort and have the feel is different from ordinary people,the show inadvertently "vote in" God's skills have been living on the streets and the special trick of t-li ( Eric Tsang played) a fancy to help search for their loved ones Shijie reason he invited to the first university to play basketball,but it is actually like to use to earn money by Shijie.Joined the team after Shijie,the captain did not expect Ding Wei (Chen Bolin decoration) younger sister Lily (Charlene Choi ornaments),he has long been the target of Secret Love,from pressing on Shijie want to attract her attention,so like always and Lily's idol,Xiao Lan (played Chu River) a higher,led a team filled with unstable atmosphere.Shijie Ding through the process of gradually taught conflict resolution and team-mate is no longer confused,and his weak effort into all kinds of basketball skills,played an amazing strength to help the team go one by one.Shih at this time to face the strongest team-mate and rival was former comrade-in-arms of Ding Li led the team,this team by a group of the United States suspended the players a terrorist,and that a contractor bought the ball,making the first player University All were living as a target,facing a crushing defeat of the situation,when endangered,relying on his uncle three inches legislate tongue has a wonderful ability to persuade each of the four players play at the last minute to fight,in the end how to reverse the Shijie Game,led by team-mate miracles?Whether he can find the long-separated family members do?Shijie will Qingguihechu it?少年世杰(周杰伦 饰)从小在功夫学校长大,练就了一身好功夫并拥有异于常人的手感,无意间展现「中投」的神技,被街头讨生活且鬼点子特多的立叔(曾志伟 饰)看上,藉以帮世杰寻找亲人的理由邀他到第一大学打篮球,实际上却是想利用世杰赚取财富.加入球队后的世杰,没想到队长丁伟(陈柏霖 饰)的妹妹莉莉(蔡卓妍 饰),是他长久以来暗恋的对象,从此世杰就迫切想要吸引她的注意,所以总是想与莉莉的偶像,萧岚(陈楚河 饰)一较高下,使得球队弥漫一股不安定的气氛.过程中世杰经由丁伟的开导渐渐与队友化解冲突不再困惑,并且将他的功夫底子融入各式的篮球技巧,发挥了惊人的实力,帮助球队一一过关斩将.此时世杰与队友面临最强的对手竟是丁伟的昔日战友李天所带领的球队,此队由一群被美国禁赛的恐怖球员所组成,并且买通球判,使得第一大学球员个个被当成活标靶,面临惨败的局面,当危及之际,立叔靠着他三吋不烂之舌说服各自拥有绝妙武功的四大高手在最后一刻上场应战,到底世杰该如何扭转比赛,率领队友创造奇迹?又是否可以找到他失散已久的家人呢?世杰将情归何处呢?

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