
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 13:25:51


The biggest question for the consumption-based value-added tax is its regressive nature.Consumer is to the end consumer goods tax,VAT and consumption tax is a regressive relative to personal income.For example,low-income and high-income earners also bought a computer,two people pay taxes,but relative to income,low-income tax rate is high.There are also people who believe that buy more high earners,pay the taxes will also be more.Anyway,if the rate is the only,the VAT will not is a progressive,most proportional to income.Items,of course,if the poor consumption value-added tax,value-added tax can be progressive.Exactly how high progressive degree,depends on the specific tax rates.The federal government has yet to implement VAT,mainly considering the tax regressive nature.

The biggest question for the consumption-based value-added tax is its regressive sex. Consumer is to the end consumer goods tax, VAT and consumption tax is a regressive relative to personal income. Fo...


The biggest question for the consumption-based value-added tax is its regressive sex. Consumer is to the end consumer goods tax, VAT and consumption tax is a regressive relative to personal income. For example, low-income and high-income earners also bought a computer, two people pay taxes, but relative to income, low-income tax rate is high. There are also people who believe that buy more high earners, pay the taxes will also be more. Anyway, if the rate is the only, the VAT will not is a progressive, most proportional to income. Items, of course, if the poor consumption value-added tax, value-added tax can be progressive. Exactly how high progressive degree, depends on the specific tax rates. The federal government has yet to implement VAT, mainly considering the tax regressive sex.


The biggest challenge to consumption-based value-added tax is regressive. Consumption value-added tax is imposed on the final consumer tax, consumption tax relative to personal income is regressive. F...


The biggest challenge to consumption-based value-added tax is regressive. Consumption value-added tax is imposed on the final consumer tax, consumption tax relative to personal income is regressive. For example, low income and high income earners also bought a computer, two people to pay taxes, but relatively low income, income tax rate is high. Also somebody thinks, high income earners to buy more, pay in taxes will be more. In any case, if the tax rate is the only, the value-added tax is not the most progressive, proportional to income. Of course, if the item is poor consumption value-added tax rate is low, the value-added tax can also be progressive. Exactly how high the progressive degree, depends on the specific tax rates. The United States federal government has not implemented the value-added tax, the main consideration to the tax regressivity.



The biggest question for the consumption-based value-added tax is its regressive nature. Consumer is to the end consumer goods tax, VAT and consumption tax is a regressive relative to personal income....


The biggest question for the consumption-based value-added tax is its regressive nature. Consumer is to the end consumer goods tax, VAT and consumption tax is a regressive relative to personal income. For example, low-income and high-income earners also bought a computer, two people pay taxes, but relative to income, low-income tax rate is high. There are also people who believe that buy more high earners, pay the taxes will also be more. Anyway, if the rate is the only, the VAT will not is a progressive, most proportional to income. Items, of course, if the poor consumption value-added tax, value-added tax can be progressive. Exactly how high progressive degree, depends on the specific tax rates. The federal government has yet to implement VAT, mainly considering the tax regressive nature.


英语翻译对消费型增值税的最大质疑就是其累退性.消费型增值税是向最终消费品征收的税,而消费税相对于个人所得来说是累退的.比如说,低收入者和高收入者同样买了一台计算机,两人缴纳 为什么我们国家改变增值税类型实行消费型增值税 我国现在是消费型增值税吗 怎样理解我国增值税改革方向是由生产型增值税改为消费型增值税 英语翻译为什么有个CHANGE?是说人们对科学家研究气候的方式改变了产生了质疑?还是就是对科学家研究气候的方式产生了质疑 CHANGE是修饰那个主语的啊? 英语翻译广州市中老年人保健品消费状况研究【摘 要】:本文通过对广州市中老年人在保健品消费方面进行抽样调查,了解该消费群体对保健品的认识,探究其购买保健品的主要渠道、产品类 对曹操观沧海的质疑要两个质疑 2009年我国实行增值税转型改革,现行增值税的类型是 A.生产型 B.收入型 C.消费型 D.国民型 1、我国目前实行的是( )增值税 A、生产型 B、消费型 C、收入型 D、积累型 【英语翻译】如图显示的邮件内容,我已经对收费提出质疑过了 就是没有问题才是最大的问题!开始质疑生活的意义,生命的意义在哪里! 增值税和营业税最大的区别是什么? 结合实际消费现象(主要是消费不足现象),要求运用相关消费理论(包括凯恩斯消费理论)对其形成机理加以阐述,并给出刺激消费的建议和措施 英语翻译增值税是国家税收的主要形式之一,增值税会计亦是会计学的重要组成部分.文章开篇即对增值税及增值税会计做了简单介绍.我国的增值税会计也存在着一定的问题,主要体现在增值税 关于消费型增值税的下列说法错误的是()?A、有利于消除增值税的重复征税 B、有利于鼓励投资C、有利于增加财政收入 D、有利于促进技术升级和产业结构调整 英语翻译营业税改征增值税是我国目前税制改革的重点和热点,增值税扩围有其必然性,分别体现在营业税重复征税、增值税抵扣链条不完整和出口贸易受阻三个方面上.面对此次改革契机,我们 周华健 风雨无阻 作者是谁?好难找...听歌不知道作者就是对其最大的不敬! 消费型增值税是指允许纳税人在计算增值税额时,从商品和劳务销售额中扣除当期购进的固定资产总额的一种增