一共3个话题,任选一个,2分钟即可~另请附上中文翻译~1、Honesty is the best policy:my principles in handling interpersond relationship.2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst:getting ready for challenges in future jobs.3、Go

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 04:17:54

一共3个话题,任选一个,2分钟即可~另请附上中文翻译~1、Honesty is the best policy:my principles in handling interpersond relationship.2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst:getting ready for challenges in future jobs.3、Go
1、Honesty is the best policy:my principles in handling interpersond relationship.
2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst:getting ready for challenges in future jobs.
3、God helps those who help themselves one self-reliance.

一共3个话题,任选一个,2分钟即可~另请附上中文翻译~1、Honesty is the best policy:my principles in handling interpersond relationship.2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst:getting ready for challenges in future jobs.3、Go
1 . Topic:Why is Honesty Important in a Relationship?
"I swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Why is honesty important in a relationship? This is Dr. Paul, author of Boomer Girls, A Boomer Woman's Guide to Men and Dating, a nationwide talk show host, and have I got news for you. It's better to clear the air in the beginning than to have questions after the fact. Honesty in a relationship is critical to that relationships success. Hello, something you knew before right. Well let me tell you about honest in a relationship. If something occurs don't give a half answer up front. You give a full disclosure answer, so that person, the other person; be it talking to the male or talking to the female gets the full picture. It's easier for them to handle it that way in one lump sum than to string it out, "Oh yeah well I forgot to tell you about this issue in that situation. I forgot to tell you about that issue in this situation." Then guess what you are never going to be believable, so believeableness is critical in the honesty. In the event that something occurs and this question comes up and the other wants to know. The lady wants to know what's going on or the man wants to know what's going on. Give it the full picture, because if you do not your credibility is going to go down to zero. Your stock will go down. Not unlike the stock market. You will tank. That's what Dr. Paul has to say about this. This is Dr. Paul. May your fantasies of today be your realities of tomorrow."

一共3个话题,任选一个,2分钟即可~另请附上中文翻译~1、Honesty is the best policy:my principles in handling interpersond relationship.2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst:getting ready for challenges in future jobs.3、Go 班级举行一次演讲会.每人演讲时间不超过两分钟.请从下面8个主题中任选一个,写一篇演讲稿,字数不用太多,两分钟时间读完便可以.参考话题:1.养成有礼貌的好习惯2.挑食害处多3.节约每一滴 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9一共10个数字,任选7个,这样的组合一共多少组?公式怎么算? 在一个圆上有abcde五个不同的点,任选其中的3个点为顶点画三角形,一共可以画多少个三角形? 初二上期英语对话有4个人,语法是初二上期新目标,3分钟以内主题可以是明星 电影 商店 超市 快餐以上主题,任选一个,不能混乱今天晚上11点之前即可 用0、2、7、5中任选3个数字组成一个三位数,使它是3的倍数,这样的数有几个,请写 试用经济学原理解答一个生活中的问题篇幅不用过长,2、3分钟的发言即可 以月光下景色为话题200多字即可,两篇不同的在2~3分钟内给我``急需```再来一篇 一个猴子在树上摘香瓜一共摘了100个,它没2分钟在一个,问一共摘了多少个?一个猴子啊! 英语4人短剧.10分钟左右(每个人至少讲2分钟).以下话题任选.1、友谊,2、健康,3、著名人物,4、品德,5、地震.百度的不要, 请以希望为话题,写一组排比句3句即可, 从0、1、2、3、4五张卡片中,每次任选3张,一共可以组成()个没有重复数字的三位数,并且是偶数. 制造一个零件,甲需要3分钟,乙需要4分钟,丙只需2分之1分钟,若三人在相同的时间内一共制造了372个零件,问三人分别制造了零件多少只? 以星星,书,橡皮,同学,寝室任选一个话题写一首诗 求三人英语对话以下十个话题任选,要比较纯正的英语,三人说话长短差不多,5分钟时间以上,请速 告知,感激不尽!1.self-intoducetion2.campus life3.friendship4.traveling5.holiday另外5个没有写出5个已经够用 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9一共10个数字,任选5个,这样的组合一共252组!都有哪些?比如12345 23456……等等!0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9一共10个数字,任选5个,比如1 2 3 4 5 .2 3 4 5 6……等,这样的组合一共可以分为252组!请问 爱国诗,四行,每行七个字,一共28个字的那种,2首即可 分类英语作文请帮我找几篇英语作文(初中水平)按照我分类的去找:1、旅游类2、四季类3、野餐类请任选两篇找,每类个5篇,一共10篇.好的话我会在加50分,