
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 08:53:45


仅供参考:As is the rule which we all know,Foreign ships are not allowed to cruise out side Port A during night time,and prohibited from mooring either from 18:00 to 6:00.However,the said foreign ship didn't arrive at the anchorage until 17:30 of the 19th.There are still 5-6 hours for her to get to the wharf from the anchorage.So it is no way she can be berthed by 18:00.Therefore,it is our argument that it is unreasonable and unacceptable to count the night of the 19th into the total time for demurrage charge.

As we all know the consistent practice, in the A port shipping is forbidden at night, from the 18:00-06:00 was banned during the berthing.The outer 17:30 arrived at the anchorage in 19, it takes about...


As we all know the consistent practice, in the A port shipping is forbidden at night, from the 18:00-06:00 was banned during the berthing.The outer 17:30 arrived at the anchorage in 19, it takes about 5-6hours to reach the terminal from anchorage, which is impossible to berthing before 18:00. Therefore, the ship had 19 night time into account, and put forward the demurrage is not reasonable and acceptable.


As you know has always been the practice in the A port shipping is prohibited from 18000600 night was banned during the berthing the outer 19 evening 1730 arrive at the anchorage to arrive at the whar...


As you know has always been the practice in the A port shipping is prohibited from 18000600 night was banned during the berthing the outer 19 evening 1730 arrive at the anchorage to arrive at the wharf from anchorage needs about 56 hours was not possible before 1800 berth so the ship 19 days night time calculation, and puts forward the demurrage is not reasonable is not acceptable


英语翻译如大家所知的一贯惯例,在A港口外轮是禁止夜航的,从18:00-06;00期间是禁止靠泊的.该外轮19日晚上17.30才到达锚地,从锚地到达码头需要大概5-6小时,已经不可能在18:00前靠泊了.所以,该船 23.如图,港口B在港口A的西北方向,上午8时,一艘轮船从港口A出发,以15海里∕时的速如图,港口B在港口A的西北方向,上午8时,一艘轮船从港口A出发,以15海里∕时的速度向正北方向航行,同时一艘快 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西60°方向,距离港口8l海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西45°方向,距离港口8l海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口,乙船从港口P出发,沿南偏东60°方向,以l8海里/时的速度驶离港口问出发后几小时两船与港 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西45°方向,距离港口8l海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口,乙船从港口P出发,沿南偏东60°方向,以l8海里/时的速度驶离港口.现两船同时出发,出发后 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西45°方向,距离港口81海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口,乙船从港口P出发,沿南偏东60°方向,以18海里/时的速度驶离港口,现两船同时出发.(1 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西60°方向,距离港口8l海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口,乙船从港口P出发,沿南偏东75°方向,以9√2海里/时的速度驶离港口.现在两船同时出发1.出 在港口的英文! 如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西45°方向,距离港口81海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海里/时的速度驶向港口如图,小岛A在港口P的南偏西45°方向,距离港口81海里处.甲船从A出发,沿AP方向以9海 惯例的近义词 惯例的近义词 惯例的反义词 如图,港口B在港口A的西北方向,上午8时,一艘轮船从港口A出发,以15海里∕时的速度向正北方向航行,同时一艘快艇从港口B出发也向正北方向航行,上午10时轮船到达D处,同时快艇到达C处,测得C处 英语翻译如题,不知道翻译界的惯例是怎样的?请业内人士或者有过相关经验的朋友回答一下, 英语翻译1 这是一首经典的歌曲,我很喜欢.2 正如大家所知,这首歌是奥斯卡最佳音乐奖得主,“狮子王”的主题曲. 中国一贯的外交政策 一贯的贯是什么意思 如图,一艘货轮沿南偏西27°航线EF航行,到达A点时,恰好是港口B到航线EF的距离,这时,港口B的调度员观察在A点的货轮在他的什么方位?要指挥A点的货轮进入港口B,货轮在原航向的基础上要将船头