
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 15:00:01



China today is the prosperity of economy, the huge trade surplus caused the high speed and steady growth of the national economy and frequent international trade activities, making the RMB continued h...


China today is the prosperity of economy, the huge trade surplus caused the high speed and steady growth of the national economy and frequent international trade activities, making the RMB continued high. World financial crisis in 2008 and the appreciation of the renminbi to the in the teeth of the storm, the RMB exchange rate reached record high. The appreciation of the renminbi has positive effect on the economic development of our country, it also brought some negative pressure and influence. This paper mainly expounds the advantages and disadvantages of the impact of the RMB appreciation, beneficial effects including, internationalization of RMB appreciation can optimize the industrial structure of our country, ease with major trading partners, to curb inflation, reduce external debt pressure, improve enterprise foreign investment ability, promoting the people's money; adverse effects including, the impact of China's labor-intensive enterprises, affect employment, expanding China's creditor losses, increasing competition, China's domestic market influence the stability of the financial market in china. Because of the influence of the pros and cons, proposed corresponding policy recommendations.


英语翻译现今的中国处于经济的繁荣时期,高速平稳增长的国民经济加之频繁的国际贸易活动所带来的巨额贸易顺差等因素,使得人民币持续走高.2008年的世界性金融危机又将人民币升值推向风 中国什么时候进入青铜器的繁荣时期 中国正处于经济的高速发展时期,需要经济人才 翻译成英文 古罗马时期的中国处于什么时期? 帝国的繁荣时期历史上称作罗马和平,请用一句西方谚语来形容说明它的繁荣.当时中国正处于什么时代? 中国现今的经济走向是怎样的? 中国正处于经济的高速发展时期,翻译成英文 现在中国繁荣程度相当于历史的那个时期 为什么说隋唐时期是中国古代封建经济空前繁荣发展的时期? 唐朝是中国封建社会的繁荣时期,它的繁荣开始于? 我国什么时候处于繁荣时期 今天的中国正处于改革开放.经济迅速发展时期,唐朝的对外交往情况对我们有什么启示? 中华民国北洋政府时期中国的政治、经济、文化、社会发展处于一个什么样的水平?还有军事 罗马帝国的繁荣时期史称罗马和平.请用一句西方言语形容罗马帝国的繁荣.当时中国正处于谁麽时代?谢谢大家!请根据人教版初三历史回答 英语翻译中国处于城市化快速发展阶段,在不同时期表现为不同的驱动机制,根据中国城市化的特殊表征和城市化发展的一般规律,从土地、经济、人口和社会四个方面构建城市化进程综合评价 隋朝经济繁荣的表现 (1) 唐太宗统治时期经济繁荣,社会安定,史称----;武则天统治时期,社会经济继续向前发展,史称----;唐玄宗统治时期出现了中国封建社会前所未有的盛世局面.史称----;清朝前期的盛世局面. 现今中国工人阶级的状况