单选题311:The relationship between parents and children is of ______ importance.a、vital b、 powerful c、 typical d、 precious12:In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the ______ in personality.a、contact b、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 01:54:39

单选题311:The relationship between parents and children is of ______ importance.a、vital b、 powerful c、 typical d、 precious12:In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the ______ in personality.a、contact b、
11:The relationship between parents and children is of ______ importance.a、vital b、 powerful c、 typical d、 precious
12:In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the ______ in personality.a、contact b、 contrast c、 connection d、 conflict
13:Felix is ______ a bunch of red roses by a young girl as he came out of his car in front of a large house outside London.a、presented b、 offered c、 volunteered d、 supplied
14:American women usually identify their best friend as someone ______ they can talk frequently.a、who b、 as c、 about which d、 with whom
15:It would be unwise to ______ too much importance to what he sai; a、pay b、 provide c、 attach d、 indicate
16:This statement is ______ various interpretations.a、capable for b、 capable of c、 competent for d、 competent of
17:Getting a college degree was the most ______ experience of my life.a、rewarded b、 rewarding c、 reward d、 rewardless
18:I don’t believe that ridiculous scheme is ___ of our serious consideration.a、worthless b、worthwhile c、worthy d、worth
19:By 11 o’clock,he will ____ for four hours.a、have been studying b、study c、will be studying d、have studying
20:Violent programmes on TV may have a bad ______ on children.a、pressure b、 influence c、 power d、 control

单选题311:The relationship between parents and children is of ______ importance.a、vital b、 powerful c、 typical d、 precious12:In dealing with public relations,we should make every effort to prevent the ______ in personality.a、contact b、
11.a 父母和孩子的关系是极其重要的.
12.d 处理人际关系,我们应该在个性上作出努力阻止冲突.
13.a 在伦敦郊外一所很大房子的前面,当艾利科斯从车出来的时候,他收到了一个女孩的一束玫瑰.
14.d talk with 和谁交谈,with提前,宾语用whom
15.d 对于他所说的,指出太多的重要性是不明智的.
16.b 这项声明有很多不同的解释.capable of可以的,容许的
18.d 我不相信荒谬的计划是值得认真考虑的.
19.a 到11点,他就学习了4个小时了.将来完成时态
20.b 电视上暴力节目可能对孩子有不好的影响.