NBA新闻翻译(请不要机译)Allen Goes The Distance in Game 4 VictoryOn Thursday night at the Staples Center, the Celtics made history with their 97-91 comeback victory over the Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. No one had a better vantage

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NBA新闻翻译(请不要机译)Allen Goes The Distance in Game 4 VictoryOn Thursday night at the Staples Center, the Celtics made history with their 97-91 comeback victory over the Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. No one had a better vantage
Allen Goes The Distance in Game 4 Victory
On Thursday night at the Staples Center, the Celtics made history with their 97-91 comeback victory over the Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. No one had a better vantage point than Ray Allen, who played all 48 minutes and registered some of the night's biggest plays.
"There was a point out there in the game where I knew I wasn't coming out," Allen said. "I just said, 'I have to suck it up.' I have plenty of time to rest the next couple of months, so suck it up."
After chipping away at(消弱) a 20-point third-quarter deficit, the Celtics took their first lead of the game with 4:07 remaining. On the Lakers' subsequent possession, Allen seized an errant(错误) pass from Pau Gasol and pushed the ball back up court. Paul Pierce missed a three-point attempt, but Allen grabbed the offensive rebound and drove the baseline for a nifty (飞快地) reverse layup that put Boston up 86-83.
In the final minutes, the Lakers threatened their own comeback, but it was Allen who ultimately sealed their fate. After a Gasol dunk cut the lead to three with forty seconds remaining, Allen dribbled precious time off the game clock. As the shot clock wound down , Allen blew by Sasha Vujacic and converted a left-handed layup. With sixteen seconds left, the Celtics led 96-91. An Eddie House free throw put the final exclamation point on one of the greatest comebacks in Finals history.
In his post-game press conference, Celtics' Coach Doc Rivers praised Allen's layup, literally a last-minute improvisation.
"It was really supposed to be a middle pick and roll with Kevin and Ray, and Ray waved Kevin off because he liked the match up that he had already, so he didn't want to bring another defender in to help. It was a great call by Ray. And then him getting to the basket was huge. The layup was just tremendous."
Allen shared his own thought process after the game.
"If they were going to foul anybody, I wanted it to be me and go to the free throw line. They hesitated, they stayed off the foul, so they got over half court and saw the shot clock was running down, and Kevin [Garnett] ran up to set a screen, and as he was setting the screen, I told him, 'Back off, let me take him one on one, five, six seconds left, at least I'm going to get a good shot up.'"
All told, Allen scored 19 points on 6 of 11 shooting from the field. The veteran guard also pulled down nine rebounds and notched three steals. Arguably, though, Allen's greatest contribution of the night came at halftime when Pierce asked to take over defensive coverage of Kobe Bryant. Many veteran stars would have balked at the request, but Allen understood The Truth's position.
"I knew what he was trying to do," Allen said. " I would have suggested it a long time ago, but it took for Paul to say, 'Let me guard him.' When he said that, I knew he wanted him and he was ready for the challenge, and I was like, 'Let's do it, take him."

NBA新闻翻译(请不要机译)Allen Goes The Distance in Game 4 VictoryOn Thursday night at the Staples Center, the Celtics made history with their 97-91 comeback victory over the Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. No one had a better vantage



艾伦去博弈论的距离4日在斯台普斯中心晚上的胜利,凯尔特人队取得了与他们的97-91场比赛中的NBA总决赛湖人队卷土重来4胜利的历史。没有人比雷阿伦,谁发挥了48分钟,并注册了当晚的最大玩一些更好的制高点。“我们是在游戏中点那里,我知道我是不会来的,”艾伦说。 “我只是说,'我要吸起来。我有足够的时间休息了未来几个月内,所以吸起来。后,削弱了(消弱)20点,第三季度的赤字,凯尔特人距离“带着4点07分他们对余下的比赛第一次领先。在湖人队随后管,检获一犯错误的艾伦(错误)由加索尔通过推球备份法庭。保罗皮尔斯错过了一个三分尝试,但是阿伦抢到进攻篮板,带动了一个漂亮的(飞快地)反向上篮得分,波士顿提出了86-83基准。在最后几分钟,湖人威胁到他们自己的复出,但它阿伦最终是谁封的命运。加索尔扣篮得分后,削减剩余40秒领先3分,阿伦带球过比赛时钟宝贵的时间。由于进攻时间结束时,艾伦至少可以武贾西奇和转换左手上篮得分。配备16秒时,率领凯尔特人96-91。一个豪斯罚球把在总决赛历史上最伟大的反击战最后一个感叹号。他在赛后新闻发布会上,凯尔特人队主教练里弗斯称赞阿伦的上篮得分,名副其实的最后一分钟的即兴。“这是真的要中选择一个与凯文和雷卷,雷挥手凯文,因为他喜欢的比赛了,他已,所以他不希望把以帮助另一个后卫。这是由Ray伟大号召。及然后让他在篮下是巨大的。的上篮得分,只是巨大的。“艾伦在比赛结束后分享自己的思想过程。”如果他们要任何人犯规,我希望这是我和去罚球。他们犹豫了,把他们留在罚球,使他们得到了法院的一半以上,看到了进攻时间正在运行下来,凯文[加内特]跑到设置屏幕,因为他是设置在屏幕上,我告诉他,'后退,让我借此之一,他一5,6秒,至少我会得到一个很好的股价上涨了。“总而言之,阿伦得到11投仅有的6名外地19分。这位经验丰富的后卫也拉低了9个篮板和3次抢断缺口。可以说,不过,艾伦的最大贡献的夜晚来到时,皮尔斯在中场休息时要求接管科比的防御范围。许多老将也不见得会的请求,但阿伦了解真相的立场。“我知道他要怎样做,”艾伦说。 “我会建议它在很久以前,但保罗说了,'让我仪仗队。当他说,我知道他想要他,他准备好迎接挑战,而我就像是,'让我们这样做,需要他。“


NBA新闻翻译(请不要机译)Allen Goes The Distance in Game 4 VictoryOn Thursday night at the Staples Center, the Celtics made history with their 97-91 comeback victory over the Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. No one had a better vantage nba新闻什么意思? 请给我一篇关于环保的英语新闻,要最近的,不要太长,要有翻译, 音乐 请英语大神帮我翻译!感谢URL badman LILY ALLEN Allen和waker是什么意思请翻译.那这两个词合起来又是什么意思? 讲新闻、新闻感悟请大家推荐一条新闻、近期的.后天我要讲.要新闻下有感悟.不要太多300字左右最好、、 (不要娱乐新闻) 英语新闻:易建联进入NBA的(中英文) 英语翻译翻译:阿伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson),美国NBA著名篮球运动员,曾多次入选NBA全明星阵容,曾任美国男篮梦之队队长.1996年6月26日被费城76人队选中,成为NBA历史上最矮的状元秀,绰号“答案(Th NBA season怎么翻译 近期新闻(例如猪流感的新闻,不要太多) NBA广告 where defense happens 里面的台词如题··不要翻译· 新闻人物的名言新闻人物说过的名言,请给我几句~不要太长, nba英文,nba球队,到底nba代表什么呢请大家告诉我nba具体是什么 请高手帮我翻译下这个文章 不要机器翻~!谢谢!急用文章地址!,1,1468537.story?ctrack=3&cset=true拜托高手们~ 会西语的帮我翻译一下 “请不要忘记我” 该怎么翻译“ 不要机译 叫Allen,想一个英文姓氏女生,叫Allen.想要一个英文姓氏.请不要给我打一大堆名字出来~要适合女生,和Allen这个名字的!如果能帮上忙,...........这不是我要的名字。是我要的一个角色的名字!那位 英语翻译(请不要用翻译软件直接翻译) 急需英语新闻20条(带翻译)不要太短,最好有时间地点等,字数100左右