英语翻译who the hell is alex evans?hi,my name is alexandre and i currently live in montreal,canada.i come from a french family,and taught myself english as i was growing up.i went to french school all my life until college.i've now been going to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:58:05

英语翻译who the hell is alex evans?hi,my name is alexandre and i currently live in montreal,canada.i come from a french family,and taught myself english as i was growing up.i went to french school all my life until college.i've now been going to
who the hell is alex evans?
hi,my name is alexandre and i currently live in montreal,canada.i come from a french family,and taught myself english as i was growing up.i went to french school all my life until college.i've now been going to dawson college for a year and a half,and i'm currently finishing my last semester.i study arts and culture,and like most people my age,i've got no clue what i wanna do after college.or it's not that i don't know what i wanna do.i know what i wanna do very well.there are just too many possibilities and i suck at making decisions.so we'll see where life will bring me.i would call myself a complicated person,but i'm sure we're all pretty complicated.and why would i call myself complicated?well that's a good question.let me describe myself,or at least,what i know about myself:i don't get along with many people.i don't like to open up.i'm very reserved.i can't make decisions,choices drive me nuts.i'm honest.i can be naive.i tend to contradict myself.i don't get entertained by things that most people get entertained by.i fear crowds,they freak me out.i'm selective.i'd rather read a book than go out at night.i'm actually stupid enough to spend money on music.i'm constantly looking for that person who will complete me.i enjoy simple things.my favorite color,or shall i say shade,is grey.i love healthy food.i've got so many books that i doubt i'll ever be able to read all of them.i find it hard to save up money.i don't like when people cancel on me.i like to write,i've considered becoming a writer.i dislike conceited people.i dislike selfish people.i love photography,although i doubt i will ever become a photographer.i live at home with my parents and my sister.i watch a lot of movies.i don't like when people pretend they know me,i don't even know myself yet and it's been eighteen years.i can't stand immaturity.i always wanted to learn a foreign language like russian.i like painting.people tend to hate on me.i don't model,i don't see why some people think i do.most my pictures on myspace are self-portraits.i can't stand when people are judgmental.i like to cook,but i usually turn my kitchen into a mess.i like to do sweet things for people i like.i don't watch tv.i usually walk too fast for people.i love to spend some time on my own.and i do reply to a lot of your comments.

英语翻译who the hell is alex evans?hi,my name is alexandre and i currently live in montreal,canada.i come from a french family,and taught myself english as i was growing up.i went to french school all my life until college.i've now been going to
嗨,我叫亚历克桑德拉,现居加拿大蒙特利尔.我来自一个法国家庭并一边长大一边自学英语.我上大学前一直读法国学校.我现在在道森大学学习了一年半,正在完成我的最后一个学期.我学习艺术和文化,并且和大多数同龄人一样,不知道放学后想干什么.或许不是不知道我想干什么,我十分清楚我想干什么,但是想干的事情的可能性太多了,而我又特别讨厌做决定.因此我们会明白生活把我们带到了哪里.(就是说我们发现生活改变了我们)我想称自己为一个复杂的人,不过我确信我们都很复杂.但是为什么我说自己复杂呢?恩,那是个好问题.让我来介绍一下自己,或者至少是我所认识的自己.我不和很多人交往,我不喜欢开放,我不苟言笑,我不能做决定,选择让我疯狂,我诚实,我可以天真,我趋于反驳自我.大多数人的娱乐项目无法令我感到高兴,我害怕人群,他们让我受不了 .我有选择性,我宁可看看书也不想晚上出去,我实际上是个傻得足够 在音乐上花钱的人.我坚持不懈的寻找那个可以令我完整的人.我喜欢简单的东西,我最喜欢的颜色,或许我应该称之为阴影的是灰色.我喜爱健康的食物.我买了那么多的书,我真怀疑我能否把他们都看过一边.我发现存钱很难.我不喜欢人们拒绝我.我喜欢写作,曾考虑过当个作家.我不喜欢自负的人,我不喜欢自私的人.我喜欢摄影,最然我怀疑我会成为摄影师的可能性.我和父母以及我姐姐住在家里.我看很多电影.我不喜欢人们假装他们了解我,因为十八年来甚至我都不了解我自己.我无法忍受不成熟.我总想学一门外语比如俄语.我喜欢画画.人们越来越讨厌我.我不临摹,我不明白为什么有些人认为我临摹.我空间里大部分我的画都是自画像.当人们审判的时候我就受不了.我喜欢烹饪,但我经常把厨房弄得很乱.我喜欢为我喜欢的人做甜蜜的事情.我不看电视.对于常人来说我通常走的太快.我喜欢花时间在自己身上.而且我确实的对你的很多评论作出了回答.



