
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/18 23:49:02


Chaiman mao is a great man in China histrory.He gave chinese people new life .we can live in China bettter and better.He was a kind man and he cared about every chinese people and thier
lives.Chinese people was very poor and hungery in old china before 1949.Chairman mao lead chinese people win the war to Jiangjieshi government.Finally all of the chinese people work for life together .We love Chaimanmao.Chairman mao is farther of new China.

毛泽东,请问谁没有人知道,什么是伟大的人有一个像宇宙的心,总是能吸引人民代表的兴趣。 但对于十五岁的我,我恨他。 老人的家总是说,一个毛主席,七好坏的三分之一。 革命,所有他为中心,他是所有的人,他是正确的。 而他只是由于中国,而是因为他有文化大革命,邓小平,这些邪恶的软禁。 也许是个人极端情绪,从小不喜欢他。 每月人们变得圆圆的,现在已经成为我的毛在未来的方向指南。 变化从...


毛泽东,请问谁没有人知道,什么是伟大的人有一个像宇宙的心,总是能吸引人民代表的兴趣。 但对于十五岁的我,我恨他。 老人的家总是说,一个毛主席,七好坏的三分之一。 革命,所有他为中心,他是所有的人,他是正确的。 而他只是由于中国,而是因为他有文化大革命,邓小平,这些邪恶的软禁。 也许是个人极端情绪,从小不喜欢他。 每月人们变得圆圆的,现在已经成为我的毛在未来的方向指南。 变化从第一天开始谈论两个时间。 当时热播电视剧“我们还年轻。” 从这一事件我认识到,毛泽东与一个年轻的英雄精神的时代,虽然出身贫穷,普通草民,但心和国家有很大的野心,有人说,人穷博客短,但在他身上看到了一个反-例子。 在那里,我看到了无限的希望为未来中国的建设。 真不知道,或者玩Mao'的演员精湛的演技,一直觉得自己的眼睛出了光,淡淡的却足以燃烧掉整个中华民族。 “星星之火,可以燎原”,是出于对毛泽东,这似乎表明,他早已被中国领导的手中。 随着我可怜的话,慢的话不知道如何表达心中想,当毛泽东Zedong'的言论引发的兴奋。 他兴奋地看到这样的好情人。 有时想,如果他们返回毛Zedong'的青年,他们可能会喜欢他回去,作为杨开慧年相同。 不幸的是,不同年龄,他只能当我成长的方向。 事实上,我认为毛泽东Zedong'青年当代青年时代的学习,但也很重要营养素。 昔日? 我不敢英雄,当动乱,由毛泽东发起建立了新中国,现在的和平潮流,谁可以英雄? 中国崛起的依赖,如果对当代青年当代青年


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Mao Zedong, ask who nobody knows, what a great man has a heart like the universe, always attract people''s interest. But for the fifteen-year-old me, I hate him. Home of the old people always say, a g...


Mao Zedong, ask who nobody knows, what a great man has a heart like the universe, always attract people''s interest. But for the fifteen-year-old me, I hate him. Home of the old people always say, a good third of Chairman Mao and seven bad. Revolution, all he was the center, he is all the people, he is correct. And he was only due to the Chinese, but because of he had the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping, these evil under house arrest. Perhaps the extreme emotions of individuals, from small to not like him.
monthly people become round, and now Mao has become my guide into the future direction. Change the start time from the first two days talking about. At that time hit TV drama "We Were Young." From the episode I realized that the era of Mao with a young and heroic spirit, although the origin of poverty, ordinary Caomin, but hearts and countries have great ambitions, people say that people are poor blog short, but saw in him was an anti-example. There, I saw the construction of infinite hope for the future China. Really do not know, or play Mao''s superb acting of the actor, has always felt his eyes put out a light, faint but enough to burn off the whole Chinese nation. "A single spark can start a prairie fire" is out of the hands of Mao Zedong, which seems to indicate that he has long been led by China. With my poor words, slow words do not know how to express thought in mind when Mao Zedong''s remarks set off excitement. Excited to see his lover like as good.
sometimes think that if their return to Mao Zedong''s youth, they might love him back, the same as the year of Yang Kaihui. Unfortunately, different age, he can only grow when I direction. Indeed, I think the era of Mao Zedong''s young contemporary young people to learn, but also very important nutrients. Of yore? I dare hero, when the unrest, initiated by Mao Zedong founded the new China, and now the trend of peace, who can be hero? Rise of China depends on contemporary youth, if the contemporary youth


monthly people become round, and now Mao has become my guide into the future direction. Change the start time from the first two days talking about. At that time hit TV drama "We Were Young." From the...


monthly people become round, and now Mao has become my guide into the future direction. Change the start time from the first two days talking about. At that time hit TV drama "We Were Young." From the episode I realized that the era of Mao with a young and heroic spirit, although the origin of poverty, ordinary Caomin, but hearts and countries have great ambitions, people say that people are poor blog short, but saw in him was an anti-example. There, I saw the construction of infinite hope for the future China. Really do not know, or play Mao''s superb acting of the actor, has always felt his eyes put out a light, faint but enough to burn off the whole Chinese nation. "A single spark can start a prairie fire" is out of the hands of Mao Zedong, which seems to indicate that he has long been led by China. With my poor words, slow words do not know how to express thought in mind when Mao Zedong''s remarks set off excitement. Excited to see his lover like as good
