
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 22:32:10

青春无关年代,青春无关国情,不同时代的人对青春的回忆总是显得那么美好,或许正因为青春自身的不完美,我们对青春的回忆才会觉得那么完美.90年央视经典热播剧里的白雪、欧阳、陈非儿、韩小乐、袁野等花样少年绽放了属于我们的《十六岁的花季》,95年姜文一炮而红的处女作《阳光灿烂的日子》祭奠了他们逝去的70年代,2010年筷子兄弟的《老男孩》又重新唱响了青春之歌,同期,泰国的小清新之作将《初恋这件小事》,变成国内影迷争相观看的大事件.2011年,九把刀的《那些年 我们一起追的女孩》空前火爆,并催生了“那些年体”的流行,引发了80后新一轮的集体怀旧热潮.
近似青春流水账的《那些年 我们一起追的女孩》,是九把刀(柯景腾)对自己过往青春岁月的一次回忆,是多年后对初恋情人沈佳宜(沈佳仪)的一封迟来的情书,九把刀用自己的热血青春再次唤醒了我们对那些与青春有关的日子的回忆,带给80人那最纯真的感动与共鸣.

Youth is not a time,it is not a country,people in different times of youth always looked so beautiful,perhaps because of youth and its not perfect,we on the memory of youth will feel so perfect.90years CCTV classic hit series snow,Ouyang,Chen non son,Han Xiaole,Yuan Ye pattern teenager bloom belong to our" sweet sixteen",95 years Jiang Wen hit debut" sunny days" for their lost in201070,chopsticks brother" old boy" and to sing the song of youth,in the same period,Thailand little fresh work will" love this little thing",become domestic fans to watch the event.In 2011,nine knives" girl we loved those years" unprecedented unpopular,and gave birth to "the body" pop,triggered a new round of80 after the collective nostalgia craze.
Approximate youth running account" the girl we loved those years",is the nine knife ( Ke Jingteng ) on the youth time is memory,after years of first love lover Shen Jiayi ( Shen Chia-Yi ) a letter of late love letter,nine knives in their own blood youth once again awakened for those of us with the youth about the days of memories,bring80 people the most pure feeling and resonance.