来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 09:15:28
目前绝大多数较为流行的性能测试工具如微软公司的WAS、ACT,Apache公司的Jmeter以及Mercury Interactive公司的LoadRunner都能对Web服务进行性能上的测试,但是这些软件操作繁杂,效率不高,只能实现一些特定的功能,不能满足复杂的Web压力测试的要求.因此,需要一个用于Web压力测试的类库,使得测试人员能够在此基础上编写灵活的测试程序以应对复杂的Web压力测试.
该类库在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005平台上开发,使用该类库能够针对不同的Web应用编写出不同的测试程序,根据具体情况灵活地掌握测试进度,有重点地进行测试.
类库的设计遵循了单一职责原则(The single responsibility principle)、开闭原则(OPC)、发布重用等价原则(Open-Close Principle)、共同封闭原则(The Release Reuse Equivalency Principle)、共同重用原则(The Common Closure Principle)等面向对象设计的原则,这些原则使得类库具有更好的可重用性与稳定性,并且方便扩展.
As the using of web applications become broader and broader,the requests which are aimed to test the capability is increasing too.However,web applications consist so many technology that the testing of them get more and more complex .There’re a lot of web stress test tools,but testers will never be satisfied by the functions the tools provide.Thus,one should compile test programs neatly on web application.
The Design & Development of a class library for Web stress tests provides a better solution.
Currently the vast majority of the more popular performance testing tools such as Microsoft's WAS,ACT,Apache's Jmeter and Mercury Interactive's LoadRunner can all test the Web services performance,but those tools' operation are complex,and the efficiency is not high.They can only achieve specific functions.These Web test tools can not meet the complex requirements of stress tests.Therefore,we need a class library for pressure test,making testing staff to prepare on the basis of this flexible testing procedures to deal with the complexity of the Web stress tests.
The class library is developed in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform.Using the library one can prepare different testing procedures for different Web applications.The testing staff have the flexibility to test the progress under specific circumstances and focus on testing.
Class design followed The single responsibility principle(SRP),the Open-Close Principle(OPC),the Release Reuse Equivalency Principle(REP),the Common Closure Principle(CCP),the Common Reuse Principle (CRP),and other object-oriented design principles,These principles have made a better class library of reusable,stability and facilitate expansion.
The test showed that the class library can easily access the correct pressure testing of indicators and can simulate concurrent users to access Web services.The flexible Web stress testing procedures can be easily prepared by the use of this class library.