
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 10:32:22


During our printing,we found that the first tab in the back content was proper,while the contents from the second tab were offset toward the right.We checked that over with Benny and Allen,however,we had no solution to it.Therefore,we sincerely ask you all to study the related enclosure and offer your suggestions .Thanks a lot.

百度翻译 翻译结果(中 > 英)复制结果 On this issue, we and IT Department colleagues discussed, the only solution is to buy the new Adobe

While printing, we found that the first tag in the backside was fine, but it moved sideways from the second tag. We checked it with Benny and Allen, but still cant solve this problem, So please advice according to the attachment, Thank you very much.

In the printing process, we found that in the back words the first lable was good.However, from the second label, the content was began to lean to the right,Benny, allen and us have checked, but we still can't solve the problem.Please look at the attachment and give us your advice.
Many thanks

In printing process we found that,in the back of the content of the first label is good,but from the second label started the content will shift to right,we checked with benny,allen.but we couldn't solve this situation ,please see attachment and puts forward some suggestions.thank you very much!

During the printing process, we realised that the first label at the back of the page was good, but starting from the second label onward the contents of the page were aligned to the right. We have al...


During the printing process, we realised that the first label at the back of the page was good, but starting from the second label onward the contents of the page were aligned to the right. We have already informed Benny and Allen about it, but the problem was still unable to be solved. Kindly look at the attached documents and give any possible suggestions. Thank you very much.


英语翻译我们在印刷过程中发现,在背面的内容中第一个标签是好的,但是从第二个标签开始内容会向右偏移,我们跟benny,allen检查过,但我们还是无法解决这种情况,请大家看附件并提出建议, 请问平版胶印油墨在印刷过程中积水辊是什么原因? 是油墨用的连接料不行还是怎么样?我们是生产油墨的,客户投诉我们的油墨会堆在水辊上影响印刷.现在还找不到原因. 英语翻译1.它根本无法进行抽真空(vacuum),也无法进行合包(这里的合包意思 是1个大包里面装下几个小包的那种哈.)2.我们可以把内容打印在标签上,然后粘在包装背面吗?因为印刷的话,会 修改病句、、、、、、、、、、、、、、错版是指在人民币的印刷过程中出现了错误. 生物八上练习题(如下)1.(选择)在用手触摸蚯蚓的过程中,我们可根据颜色和手感到刚毛的多少,判断蚯蚓的背面和腹面,下面正确的结论是( )A.背面颜色深,刚毛多 B.背面颜色浅,刚毛多C 英语翻译我在欧亨利小说的背面看到的 英语翻译:你说的与我们在实验中发现的大相径庭 我们知道,在印刷中,打样是一个关键的工序,它是印前各工序与印刷的衔接.那它有什么作用呢? 在我们呼气的过程中,肺容积怎么变?肺内空气压强怎么变? 英语翻译要印刷在包装上面的,所以不能确定, 除激光外还有哪些光在我们日常生活中有着广泛的应用,它们是如何被发现的?要有发现时间,发现者,发现过程和应用 1.在饲养和观察蚯蚓的活动中,判断蚯蚓前后端的方法是什么2.再用手触摸蚯蚓的过程中,我们可根据颜色和手感到刚毛的多少,判断蚯蚓的背面和腹面,具体是什么?(背面/腹面颜色深/浅,刚毛多/ 在印刷的过程中,四色油墨网点是不是一起压印到纸张上的呢? (物理)在印刷过程中有时会出现纸张黏连的现象…什么原因? 在15小时内,印刷一张报纸所需的时间与印刷报纸的总张数成不成反比例? 在晶体热熔化过程中,我们会发现晶体还具有一定的如题初二的科学题, 用英语翻译 我们的企业在转型过程中 急需有海外工作经验的人 求英语翻译:请确认卡片背面是否需要印刷?