
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 18:06:34


The real estate market is a kind of regional market,as do not transplant material carrier,the natural within area has the characteristics of regional monopoly,and as a real estate the industry speaking,his high investment,circulation slow,earnings recovery slow to the characteristics of only a few with strong economic strength of the group to have the ability to enter the real estate market,so,the real estate market of natural monopoly industry,has the characteristics of regional monopoly.Thus in the competition in the area,in the few tycoons have to control the market after efforts to expand real estate differences through,to lessen competition,through the first of the enterprise start advantage,to the monopoly position,and through the monopoly position,make the house prices remain at high standard.



The real estate market is a kind of regional market, as do not transplant material carrier, the natural within area has the characteristics of regional monopoly, and as a real estate the industry speaking, his high investment, circulation slow, earnings recovery slow to the characteristics of only a few with strong economic strength of the group to have the ability to enter the real estate market, so, the real estate market of natural monopoly industry, has the characteristics of regional monopoly. Thus in the competition in the area, in the few tycoons have to control the market after efforts to expand real estate differences through, to lessen competition, through the first of the enterprise start advantage, to the monopoly position, and through the monopoly position, make the house prices remain at high standard.


The real estate market is a local market, as do not transplant material carrier, immovable natural in a regional context has regional monopoly, and as the entire real estate industry will tell, his hi...


The real estate market is a local market, as do not transplant material carrier, immovable natural in a regional context has regional monopoly, and as the entire real estate industry will tell, his high investment, circulation is slow, income recovery slow determines the characteristics of only a few parts with a strong economy the strength of the group have the ability to enter the real estate market, the real estate market, with natural monopoly industry, the characteristics of regional monopoly. The competition in the area, a few oligarch is has the ability to control the market through the efforts to expand the real estate difference, competition, through the first enterprise to send an advantage first, reached a monopoly position, and through its monopoly position, so that prices remain at the higher level.


英语翻译房地产市场又是一种区域性市场,作为不可移植的物质载体,不动产天然的在区域范围内有着区域垄断的特点,又作为房地产整个行业来讲,他的高投入,流通慢,收益回收慢的特性决定了 英语翻译美国房地产制度有很多优点值得我们去学习,第一,美国房地产行业是一个非暴利行业,而是一个平均利润行业.第二,美国房产产权清晰,美国是土地私有制国家,房地产市场完全按市场规 英语翻译•企业银行业务•目前,花旗银行在100多个国家与全球性、区域性和地方性公司客户进行着合作.花旗银行在世界各地的市场所涉及的深度和广度是企业银行业务的基石.无论是 英语翻译1•企业银行业务•目前,花旗银行在100多个国家与全球性、区域性和地方性公司客户进行着合作.花旗银行在世界各地的市场所涉及的深度和广度是企业银行业务的基石.无论是 英语翻译房地产绿色营销中文摘要:经过十几年的发展,我国的房地产市场不断成熟,竞争也日益加剧.开发商和消费者都逐渐成熟,市场规则逐步建立,消费者选房更加挑剔,房地产市场逐步由卖 西宁市是区域性中心城市吗 英语翻译这是关于反垄断法的1865年美国南北战争结束后,随着全国铁路网的建立和扩大,原来地方性和区域性的市场迅速融为全国统一的大市场.大市场的建立一方面推动了美国经济的迅速发展 上海合作组织是世界性还是区域性 WTO是最大的区域性贸易组织, 世界上最大的区域性贸易集团是: 中国九大区域性城市群是哪儿? 金砖国家是区域性经济组织吗 英语翻译内容摘要:当前房地产市场竞争激烈,房地产广告市场同样风生水起,竞争越发激烈的房地产广告,为了能在浩如烟海房地产广告中做到一拔头筹,甚至直接到影响消费者的购买行为,各 英语翻译本文主要通过询问法、文献搜集法、SWOT分析法、灰色预测法等方法研究了全运村项目的市场定位、价格定位、未来市场前景以及浑南新城未来的发展潜力.结合目前房地产市场的宏 英语翻译随着国家不断出台各种宏观调控政策,我国房地产市场已经由卖方市场过渡到买方市场,行业间的竞争也越发激烈.为了能使自己的企业在市场上占有一席之地,并获取更大的利润,开发 英语翻译2008年以来,由美国次贷危机所引发的金融动荡加剧了全球范围房地产市场的萧条,而受宏观经济减速影响,我国房地产企业陷入资产贬值、商品房成交量大幅萎缩、消费预期不足、市场 我国房地产市场存在的问题及对策主要是房地产市场的问题,拜谢! 什么是市场调控,什么又是宏观调控?